
Chapter 065: Mother & Son

" Mother thank you for accompanying here." I said riding a carriage together with my mother traveling to the Hills of Lamentation.

" Your welcome my son, and as the priestess I need to visit the Hills of Lamentation too." Mother said our carriage entering a gate adorned with flowers together with the road of light we finally reach the entrance to the Hills of Lamentation.

" We lost many lives mother from the west to the east and during the Eclorthian Invasions, for years now hundred thousands or more had died from all sides not only to us." I remarked traveling on a polished road with its light vibes and sculptures at the sides of winged people, spiritual creatures, and immortals glimmering from their own & different colors.

" My son even without war against our fellow Eclorldians we're fighting the Eclorthians trying to invade us for generations, and my son you tried to lessen death of everyone even the others tried too, yet failed & succeed at the same time." Mother remarked stroking my hair tilting to her shoulder its warm and a view outside of a hills filled of flowers growing from the ground to the sky its flowers not trees.

" Mother I'm not just talking about us Eclordians I'm including Eclorthians too we don't know their reasons why they're invading us every 5 years of Eclorts passed until the year of Eclorth ends, furthermore we don't even know when, why, and how our ancestors fought them from the starts also we didn't even know the entire history our world had only some of the Immortals knows it like the God of New, yet something's being hidden to everyone acknowledgement even the Globe of Herean don't know the reasons and the origins of everything." I stated looking on a view outside people praying at the foot of the hills where the roots of those tree-like flowers swraming together it was a sacred nest for the death & living.

" If someone hears you thinking about us the Eclordians & the Eclorthians together they'll thought of you as someone dreaming of impossibly or a miracle, but as your mother and as a priestess I understand what you're proposing yet many tried it before but failed some meet tragic end so my son please don't meet a end like that." Mother kissing the top of my head and sniffing my hair while I notice people outside crying, reflecting, talking to their selves or to their deads, and hills filled with flowers growing above the deathbeds.

" Don't worry mother I would not die or meet a tragic end until I succeed I know it that someday I will know everything and deal with all of our mysteries." I respond and we have reach our destination stepping out of the carriage.

A path with sculptures at the sides being columns to sheds hanging and adorned with flowers from all kinds of them and pavements polished so brights together with its light color emblemed with crests of soul, for time passing by walking to this path until we reach the area where the soldiers from the battlefield at the east being buried another reason why it took them long to return gathering their companions who lost their lives on the war, along with some of the remaining soldier passing by back and forth greeted me before leaving & moving ahead of us.

Me and my Mother walking slowly gazing at the views of families, friends, partners, and companions visiting their deads cause of different events the Hills of Lamentation where we buried our people who died during Eclorth or during war from other empires, for the time the body is buried here a flower will grow immediately above them then grow by time they may look like trees cause of branches at their sides by time where little flowers are blooming and petals increasing per season together with their colors according to the people mourning for their dead.

Like your still not accepting their death the petals would be the same to your shadow still lingering on you every time and when your trying to accept their death the petals would be jet black same to a cave without any lights be seen, for when you accepted their death the petals of white same as a light at the end of the cave and after that other colors would start to show when your happy with your memories with them it will be gold, when your sad with your memories with them it will be blue, when your angry with them it will be red as blood, when your telling or remembering specifics memories with them the petals would turn to violet, green, pink, orange, and more.

Hills of Lamentation, extends more than 10,000 square kilometers from 3 of the Penta-Duchy and 4 of the Octa-Marquisate the longest hills of the continent the tree-like flowers with a height of 3-5 meters and a wide of 1-3 meters along with their roots being connected to each other from the insides of the hills to the feet of the hills, for another information about this place or about the bodies being buried here the is being abosrb by the hills and by the flowers when the body finally disappear the flower would be taken above them cause it became an Immortal Flower and being displayed as a legacy or remembrance of someone to their family or to someone they left behind.

It would took 100 years both during Eclorts & Eclorth for the flower to be a Immortal Flower it will not be burn or mince or slice neither be smash nor anything it will remain forever together with the dead most valuable person, for a situation that no one will take the Immortal Flower it will be displayed into one of the Monuments of Mighties together with their names it and the Hills where the flowers was taken the surface would be reborn like it was a new hill created.

" Mother we have arrived." I said finally after walking for time we reach the area where 30,000 soldiers of the Acun Army died at the east we encountered their families, friends, partners , and companions mourning their death.

" My son let us go there at the center I believe the people are waiting for your speech." Mother said pointing to a place people are gathering.

