
The death bearers

World War 3 and Another war has struck the Korean Peninsula and the giant meteorite Apophis is heading towards Earth!! And!! The death bearers who are watching it??? Please read the biggest and most sensational story in human history.

communicat · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Main Story Compassion Part21

I opened my mouth, unable to suppress my disappointment."That's why I was trying to give him a cause. Politics is a cause. It's a fight, and you can do anything as long as you have a cause. That's politics." 

As I continued my story, he continued to smoke his cigarette in silence. I continued to talk about it.

"Well, I didn't mind letting him take over, after all. It's just my personal judgment as the one who bears the death, but somehow I think it would be a good world with him. he could make the world a better place." 

I wonder if he's bored with just smoking and not talking anymore. He exhaled a puff of smoke He exhaled and opened his mouth. 

"It's their business, and none of ours."Pretending I didn't hear his cold words, I stared at the moon, which was beginning to shine. beginning to shine."What made this human race so inflexible to each other? A good We had so many chances to make this a good world, and we wasted them all. I just cry."

He put his hand on my sagging shoulder.

"That's because we're creatures, aren't we? We're creatures who get sick if we don't crush our disputes. If they don't crush it, they get sick."

He lit another cigarette as he continued his story.

"Even when the Absolute appears in front of them, they deny it, and create strife to protect their vested to defend their vested rights, and that's why this shape, this hump, is I am."

As he continued to talk, the darkness on his face, whether he was angry or not, disappeared. subsided, and he blew out a puff of cigarette smoke and spoke again.

"Unlike you I don't want to pity humans. Cause and effect is all they do, but nothing more."

When he finished, he looked up at me, his face as bright as ever. opened his mouth.

"What are we going to do now, anyway? We can't just sit here and watch the pieces of meat. just looking at the pieces of meat?"

I said, placing a hand on one of Seung-hwan's shoulders. 

"We need to go see Mua, there's something I need to check." 

He grinned.