
The Dreadlord (HP+Marvel)

Panda_sword_Master · Filem
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Dumbledore's

I get out of the vault in full battle uniform. He also gives me an emergency portkey to my castle if this don't go well. He also have me a regular portkey to Azkaban and one to Godric's Hallow. I get out to front of the back and activate the portkey to Azkaban and am met with frantic guards. They see me and go to attack.

I send an instant death ease that won't stop at a simple shield charm. It killed them all like their stings have been cut as they just fell down dead. The dementors are seeing and feeling me. They are nuzzling into me as they can tell by the amount of death Magic I have in me and their familiar feel that I am their creator and mother. I go to the prison book that holds all of the people names and stuff in the prison. I found Percival Dumbledore. I struck him from the record here as the other record were at the ministry which I destroyed.

Most of not all of the dementors were now with me cuddleing and grabbing me. I talked to them in their own language as they kept saying mother as mater. It means the same but still. "You all can cuddle me later, go back to the castle, get out of here, you are no longer needed here."

The oldest spoke for the group, "They made warding keeping us here, we want to stay with you." Their were agreements all around. I felt around for the ward stone and headed to that. Then I'll head to Percival. I find the ward stone. It was on a cut quartz stone. I crushed it to dust.

The Dementors are not anywhere to be found so I headed to Percival. Everyone in Azkaban was looking and up against their bars. They were trying to get me to let them out. I walked passed them and when I got to Percival's, he was sitting on the bed.

"Have you come to kill me?" He didn't look up or get up from his bed.

"No, I'm here to make you a deal. A life for a life or more like getting your wife back and you free."

"What do you want in return, theirs always more to deals like this."

"I want Ariana." That got him up and looked directly into my eyes with fury. "It's not what you think, I want to teach her. I want her to harness her full potential, and I want her to be my subordinate. Nothing bad. She can even visit you and her family on breaks or when she completes her training."

He immediately says "no."

"How bout this, I go, and kidnap her from her family never allowing her to see you or your children ever again. Use and abuse her to do whatever I desire, and I leave you in here as I bring Azkaban crumbling to the ground." He was shaking in fury. I just smiled at him and said, "your choice. Oh and as a bonus I'll still resurrect Kendra but she will be my personal bed slave for the rest of her days."

He was even more angry like a calm angry. "You listen here."

I cut him off. "NO, YOU LISTEN! Ariana is an Obscurus, she should be dead by 10, she's 14 right now, how long does she have to live especially with Kendra not their and Albus not wanting to do it and spending more time with his lover than his family who needs him. I only want to help. You are making my actions more drastic than it need to be. I will have and save Ariana with or without you. It's your choice."

He seemed to have calmed down and had a resigned look on his face. "I'll take the first one, but if you hurt her or mess up."

"Ya ya ya, hunt me down, vengeance for eternity and all that. Let's go." I bust down the door and grab him. Dragging him out of Azkaban were on the rocky shoreline. I sent a fusion explosion spell with regrowth at it and then portkeyed with Percival to Godric's Hollow right as it went off so we weren't part of the explosion.

We stand in a dirt street. I follow him to the graveyard to where he assumes Kendra is buried. We eventually find her stone and I just magic her casket up and take out her decomposing body. I start reguvination her body back to its prime. After a bit it was so I used a special item of mine to see Kendra soul and copy all of its memories and experiences. I created a new soul with Abracadabra and implanted everything of Kendras into that new soul and than transplanted the soul into the body while makeing sure it's in top condition.

Kendra woke up with a gasp. When she saw me she curled back a bit scared of me. Probably the other world letting its influence known to her by letter her know I'm a friend of death or master of death of the Hallows.

She curls up to Percival and he picked her up. We start hearing some sounds of a duel and head towards it. We find a 3-way duel of Percival's sons and the heir Grindelwald. I stop all of them in their tracks and they turn to me with their father and mother. Ariana come running coming to stop them but sees me stopped them. The Grindelwald kneels before me with his head down and Albus and Alberfourth look confused and wary.

I got to Ariana and pick her up in a princess carry as I head to Heir Grindelwald. I whisper into his ear with Ariana listening. "Be happy with Albus. You are only the Heir, love you life a bit before world conquest. If you want to find the first Hallow, go to Gregorovitch." I walked a bit off as his eyes widened and I portkeyed with Ariana to my home, my castle.

We were in the sky looking at it as I flew us to the entrance. Their were dementors flying around not having anything against the bright and beautiful environment. Ariana couldn't even feel the usual bad feeling that dementors give off.

At the entrance many of my servants were waiting their for my. The nymphs were off to the side as well as the house elves. In the middle were my servants, most of the warrior women or hunters of the past, wizard and muggle that came after me and I tortured and broke and then remade into what I wanted. Their were few males as I usually just broke them and then hung them from were they were born as warning. Their are still some families that have revenge upon me for having one of their line as my servants. Most of them called them Abdulbaith. It's is kind of true but the most striking feature of all of my servants were their eyes. They are all purple eyes that glow.

My servants kneeled before me and I nodded at them. The head person who used to me Grace Morte now just Grace. She has pitch black hair that seems to suck in the light, pales as a vampire skin, and purple eyes. She is also wearing a battle uniform with a battle dress with a maid costume over top of it.

