
The dragon Ceres and the human Alice

Ceres is the most powerful dragon that has ever existed in the Arcoa continent, one day out of boredom he destroys a human village that was located at the foot of his mountain, he did not give it much importance but, years later, a little girl arrives to get him out of his dream . Unedited story. Novel written in Spanish, may contain errors.

Mahiro_retro · Fantasi Timur
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6 Chs

Year 1002 (5)

Sixteenth day of the ninth month of the year 1002 of the continental calendar.

During the last days the girl walked almost without rest in a northerly direction.

The only thing she stopped for was to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom.

Apparently her long walk paid off, because in just five days she managed to get out of the immense forest where she was.

Leaving the forest, the girl looked in various directions and headed east.

Two hours passed and she could see a path in the distance.

The girl quickened her pace and after a few minutes she reached the road.

From there she followed the path north.

One hour… three hours… five hours…

The road seemed to never end.

At lunchtime the girl went into the woods on the right and looked for prey.

A long time passed and the girl couldn't find anything

She was about to look in another direction when something fell on her body.


A hiss sounded and the girl felt a bite on her neck.

Despite her surprise, the girl did not panic, she raised her right hand and took something long and sticky by force.

She with all her strength pulled him and plunged her knife into her head.

The snake writhed in pain but the girl did not let it try anything, with a movement of her knife she cut off the head of the snake.


The girl touched her neck with her left hand and looked at the drops of blood on her hand.

A small but harmless dizziness washed over her head.

She closed her hand tightly and grabbed the headless snake that was still wriggling out of the forest.

Outside he lit a fire and began to roast the body of the snake.

'That smells good'

Ceres thought as she greedily eyed the snake's body.

Unfortunately this time the girl did not split the snake into different pieces, which prevented Ceres from stealing anything from it.

When the girl finished eating, she threw away the leftovers and kept walking.

An hour passed and the sound of the neighing of horses was heard.

The girl turned her head and saw how a carriage was pulled by four horses while being escorted by several knights on horseback.

The girl stepped to the side as the horses left a long trail of dust behind her.

After seeing the girl leave, she continued walking.

The sun was traversing the sky until it almost reached the horizon.

At that moment the girl saw the carriage from before parked a few meters away.

Uncertainly the girl approached but when she saw what was happening her nose wrinkled.

Dismembered corpses, blood everywhere, body parts scattered everywhere and dead horses.

That was the scene that the girl found herself.

The girl approached the carriage and opened it.

Inside the seats were scratched and the curtains cut, meaning there was a bit of a scramble to get whoever was inside out.

The girl looked at the forest and saw dozens of steps heading inside.


With a sigh the girl walked over to one of the dead guards and took the sword from her, then she entered the carriage and began to search inside.

In a few seconds she found several gold and silver coins and took them all.

With her knife, she cut her curtain and made a small bag with it, in which she put the coins.

After making sure that nothing important was left in the carriage, the girl got out and continued walking.

'For a moment I thought she would intervene, but it seems that she does not care about her race'

That surprised Ceres, as she knew a good human would help her, or if not, at least she wouldn't ransack the place.

'It seems that her grudge is not only with me'

In a few minutes it became night, but despite that the girl continued walking with the help of the moonlight.

After making sure that she had moved far enough away from the carriage she lay down on the ground next to the street and, with one of the curtains torn off, she covered herself from the cold.

Closing her eyes she let time pass...


Seventeenth day of the ninth month of the year 1002 of the continental calendar.

It was early in the morning, approximately three in the morning.

Everything was calm when the girl suddenly opened her eyes and looked towards the forest.

In the distance there were a few signs of light, which means that someone is around there.

The girl slowly got up and, using the moonlight, she began to walk away from the place.


The next morning.

The girl woke up and stretched as usual.


She sighed and she got up, then she picked up the makeshift blanket from her and continued walking.

It didn't take long for the girl to see the great walls of the city in the distance.

Although her face did not show her emotions, her eyes narrowed, as if to say that she was relieved.

With a little speed she began to trot in the direction of the city, ignoring the fact that she hadn't eaten and that her stomach was screaming with hunger.

The path continued and joined other paths, which meant that the girl was no longer alone, now dozens of people were walking or riding in her carts near her.

When he finally got close to everything, he began to line up to enter.

'It seems that the world has not changed much'

Ceres thought as she looked at a wagon with slaves of all species on the side.

This seemed to be a human city, as humans were the only ones lining up.

'Although I don't remember this city'

Ceres looked towards the immense mountain behind them, despite having spent days moving away the mountain seemed not to have changed.

Minutes passed and the line progressed until the girl reached the front.

"Show me your pass"

An armored guard said.

"I lost my pass, I'm going to pay for a temporary one"

"It would be a silver coin"

The girl took out a silver coin from the small bag and handed it to the guard.

"Hang on a minute"

The guard took the coin and entered the garrison.

While the girl waited, she heard a horse trotting.


Nearly a dozen knights on horseback hurried out of the city.

The girl turned a little in the direction of the horses but in a few seconds she lost interest.

"Here, return it to the town hall when you have your new pass"

The guard returned and handed a thin white card to the girl.


The girl took the card and put it away, then entered the city.

The place was busy, whether it was people or carts, everyone was going somewhere.

The buildings were at least two stories made of wood and stone.

The girl did not follow the flow of people, but instead she entered an alley and began to turn around several times until she reached a building with a fork sign at the entrance.

As she entered, a bell rang.

More than a dozen men stopped eating and stared with sharp, mischievous eyes at the entrance.


The girl was unfazed by such a show of power and she simply walked over to one of the tables and sat down.

It didn't take long for a woman with voluptuous curves and scantily clad to approach her with a menu.

"You came back girl, I thought you had died"

The woman said as she stroked the girl's head.

"Give me this"

Ignoring him, the girl pointed to something on the menu and asked for it.

"Hey, she was really worried about you, at least tell me something hahahaha"

The woman said as she left.

The girl closed her eyes and waited patiently for her food to arrive.

One minute... two minutes...

"Hey beautiful, how about coming with me"

As the girl rested a muscular man in leather armor with a sword to her left approached her.

The girl gave him a disgusted look and closed her eyes again.

"Come on, don't ignore me"

The man did not understand the hint and felt entitled to sit in front of the girl.

"You know, the world is dangerous out there... if you were with me you would be safe"

The man said as he reached out and touched the girl's face.

'Even goblins don't do something like hit on a girl of her species.'

Ceres thought as she watched that she would make the girl.

"Do not touch me"

"Hey, don't be like that, I'm just offering you… AHHH!"

Before the man could continue, the girl snapped the knife out of her and plunged it into the man's neck.

The man immediately grabbed her neck and began spitting blood as he stepped back and glared at the girl.


The man could not continue with what he was going to say because the blood blocked his airway.

This was the case for a while until the man fell to the ground and began to writhe.

"The curse of beauty, I suppose"

The woman from earlier said as she handed the food over to the girl.

Both the woman and the men around them looked down on the man on the ground and did not pay the attention that would normally be given to the matter.

"You know... we'll have to clean up the blood and dispose of the body..."

The woman said as she smiled at the girl.

Without stopping the girl from eating, she took out several silver coins and gave them to the woman.

"Thank you!"

The girl ate peacefully for the next few minutes while the local staff disposed of her body.