

Next Day

After being besieged by the team of Kuro Kaido finally understood the strength of the Disaster Pirates. Leaving the island he decided to go back and make some changes in his forces.

Shiryu: What a beatable guy

Shiryu spoke as he put his sword away.

Kuro: To be expected the captain says only when Conquerors Coating is applied can it effectively injure and hurt Kaido.

Lucci: No wonder it's because he knows this that he dares to do his death defying stunt's.

Kaku: What a bastard guy

Three Days Later Hatchinos

Kuro: You guys actually ran away from a group of guys who play family

Van Augur: What did you expect the entire group of guys was there. If we continued to fight we would lose a lot of people.

Enel: It's really abominable that old guy is really strong. Obviously a guy with one foot in the grave yet this God was beaten like so.

Ryan: Nevertheless you guys did good. Aside from the two faced guy with a ghost heart the others have all started to clean up their territories. Even the old lady personally shot.

Gin: And we got a former Admiral and also a Admiral alternate. It's really a plus.

Hancock: This Empress only managed to grab an old man and it's a shame.

Ryan: No Zephyrs importance to the navy is more than just a former Admiral. After all the current Admirals are all his students. Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals, Commodores are all his students. The atmosphere in the navy should be quite somber. Wouldn't you say Zephyr?

Zephyr: Humph. If you want to kill the old man then kill me. Don't try to get anything out of the old man.

Ryan: I'm not gonna kill you guy. You're a useful guy after all. I plan to be King of the World so I can understand the importance of your Navy. If i killed you a lot of marines wouldn't be able to stomach it and would rather die. So here.

Ryan tossed an orange fruit to Zephyr who was chained up.

Zephyr: What is this?

Ryan: A healing fruit. It'll help cleanse your illness and regrow your arm.

Zephyr: Do you think the old man is a fool. Such a


Pirate: ARGH

Ryan directly cut the arm of a pirate beside him. Then he gave him the same orange Fruit. The Pirate immediately ate it and within a few seconds a new arm appeared.

Ryan: I don't need to lie to you an old man. After i take over the world your existence in the navy is necessary.

Zephyr: You don't fear the old man escaping

Ryan: Can you?

Zephyr looked at the smiles in the room and several of them are no weaker than himself even if he heals he stands no chance. However instead of eating it he gave it to the nearly dead Tea Dolphin.

Tea Dolphin: Tea...Teacher.

Zephyr: Shut up and eat. The old man is already use to being one armed. Regrowing may just be a burden.

Ryan: Please don't play this emotional scene here I almost cried you know.

For this Zephyr and Tea Dolphin ignored. Anyway they are captured and have no chance at running away.

Ryan then looked at Shaka and York

Ryan: Do you know why I'm looking for you Vegapunk.

Shaka: Isn't it just to have us make something's for you.

York: I'm hungry

Ryan: I'd prefer you don't show that pretending attitude in here York. I know you have already considered betrayal and want to become a celestial dragon.

York: How did you.

Shaka: So it was you. I've been feeling odd these last few months and felt that something wasn't quite right. But I couldn't figure out where or who to start with. I thought I was just being paranoid.

York: How did you know I haven't even started to act on these ideas yet

Ryan smiled as he said

Ryan: I'm not interested in why or anything like that. Just don't pretend to be something you're not here. It's disgusting. Besides Shaka you're wrong and right.

Shaka: So you want more than just us to make things for you.

Ryan: Thats right. I want you to tell me the location of project Mother Frame.

Shaka/York: Mother Frame. You know this.

Zephyr: What's project Mother Frame. Tea Dolphin?

Tea Dolphin also didn't know

Ryan: Mother frame is an advanced weapon of destruction. Basically it could be considered to be the ancient weapon Uranus. Or at least similar as it's purpose is to wipe an island off the map.

Zephyr: Such a dangerous thing. Sengoku won't approve

Ryan: He doesn't know the project exist. Only the high ranking members of the WG and Vegapunk do. Also me and everyone here.

Shaka: You want to grab Mother Frame for yourself

Ryan: If I wanted an ancient weapon I would've grabbed Pluton a long time ago.

