
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

To the Grandline

Sitting down Carmen served him breakfast. And Carina spoke

Carina: Captain we made a lot of money. 10 Billion in Beli alone. Plus we have tons of gold and treasures that I still haven't counted.

Ryan: Well you'll be in charge of the money. When we land on Island's with no Kingdom you'll have to give everyone money to spend.

Carina: Got it. A few of those captives joined the crew and some are good at counting. I had them join me so they can help.

Ryan: That's good. Have you found a ship.

Carina: Desire is out looking for one right now. I also told her that one can be built if necessary.

Ryan: Good. How are the losses

Kuro: Not much. We lost around 100 men. Others are injured.

Ryan: We need a doctor. I also have a potion potion fruit for the Doctor. We just need to find a good one. Combat isn't necessary as long as he's good.in the field of medicine. Also a shipwright and musicians. Desire can work the Underworld and information network.

Carmen: Captain we'll need more food.

Ryan: Sham and his unit will be your teams immediate guard Carmen. Buchi for you Carina and Gambia for Desire. When they arrive they'll be at your full disposal.

Kuro: Jangos unit is reserved for the Doctor or Shipwright.

Ryan: Doctor. I'll have to find another person for the Shipwright. But the shipwright I want won't need it. It's just gonna cause some trouble to grab these guy's.

Augur: More trouble than this

Ryan: They're undercover Ciphor Pole agent's.

Augur: WG loyalist. How are you gonna. That yellow fruit

Ryan nodded as he said

Ryan: The secretary is also there. We just need to wait until we get to Water Seven to grab them and make our real ship.

Carina: A ship plus a fleet of ships is gonna cost.

Ryan: Don't worry we'll rob a few more Kingdoms along the way and then go to Sky Island to claim the City of Gold.

All: City of Gold?

Carina: Noland the liar was telling the truth. The city Exist.

Ryan: That's right. But it didn't sink it flew in the sky and joined Sky Island. We'll get there soon.

Carina: The thing your father left is a hammer and a large stone with weird things on it.

Ryan: Oh~. Cover it up for now. When the ship is ready put it with the treasure and I'll explain it later.

Pirate: Captain, Captain the paper is here.

They all looked at a few Pirates bringing multiple papers over.

Ryan: Haha It's big news eh.

On the front page is the scene of the banquet. A bunch of Pirates laughed. A corpse on the side without a head. Behind Ryan who wore a crown and the others countless treasures could be seen.

Ryan: Nice picture right.

Augur: It's really not putting the navy in our eye's with this.

Kuro: So this is why the captain covered us up. It's really a god-like ability.

Kuro said looking at the second page of the newspaper. It's a double picture covering both pages. it's a picture taken when the wind tornadoes slowly turned into flames tornadoes.

Fire and wind danced in the hands and surrounding of Ryan. His face has a playful smile as he looked on at the destruction he caused. The next two pages are of the full beast form's of Kuro, Gin, Sham and Buchi.

The other is pictures of Bartolomeo, Van Augur, Gambit, Jango and Desire. The next page talks about the history of each person. Then talks about the cruel act of destroying a kingdom. Then the bounties are out.

Ryan: Oh so high. Well I guess my power alone is a major threat to anyone.

Kuro: East Blue has a bounty of 100 million for the first time.

Augur: You and Gin have the second highest followed by me and Bartolomeo. Then those guy's.



Natural Disaster

Pendagran D Ryan

$ 100,000,000



Evil Eye's Kuro

$ 50,000,000



Roaring Thunder Gin

$ 50,000,000



Flashing Van Augur

$ 25,000,000



Mad Demon Bartolomeo

$ 25,000,000



Hypnotist Jango

$ 10,000,000



Tasmanian Sham

$ 10,000,000



Scimitar toothed Buchi

$ 10,000,000




$ 5,000,000



Immovable Gambia

$ 5,000,000

Carina: 290 million. Wait what about me and sister Carmen.

Carmen: Carina we didn't fight so we didn't get one. If we had transformed once then we may have gotten one.

Ryan: True. With this we'd better hurry up and find those siblings. That man will be coming home soon.

Carina: Who?

Ryan: Ever wondered why the East Blue is the weakest Sea.

Augur: Yeah. East Blue is better in terms of wealth and prosperity but it doesn't mean it loses in the potential of the other blue's

Ryan: It's because every once in a while that man comes home and cleans the east blue. The man who chased the former Pirate King around the world. Navy Hero Vice Admiral Iron Fist Garp. His home is the Goa Kingdom. He's the reason for the weakest Sea name.

Kuro: That man huh. is he really so frightening.

Ryan: He is. That's why we need to hurry up and find those two siblings or the navy betrayer. Preferably the siblings. Then leave the east blue or we'll be chased by that guy.

Augur: Can he still be so strong with his age

Ryan: He still uses Marine Warships as punching bags to train. So what do you think.

Carina: Why is he so scary. Does he also have a devil fruit.

Ryan: No pure physique and Haki. That's why I said Haki is the number one force on the sea. DF are only an assistance. Of course special DF like mine, Whitebeard, Logias and Mythical are easier to rise. But once you meet a Haki powerhouse it becomes a back burner. Especially for him as his Armament Haki is Second to none.

Kuro: Well then let's speed things up

Ryan: That's right

They then started to wake up everyone up. Surprisingly a few of the captured woman joined. Maids, cooks, wet nurses and even a few royal concubines. Desire also found three large ship's for use.

Carmen filled each ship with plenty of food. Carina stored the Gold on each ship. While the Beli is on the main ship. With everything ready Ryan had everyone leave the Frankfurt Kingdom. The citizens looked really confused seeing them leave just like that.

Nevertheless they still went inside the royal district to see if they can grab anything that the Pirates had left. When they entered the old and young royals also entered. It was destined to be a long day for the two sides.

Two Days Later, Clock Work Island

Ryan: Well they ran away pretty fast. I guess all the gold slows us down.

Augur: How are we going to deal with them

Ryan: Uhh. I honestly don't know. Part of me wants to destroy this long key and make the entire Island fall. Then again doing so would break my own rule.

Kuro: Me and Gin will take a few people up and bring them down.

Ryan: Try not to kill so many crew members. Also grab those Scientist we could use them.

Kuro: Alright

30 Minutes Later

Ryan: So Bear King, Honey Queen how about joining my fleet.

Bear King/ Honey Queen: Fleet?

Ryan: That's right fleet. I have positions for my overall crew already filled. All but a few are needed. Now I need to slowly assemble a fleet of my own as I make my way through the Grandline. You're my first target.

Bear King: If I refuse

Ryan smiled as he stretched out his hand. Carmen gave him a yellow fruit. He said

Ryan: Even if you refuse you'll still join willingly. Besides you're still the captain of your own crew. Only I'm your backer when you can't handle the situation.

Bear King: I'll join.

He didn't know what that yellow fruit was but he didn't want to eat it.

Ryan: Good pack your things and let's go. After this we'll go see Arlong and then go straight to the Grandline.

Kuro: You're taking in the Fishman Pirates?

Ryan: Kind of. I plan to use them for the future. But not now I want them to do some things for me. It's like a secret reserve until later. And for them no isn't an option. Just beat them and feed them the loyal fruit directly.

1 Week Later

Kuro: We're not going to Logue Town?

Ryan: Of course not. I'm not interested in seeing the place a dead man was executed. Besides that monster is definitely there waiting. I'm not ready to face a pure physical body powerhouse like him.

With that they sailed straight towards the upside down mountain. And like Ryan said Garp was indeed there waiting for him to arrive.