
The Demon god journey

What happens when the universe messes up. Not once have he won;not now, not ever. Born into a high standing family and as the hailed as the hope of the next generation or so he thought at one point in his life everything took a drastic turn. Everything he had; he watch die, everyone he loved he watch burn, left for death he decided to give up on it all. But he was give a chance,a hope, the power to change his future, the power to avenge those he love; but like all deals it came at a cost. Can he bear the cost? Can he bear the burden? And can he avenge those he love? Can he be the Demon god? I don't know? do you? ........ The first 10 chapters might be a bit confusing but all will be explained.

R3fi_cul · Fantasy
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9 Chs

OBASTRON:To devour

Sometime before


My head hurts I look around to find myself in a dark space I can feel the floor beneth but I can't see it


'Damn it so freaking dark I can't even see my hands.'

I decided to start moving forward in a straight line but somehow it feels like I have not left the a spot .

Meanwhile outside the dark space azael is in turns out it a dome of pure darkness and around it where 4 beings surrounded it.

"Is he the one anatos ?" A demon clad in black armor and golden rune with a sapphire spear holder said.

" I don't zalanor we can just hope he good enough." Responded anatos who is in a red hooded robe whose face is shown.

"I don't get it something is strange about I can't quite wrap my head around." Said a skeleton in a dull golden robe with a hint of red rune at the hem.

"Hahaha is that a joke avastor you have no head hahaha."

"Shut up you stupid idiot atleast am better than you muscle for brains.

Tired of childish chattering anatos called out in frustration

"Gigan ,avastor shutup for a sec will you."

Avastor turned towards the dome in confusion "he stopped moving,why??"

**Back at the dome**

'i feel there something am supposed to comprehend but I can't quite understand'.

"Mehh who cares I should just devour the energy in this place and level up."

I stood up on my feet adjusted my form and took a very deep breath "obastron" I muttered.

What da hell is he doing is he crazy???."

Anatos screamed .

Zalanor looked Pale like the blood in his face was drained "how that is impossible!!!"

*Blergh* I feel cough something warm.

Damn it that blood .

'so does this mean I can't devour it no, matter what I will devour it'


A hole formed in my dantian(around the navel) and I kept on devouring the energy but my body ...

"The young lord is going to die if this continues we need to do something."

Zalanor turned to the group "we need to give him the inheritance."

"Uh uh are you crazy!!" Anatos shout with a face filled with anger;he continues "he can barely hold on as it is and you want to give him more."

"Whatever you want to do,decide know not sure how long he has."

Turning to look at azael whose body was cracking due to the amount of ether he his absorbing.

Gigan in panic started cursing "shit,shit what now he gonna die."

Alastair replied in a voice that left no room for defiance "we give him the inheritance."

Everybody looked panic stricken but eventually complied.

The four demons began chanting

""Avast tà h> sãñu c-î æ < ßø."

Red stream of energy intertwined with black strated pouring into azael body .


'i can feel another stream of energy invading my body it help but can I, no I must hold on.

Before long blood starts seeping out of crack, five minutes later azeal was covered in blood from head to toe .

'must ho..old on.'

"His dantian his rampaging" gigan said.

'so this is the end for me uh, another life wasted uhh I 4eally have nothing to live for uh.'

In an empty space filled with stars hanging around like bulbs in that space is a Palace as dark as the space around it .

In side the palace there is a woman seated on the throne whose beauty transcends what even immortals are capable of are .....uh are......why can't I describe her she looks like.......f**k who da hell ........he....c...y.....he...r...


"What is this sense of urgency should i check on him but she might notice...whatever I risk it just this one time.

Her irises gives of a faint blue ethereal glow as she looks at the scene in front of her she breaks down .

"Wahhh azael,AZAEL!! Wake up please come one .

Meanwhile azael who dantian has erupted and is now drowning in his own blood .

"Uh wh..o are y..ou?"

He whispers in a weak breath

In turn the ethereal beauty answered: "am your wife and you are my husband."

"W...Ife h..ow I do..nt re *cough*."

"It okay remember you promised now stand up fight ,devour and come and get me my dear husband."

' I don't know why but that voice sounds familiar like I can't bear to see her sad I ....can't I want to know her.'

"Rise my monarch I'll be waiting for you."

The inheritance finally reacted to his will but it wasn't enough.

'So what if I don't have dantian I don't have to follow heaven will am dæmon ,a monarch and I .....I.. '

"Will dominate ARRRGHH!!!!!!!!"

'this is it ,this is our king.'

Like a cocoon the energy wrapped around him nourishing him; changing him.

Finally after few months passed the energy around started fading away and he came out .

His hair darker than before but with strands of silver in it, his eyes gold in color as bright as the sun itself his body way more chiselled than before his left his wrapped in red colored tattoo but it quickly disappeared.

The four demons went on one knee and bowed in reverence .

" My LIEGE!!" They cried out in happiness.

Believe it or not this is the happiest day of their life the dæmon race will rise again.

"Senior what is going on?"

The senior demon were slowly decaying,they were breaking apart .

Anatos stepped forward and answered "it means the inheritance is successful,it was the energy that holding our existence."

"My liege on your next inheritance you can ask my brother to train your weapon handling skills." Gigan said

Zalanor with a face filled with happiness looked at me and bowed:"thank you my lord."

And with that they crumbled out of existence.

I bowed my head to where they once were, thanking them .

"Although we don't know each other for too long I thank you for holding on for our race , rest in peace alexēvü."

{It means my seniors or ancestors.}

Turning around I look at the once dark space now white .

"Are you there"

"Yes I am"

A beautiful serene voice answered me .

" Are you really my wife "

I questioned her in doubt

"Yes I am yo don't just remember when you are strong enough you'll receive the memory."


"How do I find you if an strong enough."

"Come to the land of aesir and you find me."

"Wait hold on you are a GODDESS!!!"


She said are voice fading away into the background. "Find me my love."

I felt a peck on my cheek but I can't hear her anymore.

'mm don't why but I find you my alledged wife.*smile*

Waking I find myself in the temple.

#phew# "still alive." Looking around I noticed the cobwebs in the temple.

'how long was I out for ??"

"Sire you are fine."

Shadow in an anxious tone spoke to me.

"If my calculations right you spent five months in the trial."

"What five months are you kidding me ,I can't feel it."

'which type of fucked up novel is stupid just four chapters and I almost died fuck better get stronger or the author might kill me.'

Mmm looking at Shadow he is different I see .

"You've taken a humanoid form huh."

"Yes sire I can do more now."

He beamed happily.

Shadow grew to the size of an adult hand red hair and silver eyes clothed with a classic butler texudo and two batlike wings on his back .

"Come on let get out of here."

Getting out we come across an oasis.

"Shit it changed location crap, Shadow where are we."

Shadow flew up high and after few minute he came down .

" We 7 states away from where we came from."


"Mmm how far are we from the portal ."

"We are 2 towns, one city away.

"Oh ok but first a bath I stink ."

' finally sure stench was going to kill me had to stop breathing."

Looking at Shadow

"You are thinking rude of me aren't you."😒

"No,no I dare not sure."

"Oh really suspicious."

By the time we found a river it was close to the evening removing my cloth I dived into the river.

Shadow: ' I don't know why but I feel as if something will happen; mmm what though?'


I heard a scream turning my head and...

"Oh fuck me...."

Hi R3FICUL here:

Who do you think the goddess is?

Hint: one of the most popular goddess.

What do you think happened at the river?

Please 🙏 comment below. Bye for now.