
The devil blue eyes, his favorite addiction

• In the tiger realms, there leave majesty, a tall handsome dominant man, who got attached to a lady he saw on the club house, and he slept with her …. The lady majesty slept with, was betrothed to the president, and she was preparing for her wedding. Unknown to her, that she was pregnant, and when the president found out, he attacked her, and Bella has no choice than to save her life and that of the baby , by stabbing the president to death …… When she was escaping from the building, the president guards , chase after her…….. When she was running, she meant a tall huge Man, standing on the bridge, so she has no choice, than to beg him for a help ….. Who is this man?? Will he help her ?? Let find out in this Intriguing story!!!

DaoistMd3lic · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Bella was thrown into a dark store room.

She sat on the cold ground and bowed her head. She was scared and frightened.

Majesty's blood stained her hands and she glared at it with concern,she hoped he was safe and still alive.

He hated her and the thought of it was big enough to kill her slowly.

Bella cried Softly and cursed Karl with so much hatred burning in her heart. Speaking of the devil Karl walked in with two iron chains.

He took her hands and chained it together joining it to her legs and a padlock.

"Wh-what are you doing? Let go of Me-"

Bella yelled and struggled, he was treating her like a dog, he wanted to have her by all means.

Bella took Karl's hand and bit him hard.

Karl hissed in pain and in reflex action and Anger, he raised his hand and slapped Bella.

Bella's cheeks were scarred and it bled.

Karl bent and pulled her by the hair.

"You little bitch you best behave or I won't hesitate to rape you to death right here"

Bella whimpered in fear and kept quiet.

Karl snarled in satisfaction and rubbed her hair gently, Bella felt irritated but she held herself from struggling.

"By Sunset tomorrow You'd finally be Mine and after that-"He smirked and eyed her belly.

"I'd take you for an abortion-I won't father that little bastard in your Womb"

Bella's eyes widened,He had plans to rid her of her baby after the wedding.Bella opened her mouth to speak but immediately he threatened her.

"Don't forget Majesty's life is in my grasp if you refuse or act stubborn-" he gnashed his teeth in rage.

" I would snap his head off"

" No-" Bella Screamed back and gulped.

"I will do anything you want-please I beg you don't hurt him".

Karl squinted his eyes and felt a deep pang hatred in his heart,She was ready to even risk her baby's life to protect Majesty.Why couldn't she love him too?

Karl grunted and walked out of the room in a fit of Anger. He left orders behind before leaving.

"Get her the most beautiful Wedding dress and invite Everyone-Tomorrow is my day and I don't want a single Mistake".

" Yes Boss-"

Time flew quickly and sunset came, Bella stood naked in front of Dozens of maids ready to be adorned for the wedding.

A white corset wedding dress was hung on a dresser and Bella bit her lips cursing Karl deeply in her heart.

Karl knew she was pregnant and yet he had sent a corset, something she couldn't wear comfortably because her belly was bulging already.

Bella bit her lips and overheard the maids murmur amongst themselves. They were confused. Karl had instructed them to drag her into a corset no matter what they had to do.

They had no idea the bride was pregnant.

"I can't wear this please-" Bella's voice was teary and Weak.

"We had no idea you were pregnant" All eyes were on Bella's pregnant Belly.

" You have to wear it whether you like it or not-"

Bella frowned "No I would not wear that"

" Grab her and force her into it"

Bella was dragged and forced into the blue corset,they tightened it and Bella felt the pain all the way down to her intestines.

"Take in Your breath"

Bella was Manhandled and treated like a dog even by the servants.She closed up her eyes and cursed.

Karl would die a painful death and she will make him pay for everything he had done to her.

Karl stood in front of a mirror dressed up in a black tuxedo, He whistled happily and brushed his hair.

After tonight Bella would be legally his.

He thought of the nasty things he would do to her in bed and licked his lips.

Finally the wet dreams about her would be fulfilled. He couldn't wait to kiss those lips those full breasts. He was dying to hear her Moan his name underneath him.

Bella's little face flashed across his mind and he took off his trousers, stroking hard against his penis while thinking about Bella

He closed his eyes and let out a loud moan in his head he heard Bella scream out his name as he made love to her all in his head.

"Karl I want you deep inside Me-" Her voice was loud in his head and he increased his pace.

He was going to make this a reality and if he couldn't have Bella no one would.

Deep in his imagination, a hand reached in to the room, pulled him by the collar and landed a strong blow across his face.

