
The Dragon Prince Is Awake

Casen, a human among the supernatural was constantly suppressed by the powerful. Without strength to back up his words he led a quiet life with his head bowed for 17 years answering to his superiors like a dog. For once he wished to be greedy, to have the power of those above him so he could be free of these chains that bound him to the bottom. Come the night of his 18th birthday this yearning of his didn't seem so far away as he thought.

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16 Chs

Chapter 8: Dragon Mother & Dragon Empress

The two of them stayed like that for a while, when Casen let go to ask her a question she remained stuck to him like glue. He didn't have the heart to tell her to get off, not like he wanted to.

Casen looked at the other woman for answers, and she nodded. "As you might have already figured out, this is your mother Isirneth, the Dragon Empress and you can refer to me as your Aunt Tiamat."

He was shocked, to say the least, but it began making sense. His abnormality in how he obtained strength, and his especially unique features. He hadn't seen any other white dragon yet from his short look around when he entered. 

He eyed Tiamat warily, she was widely known as the dragon mother and one of the gods present in the world. He didn't know how to feel about the mother of his race referring to herself as his aunt but if she had a good relationship with his mother then he'd let it go, for now. 

"Are you sure we haven't met? I've heard your voice before." He scrutinized her from head to toe. She, like other dragons, was tall but she was exceptional. She stood at an overbearing height of 220 cm, his mother at 200 cm, and him at 190 cm, he was the shortest out of the three of them. The second difference between him and them was that they were hiding their dragon features, he didn't know how to.

She shook her head and smiled, she did it often. "We have never officially met, I just wanted to help you a little."

Isirneth who stayed quiet the entire time while basking her son in her affection looked at Tiamat with a dangerous gaze. This woman never spoke to anyone besides her and the other gods so she was wondering when she found the time to speak to her son. The fact that she reached him first and didn't tell her made Isirneth jealous. 

Tiamat had a mischievous glint in her eyes when she noticed the look in Isirneth and only sent a wink her way. It was her duty as an aunt to help her nephew, so why wouldn't she?

Casen, who was racking his brain, suddenly widened his eyes with a smile just as wide and bowed his head. "It was you. I greatly appreciate you, Aunt Tiamat." 

Although he made his conviction in refusing to bow his head to others, this woman was the reason he was able to see a path ahead of him. His family would be the only ones that he'd willingly do such for.

"There's no need for that, it was of my own volition." She dismissed his words with a wave of her hand but inside she was happy, such gratitude was rare for her but she enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Interrupting their conversation Isirneth spoke up. "The size of your wings and horns are intriguing, you should still be in the young stage yet your dragon features are unnaturally larger than what I've seen." She touched his wings carefully, dragging her fingers over the cold and smooth scales. 

Casen looked up at his mother. "Young stage? I'm 18 though, shouldn't I be an adult?" 

"Dragons have 4 stages. Wyrmling until they are 5, Young until they are 100, Adult until 800 and after they are considered Ancient." 

Tiamat observed his wingspan, usually a young dragon's wings were 60 inches but his were 82 instead.

"Yes, and your height is already a problem. What if you continue to grow and are taller than your own mother?" 

For once Isirneth cursed her bloodline for being too extravagant and immediately stuffed his face into her voluptuous breasts, hugging him far tighter than he could take.

His oxygen was completely cut off by her hug and his healing body was put under more stress. 

Tiamat pulled Casen from the close confines of death, Isirneth had a hard time controlling her strength and often destroyed her surroundings.

"Isirneth let him heal first." 

The woman in question, immediately recognizing her faults, looked worriedly at Casen's body in bandages 

Turning her head away with her hand on her chin murmuring to herself, her expression changing into anger. "My baby was directly attacked in my territory, I'll need to enforce the rules and place a few trackers on him just to be safe. I should also…" 

Casen watched his mother mutter to herself. He couldn't hear her but for some reason, he felt cold sweat forming on his forehead. He looked at Tiamat who only innocently smiled at him as if Isirneth wasn't close to completely chaining him to her if need be.

Deciding to leave it be he looked down at his left arm that began to feel somewhat constricted he unwrapped the bandages from around it, and as soon as it was free from them the engravings on his arm glowed, and out came the snake from before. He watched as it slithered up his arm and to his shoulder where it then wrapped around him to stare at the two women in the room.

In his eyes the snake just wanted to greet him so he used his thumb to gently rub under its chin. However, to the women they were currently in the environment Casen was pulled into while he was inspecting the scale. They appeared dazed.

It only lasted for a few moments but for them it were mere minutes, when they were brought back to reality Tiamat glared at the snake while Isirneth just smiled in glee. Casen couldn't figure out why.

"You have an annoying pet, Casen." 

He looked at Tiamat and then at the serpent that wrapped its tail around his neck, he shook his head. "It's not a pet, it's a friend. Isn't it cute?" He pressed his cheek against its head, ignorant that it could potentially kill him if it so wished.

Both women looked at each other until Isirneth burst out laughing. She nodded her head in approval.

Tiamat had a more difficult expression, as a mother of an entire race she was always looking out for their safety. This time was no different.

Isirneth, who was still laughing, spoke. "I can already see the horrified faces of your other aunts!" 

Casen's attention was immediately drawn to his mother. "I have more than one?" He knew dragons had more than one offspring but from what he knew he didn't have any other form of family and neither did Isirneth mention him having any.

Tiamat who was still reeling from the encounter shook her head. "They are not your blood aunts, they are your mother's friends who she views as sisters."

Casen nodded his head in understanding and sat down on the bed, his legs were shaking now from standing longer than he should have. "If I'm going to be honest, I don't know what to do from here. I first wanted to come to this continent for information and after that, I'd leave to get stronger." He watched as the snake slither around his body as if checking his condition. 

"You can start by eating the heart Isirneth brought for you. Then we'll teach you what it means to be the dragon prince." Tiamat concluded. She didn't want him to leave right when they just found him and when she looked at Isirneth who was now in dead silence at his words that he'd leave, she didn't want him to either.

Isirneth took out the dragon heart she stored so it didn't get in the way of their hug and handed it to him. When Tiamat told her what happened she asked if she could personally claw out its heart to give it to him, that is until she finished torturing it for the 5th time for even touching her beloved son.

Taking it from her grasp he wasted no time in taking a large bite. It had a gamey taste with a hint of spice which he figured was due to the red dragon's fire traits.

Threads of mana in his body began pulling his torn skin and flesh together while the leftover mana began its path to his heart.

The cool sensation made him let out a sigh of satisfaction, it was addictive and he could never get tired of it. He was in a moment of pure bliss until his mother interrupted it.

"Are you a virgin?" Isirneth asked with a straight and completely serious face. Tiamat was desperately trying to hold in her laugh and the snake looked at him, he could've sworn it was judging him.

His eyebrows pulled together as he genuinely began to think about her question. "I am as much of a virgin as I can be, mother. Though I do recall finding books on sexual intercourse." He nodded to himself proudly when he remembered how diligently he studied when he found them.

For the third time today, the room was filled with silence. Tiamat felt surprised that Casen even answered, and Isirneth breathed a sigh of relief. Her Casen was too innocent to be dirtied by the hands of women, he was to stay pure.

Clenching her fist Isirneth began making plans on how to keep women she didn't allow near her son. Tiamat, who knew exactly what was going on in her head, began to sweat a little but Casen was more focused on the strings of mana swirling around him.