
The death bearers

World War 3 and Another war has struck the Korean Peninsula and the giant meteorite Apophis is heading towards Earth!! And!! The death bearers who are watching it??? Please read the biggest and most sensational story in human history.

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31 Chs

Main Story Compassion Part20

"You're on to something."

I nodded.

"Yeah. It's like, whether I intervene in the world or not, the world is going to move on somehow. whether I intervene or not." 

I continued without pause.

"That's not the only reason I gave up on intervening in the world. There are other reasons."


I said, looking at my daughter's smiling face in the photo. 

"I was just scared."

I opened my mouth to reply, then closed it again.

"Scared of those who use ideas and ideologies to protect their own vested interests and the forces that support them. and the forces that support them, and I saw a world that was becoming increasingly chaotic. I have given up on myself in the face of an increasingly chaotic world waged by those who use ideas and ideologies to defend their vested interests and the forces that support them. I was afraid that I would have been nothing more than a valuable commodity for them. I was afraid of that."

Right after I told him why I had given up on intervening, he said. 

"Good for you," he said.

"You're too good to be taken advantage of... it would have hurt you."

His face was dark, and his dark face was filled with regret and sadness. and regret. He soon tried to hide his feelings and told me.

"Even if you had ushered in the new millennium, humans would still be fighting again and sacrificing each other. would have been at each other's throats again, victimizing each other. 

If the powers that be don't change, the world will never change." 

He wasn't wrong, so I opened my mouth to retort. opened my mouth.

"There was one person I liked." 


I said to him, who shook his head with a cigarette in his mouth. 

"There's an old saying that the sky falls on leaders. Tyrants and good men. whichever way it falls, it's the will of the heavens. But the heavens didn't send a leader for Korea."

As he put the third cigarette in his mouth, he lit it and said. 

"Because the sky is cold."