
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

The world of the strong

Xxxxx Island

Ben Beckman: Yes

Ryan: Oh~ Ben Beckman~

Beckman: Kizaru?

Ryan: No Ryan.

The original smiling Red Hair pirates stopped. They all looked at the phone in unison

Ryan: For some reason I feel that your entire crew wants to hack me with a knife. Hahahaha

Beckman: What's the reason for you calling our Red Hair Pirates?

Ryan: A trade. A fruit that can heal the arm of your captain. In exchange you all write down how you trained to get this strength. For instance Haki and body workouts. What you felt at the moment of awakening and how you use it now.

Beckman: Heal the captains arm?

These words caused the Red Hair Pirates to all lift their spirit's. Getting Shank's arm back would definitely make them even more happy.

Shank's: It's just an arm. Besides what do you plan to do with this knowledge.

Ryan: Spread it around the world. Create a book on a systematic way to gain strength. Kaido, Big Mom, Hawkeye and Doflamingo have already agreed to write there's

Beckman: What did you offer them in exchange. It wouldn't be you and one of Big Mom's daughter will get married and join forces right.

This sentence scared everyone including shank's. If the Disaster Pirates and Big Mom Pirates join forces it'll be huge.

Ryan: Your words are crazier than mine. Doflamingo got his son and some pure gold rings. Kaido wants Queen to speak with Vegapunk and some pure gold rings. Same with Big Mom. And Hawkeye has his son.

Shank's: His son?

Beckman: The Serephim that Vegapunk created. You didn't keep such a combat force. You actually let them roam free and do as they please.

Ryan: With or without them the WG will fall.

Shank's: I don't need the fruit. I won't share that knowledge with you. Besides how do I know if such a fruit is even real.

Ryan: You can take the fruit first.

Shanks: I can just back out of the deal. We're Pirates after all.


Shank's: I don't see the joke

Ryan: Shank's don't try that with me I know your character best. A guy who let's a little mountain bandit bash his head in with a wine bottle. And willingly takes the blame of destroying an island to protect his precious daughter. You wouldn't do it. Even if you want to because it's me and you don't like me. It'll be against your entire nature as a person.

Beckman: You even know of this incident. No one in our group would mention this. Not even to the fleet member's. Your information network is scary.

Shank's: Like I said I won't do it. It's just an arm.

Ryan: Hahahaha I figured you'd choose this decision. It's really pleasing. But it doesn't matter you can't stop me and you won't be able to stop that guy Teach. You should've listened to Buggy when he told you that guy was a monster.

Shank's: How do


Shank's: How does he know that. He shouldn't have even been born at that time.

Beckman: He's trying to rile you up. Just ignore it. But isn't Teach the guy who scarred you?

Shank's nodded as he touched his face. He frowned as if it was hurting.

Shank's: Does he even know what that guy Teach is planning.


Desire: Do we call Whitebeard now

Ryan: No I'll meet Whitebeard personally. Prepare Jack The Ripper. Call everyone back and for this time I'll be out for a while and when I get back the tournament will begin. Let's give the world some color beside myself.

Desires and Khalifas eye's flashed as they smiled and said Unison

Both: Yes Captain

Five Days Later Hatchinos

Kong: Zephyr, Tea Dolphin it's good you're alright. Wait your arm is healed was it Vegapunk?

Zephyr: No it was him.

Kong: Is he trying to win you over

Zephyr shook his head and said

Zephyr: It's only because he'll definitely defeat the WG that he healed my arm.

Kong: Zephyr the WG may have suffered a few losses but he's not able to take them down just yet. Even without us if the WG goes all out he's not the opponent. They're just worried about the other Emperor's and Revolutionary Army.

Zephyr: I thought the same thing but look and you'll understand that him winning and ruling the world is set.

Kong looked over towards Ryan and the other commander's who looked over with smiles.

Ryan then demonstrated the fruits once again in front of Kong. Only he turned several ship captains into Admiral level powerhouses or Emperor Commanders. Not a single Vice Admiral level powerhouse remained. Then Ryan said

Ryan: When I return the top ten strongest will all receive the same treatment. All becoming either Vice Admirals or Emperor Commander level powerhouses. You should understand now Kong.

