
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


The woman who walked up to me was simply captivating. She had purple hair that ran down her back and stopped below her knees . Her slim and petite figure matched her perfect figure eight shaped body. What shook me most was the huge breast on her chest.

Oppai sama.

She wore glasses but they didn't seem to be medicated. She was also wearing a skimpy gown that didn't even seem to cover her huge breasts. I also didn't fail to notice her red irises .

" You smell different little boy, tell me what you are ", She asked smiling down at me. She was about 6ft tall.

" Me... I don't know what are talking about ", I stammered. Did she know I was a dhampir?. Was she a vampire hunter? In all vampire stories I had read, they were always trouble for the protagonist.

" Oh don't you? ", She smiled and stepped closer " Pardon me for not introducing myself first, my name is Ereneth ".

What was I supposed to say to her now? ' Hello Ereneth, nice to meet you?'. Fuck this uppity bitch who calls herself Ereneth.

I didn't say anything.

" Well what's your name ?", She asked.

" I'm Elisse ", I replied.

" Well Elisse, why do you smell like them ?", She asked. She knows?. Goddamn!!. How was I going to hide this now?. She flipped her hair.

" I don't know what you are talking about ", I lied.

" Oh you don't ? Then follow me ", She commanded.

" Where? ", I asked.

" You don't need to know, I said follow me ", She smiled but this time, a red hue appeared in her eyes.


[ An unknown Entity has tried to use charm on you ].

[ Resist for the next five minutes to unlock an active skill ] .

So she wasn't human. No wonder her eyes were glowing red. But was she a vampire ?, the system didn't state that though. She seemed to be powerful as she didn't even think about taking me on.

I don't think I could win against her if I resisted so I pretended to be under the spell and followed after her.

The system started a count down.

[ 04:56 ] . The seconds counting backwards.

I had followed her for about two minutes when she stopped by an old house that lacked life.

She opened the door.

" Come in", She said. I followed her inside and what I saw almost got me throwing up.

Inside the room, there were more fifty dead bodies laying on the ground. The rotten stench was enough to make a person nauseous.

What the fuck ! Who was this bitch ?.

She looked over at me.

" Don't you want to eat ? ", She asked. Say what now, this bitch is a maniac..... that's certain.

Eat what ?.

" What ? ", I asked in shock as I began backing away. I looked at the time counter.

[ 01:49 ] .

Shit what was I supposed to do. I really wanted to ace this mission.

" I said eat ", Ereneth let out releasing a powerful red aura. Her eyes glowed blue.

I felt a strong force pulling me towards the bodies. The same way I felt when Victoria commanded me.

" No ", I resisted still backing away even if it was harder. I turned towards the main road.

[ 00:48 ] .

I turned my back towards her and started running away.

When I had gotten to a safe distance, I turned to look at her. She just stood there, arms folded across her large breasts as she smiled.

Should I say I was happy she wasn't chasing after me ?. Yea, damn I was.

Ding. I looked at the system screen.

[ Mission Complete ] .

[ Host has resisted a stronger charm for 5 minutes ]

[ Rewards: New active skill unlocked: Dhampir transformation ] .

[ +10exp ] .

[+1 resistance granted ] .

Nice. These rewards were amazing. +10 exp. Didn't that mean......... The System came up with another notification.

[ Level up : Host is now level 2 ] .

Sweet. I leveled up. Although the situation was dangerous, I managed to level up. I breathed down in relief.

But who was that bitch ?. And why did she not chase after me?. What was she trying to do in the first place ?. I wondered.


Back at the old house, Ereneth smiled and licked her lips.

" Wow, He was so cute, to think he was just a baby ", She said.

A man came out from the shadows and stood behind her. He had long black hair and pale skin with broad shoulders. He also had red eyes, , slightly red than that of Ereneth. This was the same man that the princess had let go. Crane.

" Ereneth, what do you think you are doing?", He asked.

" What? I wanted a new toy and I found one, so I want to play with it ", Ereneth rolled her eyes. " Too bad, he has great resistance ".

" A new toy huh? , You know he has the royal mark right ?", Crane asked.

" And why should I care. Why should I care if the Princess wants the same doll I want ? It's a battle, Crane, a battle whose winner would soon emerge ", Ereneth stated walking away casually.

" Did you see the great resistance he put up?, I even know he was pretending to be under my charm when he followed me here. The red glow didn't reflect in his eyes ", She said.

Crane shook his head.

" We have plans Ereneth, the dhampir should not hinder them ".

" I am the leader, Crane...... I make the plans and I also decide what can hinder them ", Ereneth said.

" A dhampir huh, bravo ".

Which Woman displays more power.............

Victoria or Ereneth???.

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