
The devil blue eyes, his favorite addiction

• In the tiger realms, there leave majesty, a tall handsome dominant man, who got attached to a lady he saw on the club house, and he slept with her …. The lady majesty slept with, was betrothed to the president, and she was preparing for her wedding. Unknown to her, that she was pregnant, and when the president found out, he attacked her, and Bella has no choice than to save her life and that of the baby , by stabbing the president to death …… When she was escaping from the building, the president guards , chase after her…….. When she was running, she meant a tall huge Man, standing on the bridge, so she has no choice, than to beg him for a help ….. Who is this man?? Will he help her ?? Let find out in this Intriguing story!!!

DaoistMd3lic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Bella had just heard the Queen announce her Marriage to Karl.

Her heart skipped a beat and she felt frizzy Godforbid Would she have anything to do with Karl.She hated the bastard.

And she loved and wanted no one else but Majesty.

Majesty's hand paused at the cutlery, his head was raised,his smile completely gone.

Bella felt disgusted and threw up all over the food and table,drenching Queen Aurora with vomit.

"Are you Mad or Something?" Aurora yelled in fury, she stinked like Vomit and she felt like strangling Bella.

Bella stood up, her eyes burning with fury.

"I would never Marry Karl-"

Aurora scoffed with a raised Brow.

"Your opinion isn't needed here-My son is interested in a low class dirty human like you How dare you treat his proposal with ridicule and contempt?"

Bella hissed violently like an Eagle.

" Fuck you and your Son-I would rather get married to a pig than to Your son"

Aurora felt insulted,this low class slut had the nerves to talk back so rudely at her.

Aurora gritted her teeth, raised her hands and slapped Bella hard across the Face.

Bella fell to the ground,Five finger prints in large strides on her face swelling it up.

Majesty squinted his eyes and stood up, in Swift Movement, he lifted Karl's hand and struck Aurora's face Mercilessly in return.

Karl's big hands was used to slap back his Mother.

The impact was dangerous, Aurora fell on the ground and hot tears ran down her hot cheeks, it had turn red and she couldn't see for few Minutes.

Karl was Furious "Majesty Did you just slap Our Mother?"

Majesty chuckled, bent to the ground and picked up Bella in bridal style looping her hands around his neck.

"I will sound it as a warning one last time I wouldn't tolerate a Single finger on Bella's face by any fucking body"

He locked killer glares with Karl.

" I showed her some respect by not hitting back with my very own hands else I would have broken the bones on her cheeks and fed it to the dogs one by One-"

His tone was cold and his face dark,turning around to the Weretigers at the table.

"If anyone wants to die touch her again-"

Everywhere was quiet, no one even made a sound.

Karl gnashed his teeth "I'm gonna kill you and I will make it So painful that you'd beg to die Early"

Majesty Scoffed " Don't make me Wait too long"

"But till then stay far away from her"

Karl glared harshly "And if I don't?"

" Trust Me-"Majesty's tone was lazy.

" You don't wanna fucking imagine-"

Majesty pushed Karl away and carried Bella in his arms, out of the dinning room and into the quiet Woods.

Bella closed her eyes and cried Softly in his Arms.

Majesty felt his heart twitch in pain, those bastards wouldn't stop hurting her, he had even regretted bringing her home.

If not for his revenge.

He bent and kissed the tears off her cheek.

"Bella open your eyes and look at Me-"

"No they want to get me married to that bad Man I don't want to"

Majesty felt pain and he coaxed Gently.

" I would never let that happen-You would Marry no one else but Me"

His voice was Firm, and he held her face to Face his under the moonlight they looked Perfect.

"Bella please open your eyes"

Her eyes were tightly shut and she wept.

" Stop crying-Look here if you don't stop I'd match in there and drag Karl out force him on his feet and make him apologize"

" No!! "Bella opened her eyes finally and she pouted sadly, doing that would only bring more trouble.

Majesty rubbed Bella's hair like a pet and smiled.

"Are you still crying?"


"That's my baby...Come here-" He made her sit on his laps, and he cupped her face.

