
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasi
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245 Chs

Chapter 188 - fight, fight!

Luck, which is illusory, can sometimes determine a person's fate.

Tang Mo has wondered if he has a bit of a black face. For example, the first time he took part in a rally, he was unlucky enough to be made the poster child for The black tower, and was forced to join forces with Fu Wenduo against nineteen The black tower tier 1 players. But he never really said he was unlucky.

None of the players who have survived this long have been unlucky.

For those who have survived the first six months of the game on Earth, luck and strength are essential, and in many cases luck is more important than strength. The returnees are a group of people who are no less powerful than the Earth players, but because they did not enter the game in the first three days, they were mercilessly thrown into the other world by The black tower, experiencing a brutal fight for survival.

Now Santa says that the dice can increase one's luck.

Tang Mo's breath caught, and he remained calm on the surface, sweeping his gaze over the other players in the house.

The greedy eagerness on the players' faces could not hide the fact that the dice were worth more than they could imagine. If the owner of this dice was not the mighty Father Christmas, there is no doubt that these players would have done everything in their power to take it away.

Father Christmas looked down on the players with a kindly gaze, seemingly unaware of the greed within them. He smiled broadly and said, "My lovely children, come and roll the dice. Let this magic dice grant you luck, it is the only gift Santa can give you."

No one dared to move first.

Desire eventually brings down the guard, and one player couldn't resist saying, "Just roll the dice?"

"Of course. All you have to do is walk up, pick up this dice, and throw it in mid-air. The magic dice will then give you the correct number and give you this luck."

The crowd looked at each other, and finally someone who couldn't resist swallowed and walked up. He carefully reached out to pick up the huge dice and he exclaimed, "Huh, it's so light."

The weight of the dice was not at all as heavy as the player thought, it was light as if it was made of foam. The player picks up the dice and tosses them into the air, rolling them five times and landing on the ground, revealing a number.

"Wow, what a lucky boy." Santa stroked his bushy white beard, "You must be an honest boy, that's why the magic dice gave a '5'. Congratulations, my good boy!"

A dazzling white light leapt from the number "5" directly above the dice and flew towards the player with a whoosh. The player subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the white light, which turned into a small dice in his hand, with only a red number "5" on each side.

The player froze and asked, "That's all it takes?"

Santa nodded: "Of course, son, you've got a piece of heavenly luck. Any other children want to come and try it?"

Players drop their defences: "I'll do it!"

Seven or eight players in a row stepped forward to roll the dice, those with large numbers smiling excitedly and those with small numbers looking unhappy. Tang Mo is about to roll when a white figure swoops up in front of him. Bai Ruoyao picks up the large dice and turns around as if he has just realised that Tang Mo wants to roll.

The doll-faced youth said innocently, " Tangtang you want to roll the dice?"

Tang Mo looks at him expressionlessly.

The baby-faced young man was very generous, "Then I'll let you roll the dice first, after all we are good friends, aren't we Tangtang?" The black tower could not allow players to cheat, but Tang Mo always felt that if he took the dice from Bai Ruoyao's arms now, his luck would be stolen by this snakehead.

So he did not move, staring coldly at Bai Ruoyao.

The baby-faced young man was about to cry out that Tang Mo had misunderstood him, that he was trying to be humble and had no intention of making a mistake. Bai Ruoyao's playful expression suddenly froze on his face as he turned his head to look away.

The black woman in a ponytail smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Then I'll be polite, fly."

Bai Ruoyao : "..."

Flies, my ass!

Mu Huixue raises the dice with one hand and, with a flick of the wrist, throws them into the air.

The dice fell to the ground.

Mu Huixue: "Five? With that, Mu Huixue handed the dice to Chen Shanshan, who was standing a short distance away. Chen Shanshan is stunned, wondering how the returnee has noticed him, and Mu Huixue smiles, "Children first." With that, he slips his hands into his pockets and smiles as he leaves. As he walks up to Bai Ruoyao, he whispers "flies" again before walking away.

Chen Shanshan still pretends not to know Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo, she throws the dice and the number is 5.

Fu Wensheng threw the dice and the number was 2. The child's face darkened and he huffed angrily.

