
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

Public Execution Of Celestial Dragon's

After waiting an hour or so everyone felt the Conquerors Haki envelope the surroundings. For this everyone in the Disaster Pirates remained unmoved.

Ryan usually hits them with such a thing randomly. This is to train their mental fortitude and ensure they aren't intimidated by anyone when entering the New world.

After a while an old man with grey hair and beard appeared. He wore rimmed glasses and a white cloak with a blue shirt underneath. A pair of sandals and and baggy pants with a sloven like look. Obviously this is Rayleigh.

Ryan: Old man I've been looking for you for Five Day's. Obviously a retired person yet you still can't stay out the streets.

Rayleigh: Hahahaha some things just can't be rid of even if I'm retired. But you really did something extremely horrible. Even Roger's bounty never reached this height.

Ryan: Well living longer has allowed you to surpass your captain in bounty. Should Whitebeard give you the title of strongest man now.

Rayleigh: I don't want it even if he says it himself. Too much pressure. I don't need that guy Kaido coming to me every blue moon for a fight.

Ryan: So can you coat my ship's old man?

Rayleigh: So many ships are really a head ache to do it alone.

Ryan: Lucci, Kaku and the other Shipwrights will help you.

Rayleigh: Kaku. So he's the guy you gave the fruit of Shiki to. The former CP9 agent.

Rayleigh looked at Kaku who had the swords of Shiki on either side of him and stood amongst the crowd. He met the eye's of Rayleigh without a hint of fear or avoiding.

Rayleigh: Really good eye's. Alright I'll help you coat. But it can't be here.

Ryan: If you're worried about the marines then don't be. They dare to move I dare to move their Headquarters.

Ryan spoke with supreme arrogance and without a hint of doubt in his words. Rayleigh was really choked. Such an arrogant guy is no less than Shiki and Rock's.

Rayleigh: It seems fighting Shiki gave you something more than just a good fight.

Ryan smiled. Indeed his fight with Shiki and the way Shiki died gave him enlightenment. That arrogance and overbearing attitude was simply awesome.

That attitude made him see that guys like Roger and Luffy are just Lucky. Rock's may not be liked amongst his crew. Shiki may be an ambitious lunatic. But one thing is certain neither the belief they have in themselves is unquestionable.

Despite the odds. Despite the betrayal. Despite the decline in strength. Losing or death never crossed their minds. For them it was only them and no one else. Some may call it stupid or even crazy.

But he finally understood that people who think that way are nothing but cowards who fear the strong and only show their selves when they have an advantage and try to make excuses.

Ryan: Yeah I must say your Roger Pirates are really lucky. Obviously so powerful and such a strong crew still failed because of harmony issues. And to that at two guys who believe the world is better off in the hands of the WG. It's simply crazy to think about. Shiki then lost to an unpredictable storm that spontaneously happened. I really wonder if that guy Whitebeard had passed by saw you guys losing and helped out. But in all this I learned something. Only a D can defeat a D. And those that push D to a corner suffer. After me four more Ds will appear on this Sea.

Saying that he looked directly at Rayleigh and said.

Ryan: Out of those four guys is the guy you all are supposedly waiting for. But I'll tell you this I don't care about some 800 year old prophecy. I don't care about some rebirth of the Ancient Weapons. I don't care about some shit Nika Fruit or Joyboy.






A black and red lightning bolt erupted from Ryan as the ground beneath him directly sunk into the ground. Not just that but several nearby buildings crumbled directly. The sea became turbulent and even the sky directly changed.

Rayleigh: This Haki is

Ryan: I don't care what elaborate plan you former Roger Pirates have or even hope for. Just don't make an enemy out of me. I'm not Whitebeard who will have friendly relationship with other's. I'm not Shiki who will be a rival you respect and admire. I'm not Garp who will have a friendship with other's. I'm unreasonable. Arrogant. Irritable. And I know people very well. I know what makes them tick. What makes them fear, what makes them angry, sad and become completely broken. This especially goes for your little strawhat boy. So you'd better drill it into his thick skull. I am not a person he wants to piss off.

