
The dragon Ceres and the human Alice

Ceres is the most powerful dragon that has ever existed in the Arcoa continent, one day out of boredom he destroys a human village that was located at the foot of his mountain, he did not give it much importance but, years later, a little girl arrives to get him out of his dream . Unedited story. Novel written in Spanish, may contain errors.

Mahiro_retro · Eastern
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6 Chs

Year 1002 (4)

Ninth day of the ninth month of the year 1002 of the continental calendar.

Early in the morning, when the sun's rays were just beginning to appear, the girl opened her eyes.


With her right hand she began to scratch her eyes and with her left hand her hair.

She lazily got up from the ground and opened the tent.

In that Ceres also opened her eyes and, just like yesterday, she floated up to the girl's head.

The girl built a fire and began to roast the leftover meat from yesterday.

Sparks flew as she cooked, a fragrant smell rose up and woke Ceres's stomach.

Just like yesterday when the girl wasn't paying attention Ceres she stole a piece of meat.

This time the girl didn't notice her, or if she did, she didn't care.

When she finished eating, she put out the fire and began to take down the tent.

After a few minutes everything was in the backpack, so the girl continued down the mountain.

One step, then another and another, so she created a small path on the snow, which was covered some time after with fresh snow.

The girl went down for hours and hours.

The sun was high when the first trees could be seen in the distance.

The girl quickened her pace until she was near the trees.

When she reached the trees she began to throw all the wood from her backpack as it was no longer needed.

Following a route, the girl began to go down through the parts where few trees obstructed her path.

At one point, the girl saw something in the distance, so she immediately stopped and crouched down.


A huge white bear was in the middle of the route planned by the girl.

With no other choice, the girl began to circle the area so that she wouldn't wake up the large sleeping creature.

'Can he beat that little cub?'

With a wicked idea, Ceres floated a branch at the girl's feet.

With a cracking noise the branch snapped, causing the bear to immediately raise its head.

The girl looked at the ground in surprise, she was sure she couldn't break a branch the way she walked.


The bear saw the girl and began to run towards her.

With no other choice, the girl stomped on the ground and began to run.

Thanks to the big body of the bear, the girl had the advantage through the trees, but despite that, the bear was faster, so it constantly stayed behind the girl.


After a while the girl began to gasp for air and her speed slowed down.

The girl's eyes rolled looking for a possible way out but she couldn't find anything, her destiny was to be caught.

"Ha… ha… HAH!"

The girl suddenly screamed and stopped, then pulled the knife from her and ran towards the bear.

The bear quickened its pace when it saw that and launched itself with its mouth open at the girl.

The girl crouched down at that moment and plunged the knife into the bear's leg.


In return, the bear used her large paw to slam the girl's back, which launched her into a tree.


The girl writhed in pain, but despite that I got up again and faced the bear.

The bear jumped at the girl and used her mouth to grab her left arm.


In pain the girl screamed.

At that moment, the girl used her right arm and, with force, she began to plunge the knife into the bear's face again and again.

Right now it was a war of who gave in first, would it be the bear or the girl?

It seems that neither did, the bear with all her strength was twisting the girl's arm, ripping it off in the process.

At that moment the girl fell and was sprayed with blood from her own arm.


The girl used her right arm to try to stop the bleeding from her left arm, but the blood did not wait, the girl in second lost more than half of her strength.

The bear, victorious, began to chew on the girl's arm.

The girl saw an opportunity in that, she slowly backed away, and when the bear was some distance away, she ran.

'This girl lacks training, if she had a good instructor she could achieve great things'

Ceres thought as she watched the direction the bear was walking away.

After running for a while, the girl fell to the ground and breathed heavily.


The bleeding was too much, the girl lost consciousness in a few seconds.


Hours later.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked around her.

At that moment she seemed to remember something and she spied her left arm.


Luckily her arm had grown back.

The girl tried to find her backpack but then she remembered that she left it where the bear was.

With only her knife in her hand, the girl got up and began to run at high speed to reach the base of the mountain as soon as possible.

Ten minutes… thirty minutes… an hour.

Despite no longer having breath, the girl kept running.

Fortunately for her, she did not meet any animals for the rest of the way, which saved her a lot of time and effort.

After a few hours the sun began to set.

At this time the surrounding snow began to thin out until it finally disappeared.

Seeing that, the girl slowed down and stopped, then began to breathe with great force.

A few seconds passed and the girl headed towards a large tree and began to climb it until she was at an optimum height.

Thanks to the fact that all the food and water was in the backpack, the girl did not eat dinner this time.

The girl chose a comfortable position and closed her eyes to later sleep.

She closed the floating part of her away from the girl's hair and she lay down on a branch, then she closed her eyes and slept.


Tenth day of the ninth month of the year 1002 of the continental calendar.

Early in the morning the girl opened her eyes and jumped from the tree.

Following her, Ceres floated up and landed on her head.

The girl started running immediately.

Whether it was because she knew that her strength would be running out without food or water, or because she was afraid that some animal would find her, however she did not stop for the next few hours.

The sun was high in the sky when the girl finally reached the base of the mountain.

'To have gone down in less than four days... a normal human would take more than a week, not counting the animals and the vertical wall, that would add more than a month.

With each thing that the girl did, Ceres became more and more interested.

The girl did not stop at the base of the mountain, she kept running as if she knew the place and came to a mighty river.

The girl immediately crouched down by the water and began to drink.


She then she sighed.

I find a tree and pluck off a long branch, then use her knife to sharpen the point of it to create a spear.

After that she took the spear and began to search through the forest.

It didn't take long for her to find a small rabbit hopping freely.

The girl waited in a bush and when the rabbit was close enough to her it attacked her with her spear.

Perfectly the rabbit had been killed by her.

She returned to the river side with her kill and began to skin it.

In a few minutes she had the rabbit ready, so she lit a fire and began to roast it.

As always Ceres stole a piece of food from him, although this time it was small.

After eating, the girl got up and began to cross the forest.

Giving steps and jumps she went further and further away from the mountain.

She sometimes saw somewhat dangerous animals, but she agilely dodged them.

In a few hours she reached what appeared to be a huge hole in the ground.

The hole seemed to be recent as there was hardly any vegetation at the bottom.

The girl stopped for a moment and turned her head to the mountain, then she turned to the hole and walked around it.

The hole was huge, so it took the girl a long time to go around it.

On the other side she continued walking further and further into the forest.

At some point the sun began to hide, so the girl looked for a tree and climbed up, then she closed her eyes and entered the kingdom of dreams.

Ceres this time didn't get off the girl's head, she just settled down and slept.