Karl was flung against the wall and he fell to the ground with a loud thud, spouting out blood from the impact.

Karl coughed and opened his eyes, turned out Bella wasn't in his arms, only a furious deadly Majesty was in his sight.

Majesty arched a brow and dragged Karl up from the ground,raising his leg and landing against his jaw a sharp Kick.

Karl fell back like a weakling to the floor.

"Stand up and fight back you bastard-"

There was no response instead Karl laid on the floor covered in blood.

Majesty hissed and sat on Karl, clenching his fist and landing against Karl's face with fury and Anger.

Weakly Karl held onto Majesty's wrist.

"Don't kill Me-Spare me please-"

Majesty gritted his teeth and held onto his collar.

" Why should I spare you?"

"I'm still your brother Majesty we shouldn't fight because of a girl"

Majesty scoffed " Beg me then-"

Without hesitation,Karl staggered up and fell Majesty's feet, He wanted to stay alive even if it meant Begging and pleading.

He was strong but Majesty was smarter.He had caught him unaware and had won the first round.

"Please Don't kill Me-" He held onto his feet

Majesty creased a brow and hissed.

"I won't-"He picked up an iron rod the same way Karl's weretiger had broken one on his head.

He lifted it and Smashed it, breaking it on Karl's head furiously.

Karl gasped and fell to the ground with a broken head. His eyes closed.

Majesty took a glance and spat on him. He knew Karl was gonna heal because he was a Weretiger but Majesty had no intention of Killing him Either.

Tonight the goal was Bella. He was gonna make her his.

Bella walked down the aisle with fear and a frown, she didn't want this marriage, she didn't want it at all.

Her hands were shaky and sweaty as she was accompanied to the altar by dozens of Maids who held up her wedding gown while some threw flowers.

She got to the Altar but Karl wasn't there.

She bit her lips and stood close to Queen Aurora, her head bent low.

"Where is Karl?" The queen Whispered.

" I don't know"

She frowned impatiently "Why is he taking so much time? I have other things to see to Not this stupid wedding"

Bella scoffed and murmured lowly

" I pray he gets killed by a truck"

"What did you Say?"

Bella forced a smile "Nothing-"

Aurora eyed her and looked forward,trying to pacify the thousands of guest that was impatient and Confused about why things were taking so long.

Bella was nervous,What was going on?why was Karl so late.He didn't seem like a late one after threatening her into marriage.

She held her breath and crossed her finger.

After a long time,Karl finally arrived.

His face was smooth and he seemed taller and more Slender.Bella's eyes washed over him but she couldn't place her fingers on what was different about him.

He got to the altar and smiled.

"I'm sorry for the Delay We may Start the wedding now-"

The priest nodded and made Bella and Karl face each other.

Bella swallowed and Squeezed her dress in anxiety. Her eyes locked with his and Bella could swear Karl looked at her differently.

This time his eyes wasn't lustful but it was filled with pure anger and hatred.

"Do you Karl take Bella as your lawfully wedded wife to love and to cherish both in Sickness and in health,For better for worse till Death do you Part?"

His eyes never left hers " Yes I do"

Bella blinked and swallowed.

"Do you Bella take Karl as your lawfully husband to love in all circumstances until death do you part?"

Bella froze and couldn't talk.

Fifteen flew pass and Bella was yet to give a reply.

The priest frowned and repeated.

"I'd repeat Bella do you want to Marry karl"

Bella gulped and trembled,she didn't want to Marry him.She had to say No.

She made to refuse but Majesty was still in Karl's control and He wasn't safe.

Hot tears ran down her cheeks.she had no choice but to Nod.

"Y-yes I do".

Bella cried and hated herself while they exchanged the rings.Karl slipped his and she slipped hers with the vows.

It was finally Done. she was Karl's wife.

The wedding was completed and the priest announced loudly with beads of sweat.

"I now pronounce you man and Wife you may now kiss the bride-"

Bella froze as Karl circled her waist and pulled her Closer,He inched closer for a big kiss and Bella closed her eyes with a frown and disgust.

There was a chuckle admist a grin.

"Why the frown? You act like you don't like it when I kiss you"He teased her.

That voice was....

Bella heard the voice and her eyes opened in shock and confusion.

Her eyes widened as Karl took off a human Mask from his face and a familiar face was underneath it.

The mask was off and she could recognize the Man even if she was blind.