Rayleigh looked at Ryan and noticed a hint of killing intent. It wasn't directed at himself. However he knew it completely directed at the boy who shank's had spoke of. And Rayleigh also judged that this guy's knowledge is really terrible. Even the fruits name is known and what it represents.

Rayleigh: The sea is an unknown place. Who knows what may happen. I'll go get my things and be back here.

Ryan nodded. He wasn't trying to embarrass Rayleigh a retired old guy. He hopes this message can get to the nosy and two faced Red Hair guy. Ryan felt that Luffy wasn't his biggest obstacle but Shanks was. He had met Luffy once when he visited the Goya kingdom.

Well he saw him and Ace running away after eating a meal. At that moment he had the idea of killing both of them. But he didn't know if killing Luffy would awaken the Sun God directly after. As for what Kaido said about awakening he directly dismissed it

One Month Later, Grove 13

Shakky: He's really daring to do this right here on this island.

Rayleigh: It's no less than Rock's. Besides in this month I noticed the strength of several people has grown explosively. Especially the six guy's of Kuro, Gin, Bartolomeo, Van Augur, Weevil and Enel. There's also the Simon, Vlad, Lucci, Kaku, Jabra.

Shakky: So they'll be fine

Rayleigh: More than that. They're going to shock the entire world today.

Shakky: So confident

Rayleigh: You know that Fishman Arlong.

Shakky: The one who Hatchan follows. What about him

Rayleigh: He's also a fleet captain. The changes on Fishman Island are what Ryan ordered him to do. And this entire thing is just a ploy in a two step plan or three step plan of his.

Shakky: What is he planning

Rayleigh: He plans to hit Impel Down and. And maybe hit the Holy Land by the way.

Shakky was completely shocked as she stood still and said nothing

Grove 54

The ship's of the entire fleet are coated and have already set off with the help of Arlong and his crew. At this moment the only people here are Ryan, Kuro, Gin, Bartolomeo, Van Augur, Enel and Weevil.

In front of them are Five Celestial Dragons. They are being held by ropes from a stage that was built. No one was in the vicinity as they had all ran away from fear. He also split the crew as sent Simon, Gambia, Vlad and all members of CP9 to Impel Down.

Most importantly he had contacted Morgan's a week ago. So this was being broadcasted live to several forces. Ryan grabbed the sword beside him and walked to five. Tied up and mouth taped up with fear in their eyes.

Ryan: Let your deaths be the beginning of the downfall of the WG. And the rise of the Disaster Pirates. Out with the old and in with the new. LET CHAOS REIGN.

Kizaru: Oh~ How dangerous. Do you mind not swinging that down.

A yellow light rushed to the scene but a blue light flew in the way blocking it.

Enel: Don't interfere with the Public Execution. This God won't allow it..


Kizarus leg met the golden staff of Enel in a clash.

Kizaru: Thunder fruit


A head fell to the ground. The four others showed terrifying expression's as they began to struggle desperately. Kizaru wanted to go but he didn't expect that Enel could be so fast and strong.

It's not surprising after all not much is known about Enel other than that he has a Thunder Fruit. However if it's the Enel a month ago he stood no chance against an Admiral.

During this month Carina using the fruit of Blueno has robbed countless pirates, shops and royals. Even the celestial dragons are robbed. All the money obtained was to improve the strength of the crew. More precisely the main combatants.




A magma dog and a lightning snake clashed together.


Another head fell to the ground.


Ryan: Madness. I haven't reached that point yet. But soon I will.

Ryan swung the sword again






Another head fell.





Tea Dolphin: Damn it's just like Yassop. Shooting before I do

Zephyr: It's future sight of Observation Haki.

Van Augur: I'd hoped to meet you Tea Dolphin.


The fourth head fell.