Bai Ruoyao is excluded from the circle of players, Fu Wensheng gives the dice to a player he doesn't know, and a few more people pass before it's Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's turn. Tang Mo takes a deep breath and throws the dice into the air. When the number '1' appeared in front of his eyes, his eyelids fluttered and he handed the dice to Fu Wenduo without making a statement.

Fu Wenduo had some luck and rolled a '4'.

Lastly, Bai Ruoyao.

The doll-faced youth tossed his hand and a blinding number "6" appeared in front of the crowd.

Tang Mo gives Bai Ruoyao a faint sweeping glance, and Bai Ruoyao winks at him with a smile.

With a big wave of his hand, Santa fished the magic dice into his pocket. The players watched as he took the dice away, not daring to stop him, even if they were reluctant to do so.

Santa: "Now that the children have all got their last present from Santa, then ... only it remains, the last room of the candy house." He opened his massive frame sideways to reveal a tall door. A raspy, odd laugh spilled from Santa's throat, and Tang Mo thought he had heard wrong as he looked again at Santa, who still had that same kind and benevolent look on his face.

The old man with a white beard in a red Christmas suit smiled broadly, shouted "Merry Christmas" and pushed open the door.

With a creak, the doors slowly pulled open to either side. A blinding white light pierced the eyes of every player and Tang Mo couldn't help but squint. When he looked inside the room, he saw a giant rainbow lollipop floating in the middle of the room.

This lollipop is bigger than anyone could have imagined.

This is the ninth room the players visit. The first eight rooms are the same size and decorated the same way, only the sweets and desserts in the room are different. But this ninth room is twice the size of the previous eight, with only one lollipop in the whole room, which floats slowly in mid-air with its head on the ceiling and its bottom on the ground.

The room was filled with the rich, sweet smell of sugar, and while there was clearly only one stick of sugar, this sweetness far surpassed that of the eight rooms that preceded it.

Santa puffed out his chest in triumph and proudly introduced, "This is the treasure of my shop, Santa's lollipop! It's also a prop, but it's so precious that you mustn't touch it, children, and I'll get very, very angry if I do." Santa was obviously still smiling when he said this, but none of the players felt he was joking. The hidden murderous intent was chilling.

Father Christmas said: "Many children in the Kingdom of the Underlanders dream of coming to see this lollipop, but I never allow it. It is a magical lollipop and my proudest creation. Not even the great Lord Schrödinger could have made such a great lollipop, it is a perfect work of art in terms of the sweetness of the sugar, the colour of the rainbow pattern and the number of layers of circles. But today, children, you are so lucky that I am allowing you to see this lollipop."

No touching the lollipop, touching Santa will make him angry.

This seems to be a sure death FLAG.

A no-touch lollipop that none of the players wanted to visit, but Santa forced them to. Everyone cautiously moved a few metres away from the lollipop, not daring to approach for fear of touching it themselves. Fortunately, no one touched it and Santa took the crowd back to the door of the room.

Standing in front of the giant lollipop, Father Christmas exclaimed: "It's been a long time since I've seen such good children who are so obedient and understanding as you are. Because you are so honest and kind, and all good children deserve to be happy. There are still three hours to go before the Curiosity Mall closes, so children, do you want to play a game?"

One player said, "This game allows us to take away the luck bestowed by the magical dice?"

Santa was amazed, "So the luck that the magical dice bestowed on you can be taken away?"

The player froze.

The black tower clearly says that Santa seems to have a solution to this problem. Is The black tower lying, or does "seems" mean that Santa doesn't know how to solve the problem either?

A low male voice rang in Tang Mo's ears, "Father Christmas is dishonest."

Tang Mo nods and looks at Fu Wenduo: "Something to do with this game that's going to be played?"

The two men looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

At the moment, it seems that to take away the luck bestowed by the magic dice, players must participate in Santa's game.

As Santa continues to play dumb and dumber, it gradually becomes clear to some players that this Santa is not a good boss in the full sense of the word, and some can't help but ask, "What kind of game is it?"

Santa's voice came to a screeching halt as he looked down at the player who had interrupted him. The thin figure of a female player was reflected in his dark eyes, and Santa looked at her silently for a couple of seconds, sending chills down the player's back and almost dropping to his knees with his legs. Santa smiled again, "This is one of the most famous games in the Kingdom of the Underlanders."

Tang Mo raises one eyebrow.

