
The Demon god journey

What happens when the universe messes up. Not once have he won;not now, not ever. Born into a high standing family and as the hailed as the hope of the next generation or so he thought at one point in his life everything took a drastic turn. Everything he had; he watch die, everyone he loved he watch burn, left for death he decided to give up on it all. But he was give a chance,a hope, the power to change his future, the power to avenge those he love; but like all deals it came at a cost. Can he bear the cost? Can he bear the burden? And can he avenge those he love? Can he be the Demon god? I don't know? do you? ........ The first 10 chapters might be a bit confusing but all will be explained.

R3fi_cul · Fantasi
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9 Chs

And so it ends

There were 3 carriages lined up and under attack from the bandits, the Knights or warrior were clad in a silver armor and blue undershirt while; the bandits being bandits were wearing brown leather armor that looks worn out and most of them are equipped with axes but even though they were slowly gaining advantage due to there numbers.

"Should we do something if this continues they will be dead."

Still facing forward I replied Shadow

"First of all I can't help them I do not have the power to,second of all it none of my business helping them doesn't benefit me.

Shadow looked down in sadness i wonder what he is thinking of;

*Sigh* "but mark them "

"Who should I mark " Shadow ask a little bit puzzled.

"All of them including the bandits."

Shadow flew off in spirit state since basically no one can see him.

[Meanwhile at the bandits side]

"Boss we just need you to defeat the 2 star knight and we will win this." The bandit in grey shirt said with a tinge of excitement in his voice.

"Mmm I'll be right there."

The boss closed his eyes;

'if I win this battle and capture the noble I'll be able to go higher in post and possibly maybe then betou will give me the energy crystal' *smile*

(Betou is a title for a bandit king.)

He stood walking in long stride to the fighting scene.

'holy shit' azael cursed internally.

Making use of spirit connection I asked Shadow;

°hey are you done with the markings°

°yes sire am done°

°good move now°

'crap what da hell is a high level foundation walker doing here, which type of messed up settings is this.'

After putting alot of distance between me and the bandits I decided to take a rest .

"Hey Shadow describe the power level for me I need to understand what am getting into."

"The power level are as follows

+ Foundation walker

+ Bronze warrior

+Silver light master

+ Gold core expert

Each stage is divided into early, middle and high ;

Then we have

+Nascent core

Under it we have warrior , general and expert ;

+ Jade core and finally beyond that

Pseudo emmorteum which is the limit imposed on this continental realm the rest we be explained once you are there."

I turned to Shadow confused "what do you meaning continental realm, I mean isn't this the whole planet."

He looked at the surrounding contemplating , we are literally on a tree just like yesterday .

*Sigh* " I have to tell you eventually this continent was cut off if you will sealed from the others it is the main reason your Miasma couldn't be sensed by her, althoung it huge it not even five percent of the whole planet ."

He said that and just shrugged like it was nothing.

"Are you kidding me ."

You need to understand this continent is huge I mean to compare it will 2 time bigger than jupiter I mean just how powerful is the person who sealed this place even me in my previous incarnation don't have this kind of power .

I lay my head down preparing to sleep there is nothing my worries can do right now.

Two days later we arrived at the said location looking around all I see is trees and more trees, I couldn't help but ask

" Yo Shadow are we lost ."

"No ."

He said while darting his eyes left and right , at that moment I knew we were lost.

I just made my way to a tree trunk and sat on it tired.

'oh my god I knew it that idiot he didn't tell me what to do when I get there what to do,what to do sire looks mad'.

Closing my eyes to think I can only access one memory bank which is my life on earth but even that one is hazy and not really clear for some reason.'

"Shadow ."

"Yes sire."

He responded nervously.

"During moment like this you look for.. wait hold on come back ."

He slowly floated back to my side shaking for some weird reason .

"Sire why are we just standing here?"

"Don't worry we will find the entrance."

"By doing nothing ?"

" Exactly according to plot armor something is gonna happen just watch."


Shadow looks at me confused,, he underestimating the power of plot shaking my head I stood and fell and a tree splinter pricked my hand.


An underground passage suddenly opens

"Aha!! Told ya plot armor."

I slowly made my into the underground entrance going deeper through the staircase it slowly turns dark and god knows where the side torch pops from lighting from the way a few minute I made it to the bottom.

A huge door was in front the door was pure black with gold engraving with a silver hue .


I stood in front of the looking like an ant thinking how to open it since I don't see no handle .

"Blood just like what happened outside."

I touch the door and injected my blood essence into it the door slowly hummed and a ripple appeared across the surface as if welcoming me.the door never all I felt was a slight fluctuation and I was inside.

The place was built like a temple it supported by nine pillars the pillars have the same engravings as the door the ceiling is just two words beautiful chaos

It like black and red mixed into a painting swirling around each other with silver and gold twinkling like starlight.

The floor pure white .

"Feels cold uh jade white jade."

Making to the altar in the place feels more like a bed.

"Sire." He calls out slowly


"It quite dangerous sire about we wait until you are silver light warrior or bronz..."

*Smile* patting his head I said to him

"It okay I be right back."

I laid on altar closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

The whole engravings light up and started flickering like an heartbeat.

(Shadows pov)

Master face started changing few minute later .

'i pray he is fine what if one the soul posses him or his way of thinking takes..."

I was brought out of my thought by my master scream.


I couldn't touch or speak to him,nothing there is nothing I can do than watch .

"Sire please be ok.."

I muttered.

Sire started screaming again but this time far worse his pore started bleeding his eyes became blood red.

Looking around I can see the light fading and

Sire heart burst

"No,no,no,no SIRE come back please."

He said while sobbing.

The light slowly fades out.

"Mmm, am dying it better like this to die with sire."

Shadow began crumbling out of existence.

"It was nice serving you sire, may meet again."

Slowly the embrace of death takes Shadow away .

The once bright temple that filled with the sobbing of Shadow became desolate .

Azael Xavanovich seized to exist...