Zephyr: You know where Pluton is

Ryan nodded.

Shaka: Will you be able to grab the original and the others. They've all been taken there after this incident.

Ryan: You can still communicate interesting. Vegapunk wants my protection. Ok I can do it but I want the Serephim to join my crew. He also needs to eliminate the devices that allow marines and WG personal to order them

Shaka: Agreed

Shaka then told the location of the island and the route to get there

Ryan: Because of the proximity to the Holy Land. Only a few of us will go. The purpose is to destroy the Mother Frame and kill all the scientist who know of it. Also to kill all WG personal.

Kuro: Captain you're also going?

Ryan nodded

Ryan: That's right. Against the WG people I trust the strength of you all. I just want to kill quickly just in case.

Van Augur: Is it that person you talked about. The man who sits on the empty throne.

Zephyr: Impossible no one sits on that throne. It's forbidden

Ryan: It's true. The person who sits on it is one of the founders of today's WG. One of the twenty kings IMU.

Zephyr/Tea Dolphin: That name is.

Shaka: You really know your enemy well.

Ryan: Of course. I'm not that idiot dragon who wants to take a long and boring route to pull those guys off the horse. It's better to fight. Even if it's a slow fight it's fine. I plan to rule the world brightly instead of being some behind the scenes coward.

Shaka: Doing that will make others want to attack you for that crown as well.

Ryan: So. If you have the ability bring it on.

Zephyr: Do you not fear the worlds strong uniting against you.

Ryan looked at them and then looked to the small Pirate next to him. This person has the repel fruit and can repel all matter of things. His name is Freddie. A small Pirate who is now in cold sweat. The information of today is to much for him.

Ancient Weapons, Secret kings and all types of things have made him scared to death. Now being looked at by Ryan he became stiff immediately. Then everyone saw several fruits appear in front of Ryan.

Ryan: Starting with the two green fruits. Eat them all.

Freddie ate all the fruits one by one whole. It's fine at first but Zephyr and Tea Dolphin had wide eyes as they looked at Freddie. So did Shaka and York. Unlike Zephyr and Tea Dolphin who could feel the rising strength of Freddie.

Shaka and York could see it. With a burst of the shirt. They watched as the body of Freddie changed. He grew to 2m tall and became more muscular. What's more the aura also became more powerful.

Zephyr: This is the strength of a Navy Vice Admiral. Even Haki was directly learned after eating a fruit. You. No wonder

He looked at everyone in the disaster pirates and finally figured it out. Not only him but Tea Dolphin, Shaka and York. No wonder the strength of the Disaster Pirates advanced so fast. As long as Ryan wants he can make a Vice Admiral and Admiral at will.

Zephyr: This sort of thing definitely has a risk.

Zephyr didn't believe it was so easy

Carina: Other than being a money pit there's nothing else.

Tesero: Just to get a talent fruit is 3 billion. Two green fruits is 6 billion beli and only allows the talent to advance to Vice Admiral. He's fine as a Rear admiral.

Ryan: Hehehehe sorry sorry.

Both: Humph

The four became shocked as they looked at Ryan and then Eddie. As for how Ryan obtained this none of them thought he would tell them. Other than those at that table no one else should know.

Ryan: Freddie take a seat. You're now a captain of the fleet.

Freddie: Yes captain I won't let you down.

Ryan then looked at Zephyr and said

Ryan: Other than IMU. Be it Whitebeard or any other powerhouse. I'm not worried. As long as I can understand the strength of that guy I wouldn't be so hesitant and would've already stormed the Holy Land. Another reason is your Marines and the revolutionary army. Lastly is the other Emperor's. I need to make sure the forces under me don't suffer to much damage after all. So although it doesn't show these fruit's have been put in the foods of the island. Although it doesn't work as directly eating one. Well you can understand what I'm saying Zephyr.

Indeed he understood the current Disaster Pirates are constantly improving from the bottom on up. Eventually the entire fleet will be a place of monster guy's. Once Ryan is ready to act the world is all but his.

Ryan: But first let's call Morgan's. Let's let the world be a little more chaotic.