Honest Card Games, Happy Quiz Games ... Now another one of the most famous games in the Kingdom of the Underlanders has popped up?

You have quite a few games that the Kingdom of the Underlanders is famous for.

Father Christmas: "Every year many children come to my candy house and play this fun game. Come with me, children, let's walk back to the beginning of the game."

Santa leads the nineteen players back to the entrance of the candy house, one room at a time, in the same order as they visited the houses before. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo followed the group through the nine rooms. Gradually, Tang Mo suddenly sensed a strange familiarity.

Wait, the location of these houses is distributed, these houses are of the same size, there are nine in total ...

Tang Mo looked at Fu Wenduo with dismay, realising that Fu Wenduo was just as aware of the incident as he was.

At this point, Santa laughed gruffly, "Yes, it's 'Santa's hopscotch game'!"

All players were stunned in place.

Hopscotch is a game that most of the players in the room have played at one time or another.

This is a very popular childhood trivia game that can be played anytime, anywhere by simply drawing nine squares on the floor with a stone.

Santa's candy house is a natural playground.

It has nine rooms in total, the first three in a separate row, the fourth and fifth side by side. The sixth room is again in a separate row, and the seventh and eighth rooms are again side by side. Finally, there is the ninth room. It is the largest room, twice the size of the previous rooms, because it includes the area of the seventh and eighth rooms.

The second time through the nine rooms, Tang Mo realised that the layout of the nine rooms was identical to that of hopscotch.

Apparently, the players present had also played hopscotch. Santa seemed unaware that the game was very common and he was happy to introduce the rules: "Once a child tried to play hide and seek in my candy house, but my house was so big that I found his body three days later in a sea of chocolate beans. So after that, I never let my children play hide-and-seek in the candy house again. I invented a fun game for them - hopscotch! See these nine houses, kids?"

The crowd didn't say a word and Santa wasn't angry as he sidled away and laughed, "This is your playground."


The ground shook violently and the walls of the candy house made an ear-splitting sound as they seemed to crumble and all sank below the ground. At the original address of the nine rooms, the houses all disappeared and nine blue graphic patterns of the same size as the houses appeared. These patterns outline a rectangle in the shape of a room; only the houses have disappeared, the original contents of the houses remain. In the centre of the graphics are chocolate fountains, glass candy balls and strawberry ice cream ...

In the ninth house, there was the giant lollipop.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As if a light bulb is lit up with a special effect sound, only one blue number appears over these rectangles. Starting with the first room, the numbers are 1, 2, 3 ... in order all the way to 9.

A player whispered to himself, "1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 78, 9 ... Is this really still hopscotch?"

Nice, it's really a hopscotch game.

Santa proudly introduces the game he has designed: "It's a simple and fun game that will give you exercise and make you more familiar with Santa's House of Sweets. Children, have you seen the luck dice you just got from the Magic Dice?"

The crowd pulled the small dice they had just been given out of their pockets.

Father Christmas: "Here are your props. Before you start the game, throw the dice into the square you want to go to and then you can jump to that square. But be careful, you must be fast and you must not step on the grid lines. In each square you can only stay one step and leave a footprint."

Santa stroked his big beard and lamented, "There are always children who are particularly greedy, obviously I've given him lots of presents and lots of sweets, but when he plays the game he doesn't do it properly and always tries to steal the sweets. So I set this rule that you are not allowed to stay in each room along the way, and you are only allowed to eat a little of what is in that room that you throw with the dice."

Chen Shanshan : "What happens if you stay?"

Father Christmas: "How about that?" A sinister bright light crossed his eyes, "Guess what, sweet little girl, guess what will happen?"

Chen Shanshan closes his mouth and stops talking.

Why would anyone die in a sea of chocolate beans just playing a game?

The answer to this seems clear.

Without further ado, Santa pointed his big hand at Bai Ruoyao: "That boy, do you understand how to play this game?"

Bai Ruoyao gave a rare expression of surprise: "Me?" It was as if he was asking why it was me.

Father Christmas: "I've noticed for a long time that you, like Santa, are particularly smiley. My sweet boy, a smiling child is never too unlucky."

Bai Ruoyao : "..."

Although he felt very speechless, Bai Ruoyao stepped forward graciously. Father Christmas: "Take out your dice and let me see if you understand the game. Come on, show us all."

