
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 187 - Stowaway to Europe~

From the outside, Santa's House of Sweets looks like a rather large room, but when you enter the front door, there is more space than Tang Mo could have imagined. Players have now followed Santa through three rooms, each with a variety of sweets and desserts.

The three rooms are of the same size and dimensions, and the fourth and fifth rooms are not so different from the first three - they are still exactly the same.

The doors of these two rooms are almost immediately opposite the walls of the third room, because they are identical. Father Christmas stands in the middle of the two doors, smiling at the players in front of him. The players look at each other, not saying a word, but with their own calculations in mind.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo look at each other and Tang Mo walks to the left, Fu Wenduo to the right.

One by one, the players split into two teams and stood in front of the door of the room they wanted to enter. One team chose to enter the room on the left and the other the room on the right. Father Christmas had no problem with their choice and held out his big hand, counting the number of players in each team: "One, two, three ... Well, there are eight lovely children on the left."

There were nineteen players in total, so it was logical to count out one side and work out the number of players on the other side. But Santa, looking like he was not very good at maths, counted the number of players on the right side again.

"... Eight, nine. Huh, why are there two missing?"

Santa looked up for a moment and found the little girl and the young woman standing in the middle of the two groups.

Father Christmas asked in surprise: "My dear children, did you not hear what Father Christmas just said? Santa, the most democratic Santa in the Kingdom of the Underlanders, has decided to let you vote on which room you want to enter first. Don't you want to vote?"

Mu Huixue clasped her hands in her arms and smiled brightly at the words. "Must you join the poll?"

Father Christmas froze.

"If I have to choose, then I choose now." Mu Huixue didn't move.

Santa: "Well, if you don't want to choose, Santa won't force you. Because I'm the most democratic Santa." Stroking his bushy white beard, Santa reluctantly reached into his trousers, fumbled a few times and fished out another key. He walked over to the door of the room on his right and unlocked it.

One by one, the crowd entered the room.

Mu Huixue and Chen Shanshan were the last to enter the room, as they had been standing outside the group and were a little further away from the door. After entering the room, Chen Shanshan walked straight towards Fu Wensheng and silently blended in with the rest of the group. Mu Huixue watched the young girl's back and rubbed his chin without making a sound.

Tang Mo had been quietly watching the woman, never letting his guard down. When Mu Huixue made no further move, he withdrew his gaze and observed the room.

"Congratulations, lovely children, you have chosen the most popular chocolate bean house in my candy house."

In the centre of the large room is a giant five-metre diameter inflatable bed, and Santa stands beside it, bending down to pick up a large pile of coloured balls from the bed. The balls are the size of a man's fist and as he opens his fingers, they fall through his fingers and clatter against each other.

"No child in this world can resist the lure of coloured chocolate beans, and the best items sold in the candy house are these chocolate beans." Santa didn't give the beans away to the players this time, he patiently explained how they were made: "... Thanks to the great Lord Schrödinger for inventing the chocolate bean machine, which is my second favourite invention and only a little less practical than the golden toilet it makes. "

Mixing chocolate beans with a toilet, the crowd suddenly felt a certain eerie smell permeating the room.

Tang Mo looks carefully at every corner of the room, finally settling on these chocolate beans.

Except for the absence of the "M", these chocolates are an enlarged version of MM beans.

After his introduction, Santa was very stingy in not letting the players touch the chocolate beans before leading them to the next room. As soon as they walked into the room, the players were lolling. With their fitness not being enough to fall over, Tang Mo stepped on the soft floor and he took a moment to distinguish them carefully.

Tang Mo : "It's marshmallows."

Fu Wenduo : "The first room is a chocolate fountain, the second room is a glass candy ball, the third room is a strawberry ice cream, and these two rooms are chocolate beans and marshmallows respectively."

The two men looked at each other and Tang Mo opened his mouth and spoke wordlessly.

"Where's the lollipop?"

Yes, it's a lollipop.

Little did anyone know that Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had a natural advantage in the previous game of True or False Shop from the very beginning -

They know that Santa runs a candy shop.

Six months ago, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, dressed as Messrs A and B, survived seven days in the capital city of the Kingdom of the Underlanders. The two deliberately walked through every street of the kingdom's capitol to gather information. Tang Mo once saw a shop called "Santa's Candy House". The shop had a huge colourful circle of lollipops on the sign, and many underground children were coming and going, so business was excellent.

Unfortunately, this type of information was too trivial for the two men to tell Chen Shanshan and Fu Wensheng. Fortunately, Fu Wensheng was assigned to Tang Mo's room, so all four of them were able to pass.

Any seemingly insignificant piece of information can be the difference between winning and losing a game.

Tang Mo never ignores a clue.

The lollipop is printed by Santa on the Candy House sign, and Tang Mo doesn't think this was done casually. If a candy appears in every room ... then where is the lollipop?

