
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

New Plans

Ryan returned to the Skull base and called Desire over.

Desire: Lord Ryan what's up

Ryan: Call that guy Joker.

Desire: Alright

Desire immediately went to grab several snail phones and anti surveillance snails. After it connected Doflamingo spoke

Doflamingo: Fufufufu you're really causing waves right now.

Ryan: It's normal. What I'm about to do next is even more shocking. But before that I need you to give me the numbers to several people.

Doflamingo: Who are the people

Ryan: Whitebeard, Big Mom, Red Hair, Hawkeye, Jinbe and Kuma

Doflamingo: It's really big. Can I ask

Ryan: I plan to make a systematic system of how to train and get stronger. Of course since everyone doesn't have the same talent it's different. But hard work can overcome talent if it's done right. Once done I'll share this book that has the teaching's and knowledge of some of the worlds strongest powerhouses with the entire world. And to make sure they do it. I'm going to threaten them with Pluton bombing their homes.

Doflamingo: Fufufufufufufufu it's really crazy. But very exciting.

Ryan: You should also wright down your knowledge. Especially the feeling of awakening. The moment it occured and the feeling you felt doing it for the first time and after.

Doflamingo: Give me two days

Ryan: Alright. Also have you done my suggestion.

Doflamingo: Fufufufufu speaking of this I really have to thank you. With the deaths of Riku, that toy and girl Viola is a whole new woman. Fufufufufu

Ryan had previously suggested that Doflamingo turn Riku and his granddaughter into toys and then shred them along with the Kyros toy. Not only would Viola forget them it'll be mind reassuring not having them around.

Ryan: No problem. I'll wait for your call.


Ryan then looked at Khalifa.

Ryan: How is the side with Kuro? Are they suppressed

Khalifa: No, It's a stalemate. Neither Sengoku or Garp are participating in the fight. Kuro, Vlad and a few others also haven't moved

Ryan: It seems the old guy Sengoku and Tsuru understand I'm not fully against them. Ask Zephyr and Tea Dolphin to come here.

After a while Zephyr and Tea Dolphin arrived. Tea Dolphin aside this guy Zephyr still didn't look at him with good eye's.

Zephyr: What do you want with us brat.?

Ryan: I want you to write down your training knowledge. Step by step in the process of how you became as strong as you are now and how you train the navy.

Zephyr: Not a chance. These are navy secrets.

Ryan then explained the plan he had to Zephyr.

Zephyr: You wouldn't use that thing even if you knew it's location.

For this Ryan had to agree. He would only use it to show off and piss off that guy IMU.

Ryan: Of course I wouldn't but even if you don't share your insights the book will still be released. You should understand why I don't reveal the power of the fruits in my hands. It's so people don't lose hope. If the WG loses hope it's fine but I'd lose fun if the other forces did. Or how about I make the knowledge of DF curse release fruit and healing fruits known. I'm sure Big Mom and Kaido would directly hand over all the money for the DF curse release. Whitebeards son's will also go crazy for the healing fruits.

Zephyr: Brat don't try to threaten me.

Ryan: Then should I consider Kong a marine or Government personal.

Zephyr: What do you mean

Khalifa: Pressed a button. Immediately a projection of the fight appeared. Kong in a giant ape form along with two others fought but are still suppressed by Enel and other's. Zephyr and Tea Dolphin immediately understood

Khalifa then pressed another button as the picture of the fight with marines appeared. This was an all out war at the sea area of G-1.

Ryan: You may not believe me fully. But won't you know once the news spreads. I'm sure the guy Morgan's will surely look for places like that. And for those places found I'll have Kaku raise them to sea level. Let the marines come and bury the remains if there are any. Isn't that you guy's motto. Justice may be late but it's never missing. Well do your job. After all even if I know I won't use it. The world doesn't.

Zephyr: I won't share the navy six. I don't care if you do but I won't.

Ryan: That's fine. Have them capture Kong alive. Kill the other two.

Khalifa: Yes

Two Day's Later

News came out that Kaido had a major fight with people from the WG. As for the internal situation it's only known that Ghost island was almost scraped. At the key moment it seems Yamato joined the fight and helped.

