
The Disastrous Life of a Gamer

What will you do when in the middle of the night, you will wake up with a wild Deadpool standing in front of your bed ? And how will you react when your entire life will turn into a game? I do not own anything other than the story and the OC characters.

MeatBunKun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
87 Chs

Chapter 19 How to tame a Yandere 1

Quite a pity I can't use the body of that Otsutsuki for something like giving myself an upgrade or bringing it back to serve me as a loyal meat shield.

Now that the threat was killed and the princess saved, I turned my head towards the Hyuga girl that I was caring in a princess carry…something tells me that or I will die or I will get another stalker.

When my eyes meet the girl's eyes, she blushed and turned her gaze away. Oi, girl, I saved your sexy ass and that's how you treat your savior?

[+15 Affection with Hinata Hyuga for saving her life]

[+5 Affection with Hinata Hyuga for being cool]

[+10 Affection with Hinata Hyuga for being there for her when her crush wasn't]

Game, show me her affection meter, please.

[Hinata Hyuga- 40 Affection

Thoughts about you: He's so cool and handsome, but…no…no, he's better?]

Did I just break her?

[How should I know that host? I'm just the helper not the solution of all of your problems]

"Ano…Yoshida-san, thank you for saving me. I'm really glad that …that man didn't manage to kidnap me…"

Giving her my ultimate move, I smiled at her, earning me another blush from her.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't have walked out of the village anyway, at least not alive. After all, I like to save my friends (or targets). Plus the fact that I don't approve of his way of treating a girl, after all, you need to make them happy if you want a happy life. Happy wife, happy life."

[+10 Affection with Hinata Hyuga –she start seeing you like her new crush]

What in the Hot Crispy Kentucky Fried Fuck is wrong with this girl? I'm handsome but I'm also a troll and believe me when I say that I will troll the whole world just so that I laugh in the end. Not to mention the fact that I have a girlfriend that may or may not kill me if she hears of what I'm doing right now, and wasn't Naruto your crush for fucks sake?

[Congratulations host for creating a new skill]

[Bloodlust Detection –Lv1/100

Helps you detect the bloodlust and dangers directed towards you]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

[Bloodlust Detection level up]

I'm so dead. Slowly turning my head towards the village gate, I saw a demon walking towards me with a smile and a kunai in her hand.

I quickly put Hinata on the ground and decided to use the best skill learned from a well-known and respected family: [Run Away]. The shinobis were confused by my behavior, but when a red blur passed through their ranks, some of them understood why I reacted that way and bowed towards me as an homage to a fallen brethren.

As I was running from my death, I felt something passing right next to my face and when I looked in front of me, I saw a kunai hitting a tree. Running and having a chance close to zero to survive or confront my Yandere Girlfriend and maybe survive.

I stopped right next to a tree and just as I thought Karin stopped right in front of me. She was smiling, but that smile that makes you regret your life decisions if you ever saw it.

Taking a deep breath and making a short prayer in mind, I looked at Karin without even flinching.

"Karin-chan, why would you try to hurt your boyfriend? Did I anger you somehow?"

Best words, Sherlock, now I'm sure that I pissed her even more than before.

"Haru-kun, what did I told you not to do? "

"Go buy some milk? No, wait that's for later…not to chase after other girls?"

"And what did you just happen to do?"

"Save a fellow shinobi from being kidnap by a pervert pale man?"

"As you saved her, you managed to steal her heart, do you think I couldn't see the hearts in her eyes while she looked at you? Now, Haru-kun how should I punish you?"

You know what? I will tame a Yandere and I will continue to live as the Yandere Tamer.

"You are doing well in that silly head of yours?" The question was accompanied by the sound of leaves and sticks being walked on by my girlfriend.

"Other than the inner desire to kill you so that I can keep you to myself and then crying over, I think I'm doing well, Haru-kun," Karin said those words while tapping her nails on the kunai in her hand.

I walked towards her, clearly surprising her as she thought that I will try to run once again, but not this time. As I walked towards her I could see her struggling on what her next move should be and by the time, I presume, she found her answer, I was already in front of her. I slowly and gently hold the hand which has the kunai while the other hand of mine was gently stroking her back.

"Don't worry, you silly, I won't abandon you or break up with you. After all, who will take this idiotic boy as a boyfriend? Heck even now, I don't know what you found interesting in me for you to fall in love with me."

Hearing my words, she smiled at me and before she knew what happen, I kissed her, earning me another kiss, though this time, it was a French kiss.

We continue to kiss each other for a while and before we know it the night passed while we kissed under the moonlight.

By the time the whole forest woke up, we were standing on a tree branch hugging each other and looking at the sun rising.

"Haru-kun, just don't forget about me okay?"

"Why do you say that Karin-chan? After all, you are my girlfriend, how could I forget you?"

"That Hyuga bitc…girl will surely see you as a crush now that you saved her like a prince on a white horse."

"Ah, that… I assume it, I guess, but don't worry, you are my girlfriend and I won't ever break up with you and as a King, I will need a Queen, am I right?"

"While that may sound good and I'm really happy that you want to marry me sometime in the future, didn't you know that the Kings have/had harems? Which makes me think that maybe you want one for yourself."

"Of course not, my dear. I don't even imagine myself with a harem."

"For real? Don't you dream of having tens of girls crawling naked on your bed and begging you to bend them over and ravage their bodies as you please?"

Before I could respond, an angel in the form of an ANBU appeared near us to save me.

"Yoshida-sama, Lady Hokage wants to speak with you."

"Thank you, boar. Wait, come with us, after all, it's quite a while if you run to the village."

Thankfully, I had the [Exchange Position] skill which to be honest, was one of the best things I could create. Not only it will let me travel to any location in the world, as long as I have a minion (undead) there, but it could also be used in battle to sneak attack a target and remove an annoyance.

Moving some ghosts here and there was extremely helpful, and having them in all of the Kages' offices, particularly the important ones, was even more so.

Using the ability, I and the other two were immediately teleported to Tsunade's office, and as we came out of nowhere, fifteen ANBU surrounded us, prepared to fight or catch us if we were enemies.

Tsunade was shocked to see us arrive so unexpectedly in her office; after all, she had just sent the ANBU two hours before to look for me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters.


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