
The Elvish Choice

This is a book about a girl who happens to make her way into an elf town by accident. Or was it? Read the book to find out more

BookWhisperer · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Why Is This Happening to Me!

I stand and start to walk back to school. Henry of course can keep up with me, so I don't worry about walking slowly. Now, because I left so quickly and look human in a town where only elves are allowed, I draw tons of attention. Especially from the guys around school. I run into a ton of them in different classes and at other places like lunch or at my locker, which of course is in the center of the hallway. Being the only one without elf ears has also brought out all of the girls. I got more attention today then I ever did in my past schools. Now I have had boyfriends and everything but no boy has ever paid me this much attention.

One boy comes up to me and introduces himself as Bennett Amastacia. "I notice our lockers are right next to each other. If you have any questions about this new school and stuff, please feel free to ask. I also think we have a few classes together, like math and science."

"Ok, cool. Thanks for the offer but I think I'm all good." I say politely as to not hurt his feelings. He seems like a nice dude and all but I really don't want to make any new friends until I sort through the whole 'being an elf' thing.

"Maybe later?" He questions, finally getting the hint that I don't want to talk.

"Of course later." I declare. He walks away, seeming some what upset. And that was the first time it happened. I just got transported into his mind. I could see the feelings he felt for me. I could also see that he was one of the most popular boys in my new school, and I had just turned him down. I felt awful now and wished to go back to my own mind/body. I did and then I still looked at him, walking down the hall as people parted. That's also when I called out, "Bennett!"

He looked back at me, surprised that I had called out his name. But he responded and ran back over. "Yes?"

"Maybe I will take you up on your offer, actually. I would love to have someone to show me around and maybe help with homework?"

He literally beams and I'm so happy I changed my mind. I am kind of upset with myself that it took me going into his mind to get me to change mine.