
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

Ryyuuuuu · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Mother Frame


Beckman: He really has the world by the nose.

Shanks: You seem to find this funny

Beckman: Mm. Even if it wasn't his intentions for those guy's to say those words. Just his point of view alone has already shaped the minds of his crew. Regardless of what the other guys do it's just compensating for the truth Be it the Disaster Pirates or other pirates they will have extreme disdain for us. Only when looking at the Disaster Pirates will they show favorable reactions as in their Eye's that's the pirate model they dream of.

Shanks: But it's odd. With both Zephyr and Tea Dolphin captured the WG nor the marines have made a move.

Beckman: It's not that they can't. They simply don't dare to. The momentum around the Disaster Pirates is huge. Plus several times now marines and WG ship's have been attacked. Now with the assault of the other three on multiple bases the Marines and WG don't dare to make a move without ample preparations. Besides the strength of those guys is strong. Be it Gin, Bartolomeo, Van Augur, Enel or Weevil they have all fought with an Admiral or former without being suppressed. Although it seemed to have a downside with such a vast strength increase so fast. That has been made up by now. Plus Boa Hancock had a breakthrough in front of the whole world. Kuro as his right hand is definitely not behind the others. Then there's the absurdity of Ryan himself. Unlike the other three they don't have multiple islands and large territory So the strength isn't spread out to allow the marines to slowly disassemble them. If they want to destroy the Disaster Pirates.

Shanks: They'd need to launch a full out war or wait until the Disaster Pirates attack them.

Beckman: That's right. But doing so is dangerous. The marines are not enough to destroy the Disaster Pirates and if the WG empties the battle power needed.

Shanks: The revolutionary army may take advantage of the situation. After all those guys have been very active lately and have liberated multiple kingdoms during this time.

Beckman: The marines and WG are looking for an opportunity amongst us. Hoping that the other Emperor's will see the strength of the Disaster Pirates as a major threat and unite against it. But this backfired as well. Those guys are indeed jealous of the strength of the Disaster Pirates. But Whitebeard won't risk the lives of his son's. Kaido and Big Mom will definitely seek to increase the strength of their crews. Hoping that someone amongst them can breakthrough to the Admiral. Even if they can't fight against the Disaster Pirates they can against each other and the marines. After all from beginning to end Ryan has his eyes on king of the world. Not Pirate King. Thus he's not in competition with them.

Shanks: But now the entire sea is calling me a two faced guy with a ghost heart.

Beckman: That's because you're not exactly helping your case of refusal.

Shanks: You mean getting rid of the marine bases around us. I'm not interested in being his helper.

Beckman: You help him regardless. One side eliminates the influence of the navy. The other side makes all pirates and Marines wary of you. We're basically stranded on an island with no way out. If we had a more powerful fleet then it'd help him even more

Shanks: How?

Beckman: Inner turmoil. if a few strong guys with ambitions are under us then they'd be secretly questioning the person they followed. Some may even leave directly and join him or other's. Of course whether this is planned or not is unknown. But these are the benefits for his Disaster Pirates

Shank's was shocked as he looked at Beckman. If this is planned then it's scary. Papers then began to fall from the sky

Shanks: Newspaper? What is it this time?

Beckman: Whatever it is it's definitely got something to do with !!!!!!!!

Shanks: Beckman what's wrong with your face? What's so shocking? What's with all you guys faces? Is it about me?

Beckman showed him the front page of the paper. Shanks was directly stunned and then furious.

Two Faced Man With A a Ghost Heart

That's the title of the paper. Then it says

Five Emperors Red Hair Shanks. Or Rather St. Figarland Shanks. Descendant Of The Celestial Dragons.

The paper then shows a picture of a man with wild hair like a crown.

Rock's D Xebec, Overlord of the New World.

It then explains the former crew of the Rocks Pirates. Named Whitebeard, Big mom, Kaido, Shiki, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe and Captain John. It then explains how the Figarland Family once ruled a place named God's Valley.

The Rock's Pirates attacked this place and in doing so the Marines Led by Garp resisted. But they weren't the opponents of the marines. Until the Roger Pirates came and joined the fight. With Rock's dead the crew scattered.

And Roger who finally got rid of his biggest obstacle found a child inside of a treasure chest he grabbed from God's Valley. That child is now Red Hair Shanks. Says that since he was never really banished or anything. He himself is still a celestial dragon.

But the paper wasn't done. It then showed a picture of Mother Caramel with the title of

World's Greatest Scam

It then talks about how she was in fact a government agent who sends kids into the WG. How she and the WG tricked the Giants so that the marines could gain the strength of the Giants. Then it Shows Big Mom.

It further goes on to say how Mother Caramel was almost successful in selling Big Mom to the WG. But because Big Mom went crazy she ended up killing her and the kids in the house. During her episode she even ate the fruit of Caramel that responded close by.

Then it shows a picture of streusen and a few other giants who saw this scene happen. How streusen was a bit sad for the child so he took her to the sea or the marines would have a monster with them.

Although the second one wasn't as good as the first it still shocked the world. There was also the back history of Whitebeard and Kaido.

Shanks: I can't get rid of this name anymore can I.

Beckman: No.

Shanks: Does he fear me so much

Beckman: I wouldn't say fear. It's more caution. After all Roger did that to Rock's at such a key moment and thus he probably thinks you would do the same.

Shank's thought about it and for a second he felt he really might do it. This directly shook him. No wonder the guy is cautious about himself. He may very well pit him in a key moment. Shank's sighed as he just drank the liquor.

As for Whole Cake Island. Well Big Mom was going completely insane at the moment.

Big Mom: Streusen you tell me is what this paper said true. Was Caramel going to sell me.

Streusen wiped the sweat on his forehead and thanked whoever spilled the beans that they painted him in a good light. Then sighed as he said

Streusen: LingLing i really hoped you wouldn't have found this kind of thing out. I didn't know how to tell you about this without breaking your mind. Eventually I just buried it in my heart.

Big Mom: DAMN. I was actually almost sold to the damn WG and Marines. Prepare the ships I can't take this kind of thing.

Just thinking of what might've been made her enraged. She's seen what those celestial dragons do to CP agents. It's only a little better than slaves.

The Whitebeard pirates are more moderate. Aside from the Red Hair thing nothing really shocked them. As for the situation of the father they already knew this.

In Wano Kuni the Beast Pirates also felt a little weird. Two of the current four Emperors almost became marines. If that happened then this sea wouldn't have any Pirates. Some of them led by Jack directly took ships to Vodka Kingdom.

For this Kaido didn't care. He slapped Yamato with a Thunder Bagua and tossed her the newspaper. Yamato with a pigs head read the paper and looked at the back of Kaido. She seemed to understand why her father acted the way he did.

All and all this news directly caused a sensation. Even the marines felt that if these two could be marines the sea would've been rid of Pirates long ago. They also had an incident as the giant Vice Admirals directly quit and left. Dorry and Broggy found out that the ancestors are dead and the Giants are toyed with.

The two fought even harder hoping to hurry home. Oimoi and Kashi also left the post and went back to Elbaf. As for Ryan and his Pirates. Well they are taking a random ship with Kakus powers to the island with Mother Frame