Bai Ruoyao moves his wrist and a small dice appears between his fingers.

Santa was surprised, "A six-point die?"

Bai Ruoyao said, "Shall I demonstrate directly?"

Father Christmas: "You really understand everything?"

With a cheeky smile, the baby-faced young man looks back at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, turns around and throws the dice.

The tiny dice drew a huge arc in the air and was about to fall into the ninth room, but it made a slight turn in the air and finally landed in the eighth room. The dice landed with a crisp sound and the next second, Bai Ruoyao's feet kicked in and his whole body flew out instantly.

Like an athletic cheetah, he nudged the ground in each room, easily avoiding the sweets in the room, and jumped into the eighth room. Not a step more, not a step less.

The tall, thin, baby-faced youth stood in the eighth room, hands in his pockets, smiling and waving at the crowd.

The other players immediately sensed that this baby-faced youth was not to be underestimated and became even more wary of him.

Mu Huixue exclaimed in a not-so-subtle voice, "How true of Fly."

The smile on Bai Ruoyao's face suddenly froze. He snorted and jumped back once more as if flying.

Father Christmas exclaims, "Yes, that's right, you've just entered the eighth house and this house is now lit up by you. Just throw the dice into the correct house in order, jump into that house, turn back again and again, light up all the houses, and you've finished the game. You are a clever boy." With that, he then looked at the other eighteen players, "Do the other children understand the rules of the game?"

Bai Ruoyao : "I don't see that house lit up by me."

Santa pointed to his eyes, "I see it."

A middle-aged man asked, "What does it take to win a game?"

Father Christmas: "Ah, game winning?" He seems to have just realised that a game should have both a winning and a losing ending. The stout, white-bearded old man touches his red hat and thinks for a moment, "Then the first three children who pass the game will all be considered winners. But hurry up, you've got three hours left before the Chitty Arcade closes."

Mu Huixue raised her hand, "There is only one map of the house, who will start hopscotch first?"

Santa strokes his chin: "That seems to be a problem. Haha, no, that's too easy, who says Santa only has a map of the house? I obviously have more!" With that, Santa waved his hand and two blue lights each flew to either side. They landed on the ground and sprang up, instantly changing into two more house maps.

The first eight rooms of these two maps are identical to the previous ones, which show an angle of 120° to the first map. The three maps outline a complete circle, with the ninth room at the centre of the circle.

Inconsistent beginnings, but different paths.

There are now three maps in total, but there are nineteen players.

Without waiting for the players to ask questions, Father Christmas exclaimed, "The child who rolled a 1 and a 6 when the dice were rolled earlier come over to me." The five players gave each other a strange look and walked over to Santa.

"The child who rolls a 2 and a 5, stand to my left." Seven players stand to the left.

"The child who rolls a 3 and a 4, stand to my right." Seven players stand to the right.

Father Christmas clapped his hands, "Look how easy it is, you each use these three maps. I believe that every child has had a chance to play the game now, right?"

Fu Wensheng said again, "No, that still doesn't work." The number he rolled was a 2. He pointed to the six players around him, "There are seven of us in the group, and of the seven of us, who will play first and who will play second? It's only three hours, so maybe the last person won't get to play."

"Trust me, you'll find a way out, my sweet boy." Santa winked at Fu Wensheng.

Fu Wensheng was stunned: "But ..."

Chen Shanshan stopped him and the young girl stared quietly at the kindly smiling, white-haired old man: "He's right, even if we don't split into three groups, we have a way of deciding who goes first and who comes second."

As if in recognition of Chen Shanshan's words, the smile on Santa's face deepened.

The cruelest thing in the world has never been The black tower games or The black tower monsters. It is the human race itself.

A clear, childlike voice rang out -

"Dingdong! The 'Santa's Hopscotch Game' of the large-scale assembly copy game 'Santa's Curious Shopping Street' is officially opened."

"The rules of the game--"

"First, players must use a lucky dice to make a throw, and whichever house they throw into, they can only jump to that house and turn back."

"Secondly, it is a foul to step on the side line of the house or to stay in the house an extra step. The game needs to be restarted."

"Thirdly, players can throw the dice into as many houses as they like, but only if they go through all nine houses in the correct order will they be able to light up all the houses and complete the game."