It was swollen and it stung.

Bella hissed his pain "Ouch!!"

"Did she hit you so hard?" His voice was in care mode and he sounded worried too.

Majesty knew he loved this woman,he loved her with his whole heart.

He didn't want the revenge if he could live and die with her happily.

He casted a spell and his palm turned into an ice pack, gently he massaged Bella's cheeks with it.

Bella closed her eyes and it no longer hurt.

"In the next two days Bella-"He pressed his head against hers.

" I would protect you-"

Bella lifted her head and their eyes locked.


Majesty chuckled,held her waist and placed a soft kiss on her lips, he raised her jaw to look him in the Eyes.

"Because I love you Bella"

Bella closed her eyes and her heart raced.it was all she wanted to hear.

"You love me Majesty?"

Majesty chuckled and kissed her again

"Yes You seem to be all I think about-Bella I Majesty is Madly inlove with you and I will rather die than Watch you be taken away from Me-"

Bella smiled in reply and Majesty bent his head and took her lips in his.

His tongue swept into her mouth and he sucked on it, nibbling on her lips and biting her tongue.

Gently he laid her on the green grass with his lips still kissing hers wildly. Freely his hands ran wildly squeezing her breasts and cupping her Ass.

Bella moaned and allowed him open her up.

Majesty kissed her hand and began slowly from her navel until when he kissed up to her belly, he froze.

It felt round and Swollen.

He was confused "Bella did you eat a lot?"

Bella shook her head.

He blinked and rubbed her Stomach again.

"Something seems to be poking my hand in your belly-"

Bella remembered, she was pregnant, she wanted to tell him but she was scared. She didn't know the father of the baby, what if Majesty didn't want her Anymore.

Bella bit her lips "Majesty I'm...I.."

His eyes questioned "Do you want to tell me Something?"

Bella trembled. She was pregnant she had to Say but she just couldn't open up.

"You can tell me anything-"

"I'm-"She trailed off but she couldn't finish dozens of weretigers had surrounded them with Karl as their leader.

Majesty grunted with frustration,What the hell was this guy's problem?

Karl posed ruthlessly and yelled at Bella.

"Bella you seem to be forgetting we had a deal-"

Bella froze and panic rose in her heart.

Majesty shot Bella a confused glare and a feeling crept into his heart.

Karl smirked "You didn't tell your darling that We had a deal You'd seduce my dear brother here , Make him love you then I'd kill him Myself".

Majesty was shocked,he turned again to her, his eyes hurt and shocked.

Bella panicked "It's not What you think"

Majesty felt his heart break, how could she do something like that,he was ready to let go of everything and love her.

"Bella is he telling the truth?"He was dying to hear her say No.

Bella cried " He was threatening Me-"

" Stop lying Bella"Karl countered.

" You brought the idea to me"

Bella was stunned, the bastard was turning the whole story upside down.

"Majesty Don't listen to him he is lying to you He was threatening Me-"She held onto Majesty and he was quiet.

Bella was scared "Say something Majesty"

Majesty blinked, and in the next second, a big iron rod was smashed on his head by one of Karl's Weretigers.

Majesty fell to the ground.

Bella Screamed and rushed to him, there was blood on his head and his eyes were closed. He was unconscious.

Bella placed him on her laps.

"Open your eyes Majesty Don't scare me"

"Come here you little slut-" Karl grabbed her wrist and took her away.

" Let go of Me let go you Monster"Bella bit and kicked violently. She regretted ever accepting that deal in the first place.

Karl was a serpent.

Karl snarled and spat in her face.

"Keep quiet or I would kill him right here"

He threatened and Bella shut her mouth, he was capable of doing anything. He was a Mad man.

Karl laughed and pushed her to a weretiger

"Lock her up and get ready for tomorrow"

He smiled and Bella felt like Killing him.

"We would be married at sunset tomorrow I change my Mind-"

Majesty heard it and fought to keep his eyes open. He had changed his mind about Bella. She didn't love him and he was wrong to trust her.

Tomorrow She won't be Karl's wife but his and he was going to make their life a living hell.