Santa was surrounded by players and didn't notice the eye contact between the two young players. He leads the player door into the next door. This time there are not two rooms side by side, the sixth room is just a separate room like the first three. However the seventh and eighth rooms were again side by side.

Once again Santa asked the players to choose and this time there were a few more players who abstained from voting.

The crowd enters the room on the left, then the one on the right.

When the two rooms had been visited, Santa took the key and stood at the door of the ninth room. The huge, three-metre high vaulted door was only level with the top of his head in front of the giant-like Father Christmas. He turned to look at the nineteen players, his eyes loving and his voice mellow: "Children, pleasant times are always so short, this is the last room."

The crowd's hearts tightened and they looked warily at the old man with the white beard.

Santa's face is written with reluctance, but no one really thinks this is a pure and harmless old man. He is Father Christmas, who has never shown a hint of malice towards players since his surprise copy last Christmas, but he will always be a The black tower monster.

"... Father Christmas loves honest children? Father Christmas himself is dishonest!

In Happy Quiz, Wang Xiaotian's gloating laughter resonates in Fu Wenduo's mind. He leans over to Tang Mo's ear and whispers the words in a lowered voice. Tang Mo has never thought of Father Christmas as a real friendly boss, but hearing this makes him even more wary of him.

However, Fu Wenduo says: "This doesn't mean that Santa wants to kill the player. Granny Wolf has ill will towards the player and wants to eat him. Schrödinger is neutral towards the player."

The world is not black and white, and as far as I can tell, Father Christmas doesn't seem to be a sinister, vicious The black tower boss.

Tang Mo nodded: "Watch and see."

With his lack of vocabulary, Santa expressed his regret for this short visit. "Children, how I would love to be with you forever, but unfortunately the joy cannot be kept forever. Let Santa give you one last present before we enter the last room."

The lofty and tall Santa unclipped his red gift bag from his waist, he furrowed his brow and put his hand in the bag and fumbled halfway through. "Ah, finally, I found it!" The old man with the white beard laughed, his face all wrinkled, only to see him pull out a crystal iced dice from the sack.

In the brilliant light, this iced dice shines with a diamond-like sparkle. There were six sides in all, each with a number written on it. Santa tied the sack back, showing a rare hint of smugness as he laughed, "These are Santa's lucky dice."

"Every year on Christmas Eve, 25 December, Father Christmas rides in a reindeer sleigh to deliver presents to children. But there are so many children all over the world, and I have so many presents. I don't always know which gift to give to which child. So the great Lord Schrödinger made this beautiful lucky dice for me, compliments of Lord Schrödinger."

It's a magical dice that always finds the perfect gift for the children," says a delighted Father Christmas. Every time before I put a present in the children's stockings, I throw it and it makes its choice and picks the one that is full of love. Now, children, I have decided to share this luck with you."

Santa held up the iced dice: "There are six numbers in all, the bigger the number, the more lucky you are. Cast it, children, it's a lucky little game and a gift from me to you."

At the sound of the words, Santa tossed the iced dice into the air with a flick of his wrist. As this dice fell freely to the ground, the light penetrated it and shone a line of small golden letters in the air. At first, players are not surprised to see these words. The black tower never gives the player a hard time when it comes to props, it will tell them exactly what each one does, only the way to find the instructions varies each time and can be quite bizarre at times.

However, after reading the words, the players let out a unified intake of breath. Everyone's breath caught, their eyes instantly blazed up, and the air temperature soared.

Tang Mo's eyes widened and he subconsciously took a half step forward. Fu Wenduo narrows his eyes and locks his gaze on the crystal clear dice.

Mu Huixue also gave a surprised "eek" as she spoke a quick Cantonese that no one could understand and read the instructions for the dice more carefully from start to finish.

Chen Shanshan was stunned, "Is this dice really that amazing?"

"The dice fell to the ground with a bang, as if a tempting hand had lured the players forward to pick it up.

"That's right, it's that magical." Santa laughed out loud, "Come on children, this is Santa's last gift to you before you enter the last room!"

[Props: Santa's Magic Dice]

[Owned by: Father Christmas]

[Quality: Rare].

[Grade: Level 1].

[Attack power: average. Harder, maybe a little painful to hit]

[Function: Increases the user's luck. Throw this dice, and by the size of the number towards the top, the user can increase their luck. The larger the number, the greater the increase in luck. This boost is a karmic boost and cannot be reversed. Luck is graded according to the rules of The black tower, no details are given as to the value of the boost, all explanations are the property of The black tower.

[Restriction: Can only be used in a copy. The effect of this die automatically disappears when you leave the copy. But Santa seems to have a way around this problem.]

[Remarks: Junior, take a gamble? Stowaway to Europe, it's your last chance!