"Fourth, within the game, players are forbidden to use any props, psychic powers, and violence."

"Santa hates bad kids who steal candy, and Santa has his own opinion as to what is considered stealing."

The players were still trying to understand the words of The black tower when Santa reminded them, "Wow, it's been ten minutes. Children, you have two hours and fifty minutes left."

Without wasting any more time, the players walked to their respective house maps.

As the three groups of players approached their respective maps, a blue film of light rose from the ground, separating them. The players are amazed as they touch the film, which is soft and flexible, but tough enough to keep the three groups of players away from each other. Tang Mo speaks to Fu Wenduo, who shakes his head at him.

This film of light is surprisingly impenetrable even to sound.

It seems that Santa has banned players from talking to each other.

Players put away their petty thoughts and stood one by one at the entrance to the first house, waiting for the dice to be thrown and the game to begin.

"Hehehe, it's fate, Tangtang."

Tang Mo stares unblinkingly at the nine grids in front of him.

Bai Ruoyao was not discouraged, he was like a piece of candy, stuck in front of Tang Mo's eyes and said with a smile, "Look, I am 6 and you are 1. It is a great fate that we are so lucky to be in the same group."

Tang Mo said coldly, "There are five of us in this group."

The implication is that you and the other three are also heavenly.

Bai Ruoyao glanced at the other three and finally looked at Tang Mo with a serious face, "My heart is only for you, Tangtang."

Tang Mo only found it ridiculous, and before he could say anything, he noticed Bai Ruoyao's smile suddenly freeze on his face. He followed Bai Ruoyao's gaze, only to see a tall, dark-haired woman exaggeratingly slapping the blue film of light, denting it with a handprint, as she grinned broadly at Bai Ruoyao, her mouth making a gag.

"Hello, Fly."

Bai Ruoyao : "..."

Tang Mo laughs out loud.

With a man like Bai Ruoyao, suppression by force is really the best way to go. And this man does not seem to be as casual with women as he is with men, not very fond of making jokes about women.

Tang Mo understands that Mu Huixue is trying to help herself, and this powerful returnee seems to love to get involved wherever there is action. When she saw Bai Ruoyao molesting Tang Mo, she didn't hesitate to come over and give her a helping hand.

Tang Mo's gaze pauses for a moment on the two children in Mu Huixue's group.

With Shanshan around, Fu Wensheng shouldn't be too much of a problem, at least not to the extent of being bullied.

And Fu Wenduo, on the other hand, he certainly has no problem.

He just needs to mind his own business.

Tang Mo withdraws his eyes and looks at the five people in his group.

A roll of the dice is supposed to be a probability event. It's like flipping a coin, where the odds of a head and a tails are both 0.5, and a roll of the dice, where the odds are 1/6 for each number, but that's the odds based on big data, and there are only 19 players today. There are only five players, Tang Mo and Bai Ruoyao, who throw 1s and 6s. A young woman who threw a 6 and a middle-aged man who threw a 1.

There is also a throw of 1 at ... Ning Zheng .

Tang Mo takes a close look at Ning Zheng.

Since entering the Candy House, Ning Zheng has narrowed his presence and has no interaction with any of the players. He seems to be a transparent shadow, silently following behind the crowd. Santa asked the players to eat a chocolate cone, and he ate one. Santa asked the players to roll the dice, and he didn't miss a beat.

But he just doesn't exist.

If Tang Mo didn't know who he was, he'd think he was just an ordinary player.

There were only five of them in the group, so normally the competition would not have been as fierce as the other groups, and the two hours or so they had to play was enough for the five of them to get through the game. But Santa said that only the top three in each group could be considered winners of the game.

This group looks easy, perhaps even more terrifying than the other two.

Tang Mo, Bai Ruoyao, Ning Zheng.

Tang Mo knew that none of the three of them would let go of this opportunity. But Tang Mo didn't want to be the first to go, and neither did Bai Ruoyao or Ning Zheng.

The two players' eyes wandered, hovering between Tang Mo and Bai Ruoyao, suspecting that they were planning to join forces.

Instead of explaining, Tang Mo took the bull by the horns and moved his body slightly more than halfway towards Bai Ruoyao's side.