With her involvement although it didn't prevent the suppression it still gave time for Kaido to return. After fighting off the WG people Kaido surprisingly removed the handcuffs from Yamato.


After obtaining the numbers from Doflamingo Ryan called Mihawk first. As he had already sent him a gift.

Kuraigana Island


Mihawk: What is it?

Ryan: You're really not a friendly person Hawkeye.

Mihawk: Ryan? What do you want?

Ryan: No fun at all. Anyway I want chaos. So I came up with a way to make chaos. It may also raise the strength of the people around the world. And to that I need you to write down your knowledge and experience of swordsmanship, Haki and physical body strengthening.

Mihawk: You want me to share my swordsmanship with you?

Ryan: Not me. The world. I plan to make a book on the systematic way to gain strength. Although a person's talent is set it doesn't mean poor talent can't over come it with hard work and proper layout.

Mihawk: I

Ryan: By the way I sent your son to you. He's been clamoring on challenging you since he beat the human drill that mimicks you.

A shadow covered the castle of Mihawk. Before it left. After a moment a small Mihawk with his own Yoru black wing's, white hair and dark skin appeared. He carried a large bag of food and wine. Looking at Hawkeye a fighting intent filled his eyes.

For this Hawkeye also looked at him with interest. Although he knew the WG had cloned himself and that clone is now in the hands of Ryan. However he didn't care.

Mihawk: I'll send it tomorrow


Hawkeye drank the last of his wine grabbed Yoru and said to S-Hawk

Mihawk: Follow me


Ryan: A dual of father and son

Vegapunk: Is it fine to just let them be like that. They're children after all.

Ryan: They are free to decide what they want child or not. People should be free to make their own choices. No matter the choice good or bad no one has the right to judge. What's evil to you may be good to someone else. Life is such a thing. Many choose to reign in their nature and be high sounding and others choose to show who they really are. No matter which one it's a choice. If they or others suffer from the choice then it means they are to weak. Next up is BigMom

Whole Cake Chateau

Perospero: Who is it. Lick~

Ryan: It's Ryan. Pendagran D Ryan

Perospero: Ugh

Perospero was shocked and choked as he looked at the snail phone. The same could be said about the large woman next to him. Even the motion of eating sweets has stopped. Then her eyes flashed as she smiled, laughed and grabbed the snail phone

Big Mom: Mama Mama Ryan.

Ryan: Big Mom I have an offer for you. I'm willing to give eleven ring's. Eleven rings of Pure Gold.

Big Mom/Perospero: Pure Gold?!

Big Mom: Does that thing even exist.

Ryan: It does. I have the creator working as my scientist. You should know even his daughter is still a child. A 200 year old child.

Big Mom: What do you want?

Ryan: I want you and your strongest kids to write down how they trained step by step. In DF, development, Physical Body strengthening, and Haki. I plan to make a book on the systematic way to gain strength and spread it around the world.

Big Mom: Mama Mama even if you do that what good does it do for you.

Ryan: It makes the level of strength of the world as a whole raise to a new height. Besides even if most of the world ignores this thing. They'll have no choice but to use it and get strong or they may die.

Big Mom: What are you plotting?

Ryan: To see how the world reacts to an unpredictable and unprecedented situation. So

Big Mom thought about and then said

Big Mom: who else has agreed to this and what have you given them

Ryan: Hawkeye agreed and I sent him the Serephim that was created from his DNA. Kaido also agreed if Queen could discuss with Vegapunk.

BigMom: I also want my Scientist to speak with Vegapunk

She has grabbed the Pacifistas but the scientist are incompetent.

Ryan: Can but the Pure gold rings go from eleven to six.

Big Mom: Deal.

Ryan: Send your scientist with a Commander. I'll give them the rings and let the scientist study with Vegapunk.

Big Mom: Good


Perospero: That guy actually has pure gold.

Big Mom: It's really damnable. The things offered are to good. I didn't even bring up the topic of marriage.

Perospero :....