I said, "Grace, prepare a bath with entertainment and food for me and get a good room for Ariana here. She is to have one of the suites." I clapped and more than half the servants left as well as all the house elves but none of the Nymphs. "I'm also really want some blood bread and some fine alcohol. Tell me what went on while I was away. Leave nothing out." I said the while looking at Nymphs. I went in with Ariana and Grace following me. "Grace, lead Ariana to her place while I go clean."

I left not accepting any argument. I went to my bathroom which is more like a luxury spa as I bath as big as a pool. I go to a record player and put on record that I may or may not have stolen from the future. I get in as music plays and soon walks in a Nymph. She's wearing a belly dancer outfit of my own design as it shows everything off and leaves nothing to the imagination. The silk is see through though she only wears it as a loincloths on the front and back with chains of silver as a top.


(The nymph is purple, just ignore the gold on her head)

She starts dancing as I relax. She gets closer and starts dancing on one of the pillars in the middle. As I watch her assets jiggle, I start getting hard. She looks as me while dancing and I tell her through the contract to start work on me. She gets off the pillar and goes under water and starts sucking me off. Grace walks in soon after.

"How's ah, everything while I was gone?"

"We stopped many of our food shipments. Many of our cattle and farms went under new people and stopped shipping here. Many of our farms that the house elves grow have been doing extra so we have been having Cannibal and one of your servants set up a stand in either Hogsmeade or Godric's Hollow or both as they are the only magical villages. We sometimes set up in Diagon Alley but then usual the ministry become involved so we don't go their anymore.

People know your still active because of this. We have also made some galleons with this so we just put it in one of the basement vaults to store. We let the Nymphs out of the dungeons you had them in after the first year but restricted them to the east wing. We set up Adriana in the West wing with you in the north.

We have also been getting alcohol gifts from the ICW and they even sent a team here but we took care of them. You have also been summoned to the ICW to come at your earliest convenience since 100 years ago. I've been going in your stead as head of Clan Medo Devol not lord so hopefully that's stalled them. Their is an immortal meeting in Greece amphitheater in 2 weeks."

"Oh I want ah want to go to that."

"Yes, I'll mark it and get you a portkey. Our properties in other parts of the world have made insane amounts of money in both the magical and non-magical world. We have even started a company using the oils we sold in both Texas and Cleveland. We named it Morrigan Enterprises. We also have a few factory's and we have many investment in most other enterprises.

We also have also invested in the steel industry with others and have bought from them as well making new industry's. We are also the only competition of the East India Company but we have made friends with the natives and have not been taking slaves or anything of the like.

We have also used your name and connections with the Gorilla Tribes of Wakanda and Wakanda itself. We have not been trading Vibranium and we have been using our connections to be with them. The Gorillas are being restless as they want to meet you so you should meet with them soon."

I looked at her and said, "did you just tell me what to do?"

"No master, sorry master."

"Ah, that feels good. Continue." I was close to finishing.

"Our company on the magical side is the only producer of fine basilisk hide and venom. We have just been using the shedded skin and scales as well as any venom she's willing to give us to sell. She misses you as well.

We also are the only producers of golden apples on the planet as well as the only ones with a living white oak even though vampires keep trying to come and either take pieces of it or burn it down. Our golden apples sell for extraordinary prices and can't be replanted with the seed. Several people and wizards have tried to steal the tree as well but we have killed them all. We also made sure to not give out apples that could extend life as we have been keeping them for us.

We have made cider and other ingredients from it as well and our elf's have been experimenting and growing their capabilities with any and all ingredients."

I finished in the nymphs mouth and she swallowed it all. It was my first in two hundred years and it get good. It was still going and Grace just stopped speaking as I wasn't listening instead focusing on my pleasure. The nymph finished with a kiss to the head and got up out of the water and started washing me. I was just to lazy and she knew how I wanted to smell so she washed me and I came down from my high.

When I finally collected my self I was clean and out of my bath on my bed with a elf coming in with steaming fresh food and a tray for supper in bed.

My elf friend I named Cannibal, who is also the head chef, came in with a blood bread bow with the top on. I can tell that their is soup in in. Theirs also a slab of steak on another plate with garlic mashed potatoes and grilled green vegetables. Their was also a glass of wine with a bottle, a horn of cider and a glass of water.

I ate it all and the Grace started talking again. "All in all we are doing very well but many people want what we have. You taking Ariana as whatever she is, we have given her just the blood bread bowl with soup and a grilled hamburger steak as well with butterbeer for her. We have also gotten the stuff so she can communicate and harmonize with her Obscurus."

"Thank you Grace. I'll teach Adriana tomorrow and next week. Then we'll take a trip without her to Greece for the meeting. Do you know if any of the ICW will be their?"

"It is most likely that their will be an informant their. They may pressure you into a meeting after the Immortals meeting. I don't know if theirs anything I can do."

"It's fine." I pull my covers up and light up a fire in the fireplace with blue flame. "Good night Grace."

She walks out and close the door but not without a, "goodnight master." I soon fall into Morpheus's grasp.