The two groups next door were so large that they were already deciding who would be the first to start the game. Very quietly, Fu Wenduo and Chen Shanshan both chose to stand aside and forgo the opportunity to be the first to play. Mu Huixue, who also stood with her arms around the children, seemed to enjoy the company of the children and was very close to Chen Shanshan and Fu Wensheng.

Tang Mo, the young woman in this group, could not resist and spoke up, "Who will be the first to go?"

Bai Ruoyao smiled cheekily and said, "Ladies first."

Ning Zheng doesn't say a word and looks at the group calmly, seemingly not trying to pass up the opportunity.

Tang Mo was more direct: "I want to be the first, who else wants to be the first to play the game?"

The young woman and the middle-aged man frowned, both hesitated for a moment and took a half step forward.

Tang Mo turned his head to Ning Zheng: "What about you?"

Ning Zheng squeezed his fingers tightly and after a long time, he said, "... I'm not involved." A look of great loss.

Tang Mo gave a subconscious laugh and both the young woman and the middle-aged man looked at him oddly. Tang Mo withdrew his smile. He just found Ning Zheng amusing, and for the first time he realised that Beijing's most powerful returnee had a talent for acting. It was a pity that his acting skills were a little less than Bai Ruoyao's, and if the two men hadn't been so focused on Tang Mo, they would have been able to spot Ning Zheng's anomaly.

Young woman: "So, now it's just the three of us who want to be the first to play the game."

The young woman, who looked the weakest of the three, spoke up straight away and warned, " The black tower said that the use of powers and props and violence is forbidden."

Bai Ruoyao laughed out loud, "There are many, many ways to torture someone without violence."

The two players blushed.

Bai Ruoyao deliberately points to Tang Mo: "He's a connoisseur of this."

At that, both men flinched a little. Anyone could see that Tang Mo and Bai Ruoyao had just fought when all the players came out of the candy house, and they were extremely good at it. They were definitely advanced players. The game can be played later, it's not a big deal if you're not the first to play, and it would be a big loss to go against Tang Mo over this.

With this in mind, both the young woman and the middle-aged man backed off a little and did not want to fight Tang Mo anymore.

A sneer spread across Tang Mo's mouth and he smiled, " Bai Ruoyao , are you provoking me."

Bai Ruoyao was slightly stunned, he always felt that the Tang Mo he knew now was a little different from the one he knew. Hiding his doubts in his stomach, the doll-faced youth continued playfully, "Yes, Tangtang, I was obviously complimenting you on your ruthlessness."

Is that a compliment?

Tang Mo laughed instead of being angry, "So you want to try how ruthless I am?"

Bai Ruoyao felt more and more that something was wrong and said, "I'd like to try it, but Tangtang, The black tower forbids violence."

Tang Mo : "Didn't you just say that I have many, many ways to torture someone without violence?"

Bai Ruoyao's smile stops abruptly.

The middle-aged man and the young woman immediately understood that the doll-faced youth had just set Tang Mo up. These two were not teammates at all, and possibly enemies.

Tang Mo had wanted to mislead the two men into thinking that he and Bai Ruoyao were teammates, to make them wary. But when it came down to it, he went along with it and said, "I give up."

The middle-aged man was surprised, "You give up? Why?"

Tang Mo turns away and moves to a position a metre away from Bai Ruoyao, where he pulls the small parasol from his waist with great speed. There was a sharp cracking sound and the rounded tip of the umbrella came to rest against Bai Ruoyao's throat. Undaunted, the baby-faced youth smiled brightly at Tang Mo.

"No violence, Tangtang."

Tang Mo : "I was sure of jumping into every house and not stepping on the line. But I'm not sure about not stepping on the line with some people messing up."

To prevent Bai Ruoyao from sabotaging the game, Tang Mo simply gave up the opportunity to play.

It is well reasoned and convincing.

The middle-aged man always felt something strange, but could not find the strange point. He looked to the young woman.

Neither man wanted to make a move; they didn't know the depth of the other. The middle-aged man suggested, "Rock, paper, scissors, the winner starts the game first?"


"Rock, paper, scissors - cloth!"

The middle-aged man won and he showed a hint of delight.

Daring to be the first to challenge the game shows that he has the strength to do what Bai Ruoyao just did, without stepping on a single line.

The numbers on the house flashed and floated in the air. The middle-aged man looked at the nine numbers and counted them silently in his mind. Then he took out the dice and gently tossed them into the first square. The man jumped in easily and jumped back up again.