Kong: This. Then why keep us?

Ryan: Because you're marines. Even if I become King of the World the people may fear that I turn the world into Pirates paradise. But that's not the case. So the Marines strong will only be captured not killed.

Five Days Later

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Sengoku: What did you say?

Brannew: Ryu and Red Hair are on the move. What's more based on the direction they are both entering the territory of Whitebeard.

Garp: What exactly is going on? Three Emperors are about to meet. The guy Ryan must be planning something.





Sengoku: Yes

Venus: Sengoku find Morgan's at all cost and kill him. Ryan is trying to disturb the entire world.

Sengoku: More than he already has?

Mercury: He wants to make a book on the systematic increase in strength. He's already reached a deal with Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Kaido and Big Mom for them and the crew to share the knowledge of their journey and what they felt after each breakthrough.

Mars: Shank's refused and is most likely going to prevent Whitebeard from agreeing as well. But we don't have confidence in this.

Jupiter: Ryan has a fruit that can heal injuries and he assured that it could regrow Red Hair's arm. If Whitebeard gets that fruit it's fine after all he's old. But if the knowledge of even Whitebeard is added to that book the world will be chaotic.

Venus: He's going to threaten the world with Pluton to force the world to enter an era where only strength matters. And he also plans to reveal something before then to ensure the world obeys this arrangement.

Mercury: However our spy only knows he's hosting a tournament to make ten more Captains.

Mars: So Morgan's has to be found this news and book can't spread. CP will work with you

Sengoku: Alright


Tsuru: A systematic way to improve strength and spreading it around the world. It will indeed cause riots and fights. And based on Ryan's way of doing things if we don't find Morgan's he will succeed in making such an era.

Garp: But everyone doesn't have the same potential. Unless

Sengoku: Unless he has a master teacher with insights. The Heal fruit and those people saying they saw Zephyr with a new arm are true. Although Zephyr may not betray I believe he must've agreed to save Kong's life.

Tsuru: In the report of those soldiers Enel and other's treated Kong very ruthlessly until Ryan called. Most likely he threatened Zephyr with this. However knowing Zephyr he won't reveal the training method of the Navy Six

Garp: Doesn't matter Ryan's crew can use those things as well. Although it may not be a pure learning as the one we have it's enough.

Sengoku: Let's just find Morgan's. Leave everything else alone.


Whitebeard: Gurarararara two at once. Do they want to fight.

Marco: No both of them are calling for a meeting. But this is odd. Redhead aside what is this guy Ryan here for.

Vista: He should be lucky that his crew made it out of our waters.

Jozu: Especially since Jiru and Haruta are fine. Otherwise it'd be war.

Whitebeard: Gurarararara. No matter let them come. They better have good wine.

After waiting a few minutes two ships anchored on either side of the MobyDick. One is much smaller while the other is four times the size of the MobyDick.

Marco: What a huge ship. Jack The Ripper huh.

Whitebeard also marvelled at ship as the size reminds him of the Rock's ship. At this time two ships. At this moment two figures flew in the air. One came down while the other came up.

Marco: Forgot to warn them.

The moment one person landed a strong spirit flew out. However it was incredibly small and only served to knock some people out. The other only glanced at the other and began to walk towards Whitebeard. These two man are of course Ryan and Shank's.

Each however held a large gourd of liquor as they moved towards Whitebeard.

Marco: Bastard Red Hair look at this mess.

Shank's: Ohh Marco. Say do you want to join my crew

Marco: Not on your life.

Shank's: Too bad.

Then his gaze floated to an individual but seeing the person with a silly face he snorted and walked away. Looking he saw Whitebeard say to Ryan while taking a sip of the wine he just poured.

Whitebeard: You guy is really crazy after what those guy's of your crew said. You actually came here to me. What do you scheming guy want?

Ryan: I'm here for the same reason this guy is here. Only he's here to convince you not to do it. So I'll let him go first.