" Mother our speech was the one they waiting for together so let us go together Mother." I holding my mother hand walking to each other side and receiving greetings.

Years of war resulting for 30,000 deaths to my people It hurt me thinking that my mother could have been with them if something went totally wrong I'm just glad my mother still arrive, while the other who lost one of their parents, one of their friends, one of their partners, and one of their companions also I know they're not totally abandoned cause a law was made for these certain events only one of the parents will be allowed to participate per war so no children would grow up lonely.

" People of Acun together with the soldiers of Acun who died for our empire, I Empress Amaris your other sun still rising at the sky to serve you all until living & death you will feel my service, I'm glad their bodies was still taken care to return them to us and to them that died for us will be rewarded as lives of great people of the empire forever and ever." I stated looking around my people doubled or tripled the numbers of the soldiers buried here listening to my words even I participate on the war there are still death would arrive.

" For my people here and there we shall not forget them no matter what happened we shall remember them forever, for they offered their lives for the glory of our empire a unmeasurable offer that we will received before and after we shall pay them back for honoring, remembering, and making their names as our legacy for more to come we know that everyone we will still do the same forever." I remarked tears flowing from their eyes, holding flowers or certain things filled with great value to each other, and some chants being heard.

" I and Emperor Armaros the 2 Suns of our Empire would do everything for our death & living no matter what the cost we need to pay, I declared to everyone here and there to over our empire no one would be forgotten, be unknown, and be hidden to history until to the future the Suns of our Empire would serve you all." I added my speech ends here and its time for mother to give her own speech I offered my hand at her stand in behind me switching our position.

" My name is Priestess Jare Herean I fought together with our people at the east I hear & see their cries, their prayers, their memories, and their legacy to our empire no one will be ever to compare their death I know that by myself or by everyone, no matter how bad is the person who died on his/her whole life the life they offered for us covered the sins they commit the death shall be respected noatter who it is." Mother stated her hands holding tightly to each other and gazing around the crowd.

" My memories with them, all of them who died and the others who lived will be forever to us and as your priestess I want to share my memories with them so no matter will forget or forsake them, for the sake of peace to their souls and to us still alive cherishing their legacy for our empire please accept the memories I had gather from the beginning until now." Mother remarked and a divine spells was casted a wave of memories coming out above my mother flowing from her to everyone gathered here scenes of the soldiers fighting, enjoying, and wishing for the people they left behind can be seen.

" My memories together with our companions and their own memories too please observe them and record them to our souls to our life now until our next one, as your priestess I felt honored to shared these memories to everyone even though some may be tragic, some are joyful, and some are mixed with both please accept them to your entire selves, I will offer my life like how they done for us no matter what title I had I will do the same for the people we loved forever and ever." Mother ending her speech and people crying, laughing, and more to the memories flowing to us my mother gathered a lot for these event.

We spent hours together with everyone here beofre leaving and return in back to the capital my mother who gathered every piece of memories from her birth until now she is truly divine for her action, I loved my mother and I honored her as the greatest priestess we could have its already at the middle of the night when we left the Hills of Lamentation I felt exhausted yet worth it talking with my people for hours about our futures together make we felt good.

" My son you can sleep at my lap I will wake you up when we arrive at the capital." Mother said I lay my head to her lap I felt relief.

" Thank you mother for being in my side today." I said and she rubs my cheek.

" Your welcome and not just today forever I would be in your side." Mother replied she kissed at the side of my head.

" I would be in your side too Mother and together with Father along with everyone at House Herean also with everyone we met and will meet at the past to the future." Looking at my mother face I want to kiss her a lot like how I did before together with father kissing both of them.

" Yes my son we will together and forever." Another memory being stored by mother I know she will not let any memories go away at all.

" Then I will sleep now mother please can hear your lullaby before." I requested I know I'm already grow up but I want to hear it once again.

" My son, My daughter, My Father, My Mother, My Friend, and My Partner plead my call, let us enjoy our memories cause a day would come when all of it will begone, shall we make it wonderful at the starts to end so no regrets would come together with our memories disappearance." Mother sang her angelic voice with her warm & gentle words pass in through my ears.

" Our Families, Our Friends, Our Enemies, and Our People will never be divided to our memories, cause at the end all of those will go in one path that everyone will accept and regrets shall not be born, As a person who holds a lot of memories from the start to the end invites you all to join me at my wonderful journey." Mother singing was one of my favorites to hear it over and over again.

Another day between me and my mother I love it.