The huge Father Christmas stood in the ninth house in the very centre, stroking his beloved giant lollipop and suddenly exclaiming, "Look what I see, already a lovely child has lit up a house of his own."

The other two groups were arguing about who would start the game first because they were so large, and when they heard this, they all looked at Tang Mo's group.

The middle-aged man was seen happily clutching the dice and tossing them forward again, into the second compartment.

The second grid was also very easy, and even though each of these grids was the size of a house, with the physicality of the nineteen players present, they could basically leap out of the range of the room in one step, leaving only a footprint. The middle-aged man leapt into the second grid with a stomp of his foot, using his strength to stomp through the first house.

He bent down and picked up the dice he had dropped on the floor, then turned and prepared to jump back in. The moment he jumped into the first house, however, the chocolate fountain in the centre of the house, which had been gentle and placid, suddenly surged up.

The man's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "No ..." The surging flood of dark chocolate brushed over his head, and without powers or props, the man was caught off guard by the flood.

The players watched in horror as the player rose and fell in a flood of chocolate. The weight of the thick, greasy chocolate flood was so great that it weighed him down. The man inevitably left numerous footprints in the house and the flood waters became more and more ferocious. Soon, these floods swept him under the fountain.

When the man's body had completely disappeared, all was calm, except for the sticky chocolate sauce on the floor that hinted at what had just happened.

Santa's voice could be heard by all the players, only to hear him say regretfully, "Poor boy, why did you steal Santa's chocolates."

The young woman immediately said, "No, he didn't, he didn't even touch the chocolates!"

Santa brushed his head up and stared at the woman. After a long moment, he laughed strangely, "How do you know he didn't? Boy, he just tried to steal my chocolate, I know it oh so well."

"Santa hates bad kids who steal candy, and he has his own ideas about what constitutes stealing.

A pot of cold water was poured over the heads of the crowd.

A child once died in a sea of chocolate beans because he "stole" them.

Now, the middle-aged man is dead in the chocolate fountain and his body cannot be found. Because Santa thinks that he tried to steal the chocolate.

Tang Mo purses her lips and looks at the calm chocolate fountain in silence, then looks away.

Tang Mo, Bai Ruoyao and Ning Zheng never wanted to be the first to play the game, because they all knew that Father Christmas was not that simple and that the game could never be that harmless.

So that's the really sinister part of this game.

There are nine houses in total and the player has to throw the dice in order, in turn, into the correct house and then walk into that house one at a time to light it up. This means that the player has to pass through these houses many times. Who knows if the sweets that were lying quietly in the middle of the house the last time you walked past will suddenly strike.

Players are not allowed to touch the candy because if they do, Santa thinks you are trying to steal it.

Candies can actively attack players whenever Santa decides you are trying to steal candy.

Some players are intimidated and do not want to participate in this game anymore. Yet the blue film of light frames them and there is no escape.

Chen Shanshan looked up and calmly asked, "What happens if the game fails?"

Santa tilted his head: "The game failed yah ..." a kind smile on his face, Santa's dark eyes but there was not a light in them, he hemmed and hawed: "Guess what, my sweet boy. "

Players who wanted to retreat immediately retracted their feet.

All but one of these players, a mysterious reserve, have cleared at least one level of The black tower, and in fact, eighteen players have cleared at least the second level of The black tower.

Since they could not leave the game, they had to turn their heads to meet it.

The death of the middle-aged man was a warning that silenced the four remaining members of Tang Mo's group. The young woman did not dare to play the game again, and she took a half step back. Suddenly she saw the three men move up together and stand in front of the first house.

The young woman's eyes widened in bewilderment as she looked at the three players.

It was clear that all three of them had just not wanted to start the game, giving up the opportunity to her and the middle-aged man, so how could all three of them now stand over at the same time. The next moment, the young woman's face went white, her fingers slowly squeezing tighter, her eyes indignant.

"... them, are treating us like Little Bai rats!"

Yes, neither Ning Zheng nor Bai Ruoyao, nor Tang Mo, intended to start the game in the first round. They wanted to observe the game and not fight unprepared battles. So the middle-aged man and the young woman jumped at the chance to start the game first, and all three did not stop them.

The middle-aged man's death came as a surprise to Tang Mo, who hadn't expected a player to die so quickly. He took his own dice and looked over at Ning Zheng and Bai Ruoyao.

Bai Ruoyao treats the dice like stones and throws them in the air to play with them. He laughs, "Tangtang, you want to play a game so soon? Aren't you afraid of me messing up now?"

Tang Mo said lightly, "Makes sense, so you go first, I'll mess up."

Bai Ruoyao smiles a little.

The three men had known each other for a long time and were wary of each other.

The other two groups are starting to play, but in Tang Mo's group, the young woman does not dare to make a move, and the three Tang Mo's keep each other in check. As time passes, Bai Ruoyao walks up to the house.

Tang Mo glanced up at him, "Not afraid I'm going to mess up?"

Bai Ruoyao narrowed his eyes: "I'm not like that man, Tangtang, that chocolate flood can't kill me. And from start to finish, the chocolate flood was confined to the house. Once I escape from the house, it can never follow me again. The same goes for the other rooms - leave and be saved."

It dawned on the young woman.

Tang Mo : "Go on."

Bai Ruoyao : " Tangtang, do you really want to kill me that badly?"

Tang Mo did not speak.

Bai Ruoyao looked at him steadily and suddenly laughed, "Hehehe, come on then." With that, he threw the dice forward and landed on the number '1'. Before the young woman could see it clearly, Bai Ruoyao had already finished the first frame and returned to the same place.

Then comes the number "2".

By some stroke of luck, Bai Ruoyao made it all the way to the number '4' without being attacked. He returned to the same spot with a grin on his face and threw the dice into the number '5' again. Bai Ruoyao was as light as a swallow and jumped into the fifth house in three tries. He picked up the dice from the floor and stepped on the soft marshmallow.

With his right foot tapping the ground, Bai Ruoyao was about to jump out of the fifth house, but before his foot could leave the ground, his whole body was stuck to the marshmallow.

A grim smile appeared on the doll's face as the swamp-like marshmallow frantically sucked up this human who was stepping on its head, but this human seemed like a bird easily lending its strength to step on this marshmallow. Each time he stepped on it, his foot was sucked a little deeper by the marshmallow.

Bai Ruoyao had to take five steps to get out of the house because he was stuck. On the last step his whole right foot was sucked into the marshmallow, so Bai Ruoyao took a quick decision and pulled a beautiful silver butterfly knife out of his pocket and cut off his trouser leg and shoe, jumping out of the fifth house.

Father Christmas gave a surprised "eek" and his eyes turned to Bai Ruoyao.

As Bai Ruoyao landed firmly back in place, he spun the dice in his hand and smiled at Tang Mo, "Hee hee, Tangtang, am I good?"

Tang Mo didn't pay any attention to him.

He looked at the young woman again, "You tell me, am I good?"

The young woman, aware of Bai Ruoyao's terrifying strength, did not dare to speak.

Bored with himself, Bai Ruoyao throws the dice into the sixth house and jumps forward again. Tang Mo, however, looks hard at Ning Zheng and then at Bai Ruoyao's back the moment he jumps over.

Wait ...

Tang Mo's mind worked quickly, and in his afterglow he saw two other groups of players, some killed by glass candy balls and others overwhelmed by a sea of chocolate beans. Gradually he caught the strange spot and then looked up only to see Bai Ruoyao jumping right into the sixth house.

Bai Ruoyao was the first player to jump to the sixth house, the other two groups could only jump to the fourth house at most before being attacked to death by the sweets.

Bai Ruoyao lazily walks to the middle of the house and bends down to pick up the dice. Just as his hand touches the dice, a clear child's voice resonates over the street of curiosities. The other two groups of players all stopped moving and listened in disbelief to The black tower's cue. The black tower said calmly -

"Dingdong! Player Bai Ruoyao has successfully triggered the 'Lucky Fighting Stage'. Please choose any player to fight on the stage. Fighting time: five minutes. During the fight, players may use props and may not use psychic powers. The victor's dice may choose to swap with the loser's lucky dice, and the two swap luck."

"Santa loves this hidden reward stage the most, about which Santa has something to say ..."

"Hahahahahaha, fight up, fight up!"

No sooner had The black tower finished talking than in the ninth house, Father Christmas was clapping his hands impatiently
