
The Day Earth Fell into Silence

“Any human alive must be captured, neutralize and reported to the nearest post!” In a world much like our own, an ordinary day takes a sinister turn when a sudden and mysterious slumber claims the lives of most of humanity within minutes. Amid the desolation, Chump discovers a glimmer of hope: her sister miraculously survived. Reunited but thrust into a harsh reality, they soon encounter enigmatic beings from another world. These interplanetary visitors from Mantrea reveal that they have conquered Earth, harvesting souls for their goals under the decree of their formidable "Goddess". With a thirst for revenge burning in his heart for their world death and his sister being kidnapped, Chump embarks on a quest to gain any sort of powers, survive against the madness and confront the leaders of this otherworldly dominion. Along the way, he must find a way to control the elusive and potent magic known as Remenant, a force beyond his comprehension. Vengeance, survival, and the mysteries of Remenant weave a gripping tale of determination and resilience. Not gonna lie, I feel the sypnosis a bit generic for my taste, but hey, will have my touches here and there KYAHAHAHA!~ I also post the novel in RR until i get a contract somehwere hahaha~ (This is a weaktostrong long novel. New chapter once a day, at 21:20 GMT+8... I should stop changing the hour, but i realize that most of my viewers are middle asia and far east europe~)

Clyonor · Fantasi
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41 Chs

Manners Maketh Man

Sharlindra's dress was messier than before, with her shoes filled with dirt and her apron covered in scratches and cuts. Wouldn't it be easier to make a new one instead of trying to reattach it all together?

Both combatants were on the ground, with Sharlindra's legs interlocked around the soldier's neck, who struggled to free himself. Their attacks were about to collide, but her knife descended faster towards his chest than his knife reached her leg.

"STOP!" Julie shouted, and from her arms, strings of water reached both combatants, restraining them until they calmed down and stood up.

It was midday, around two o'clock, though it was hard to tell without any clocks in the garden. The maidens and Darinma were completely amazed, with open mouths and frozen expressions as they watched the banshee in action. Darinma, the kid, imitated her moves, striking the air and shouting, "Hyah! Hooo! Woosh!" in admiration.

The veterans showed their approval with nods and gestures of appreciation. Some even took notes as they observed Sharlindra's impressive feats. The soldiers who had been defeated experienced their first near-death encounter, the fear and dread of having their lives mere inches away from being taken.

The squad commander understood the situation and stood by the newbies, allowing them to catch their breath and vent their stress. Some asked anxious questions, seeking clarification.

Sharlindra stood proudly, making a quick bow to the veterans while looking at Julie and Granny with a triumphant smile. "So, did I lie, Miss Captain? Hjhjhjhjhj."

Julie sighed and rolled her eyes, conceding defeat. "Alright, I have to admit when I'm wrong. You truly have talent and skills."

"That's right," Sharlindra gloated, laughing with a hint of hysteria as she showed off her hand movements.

"In half a decade, you will be ready to be a great asset to our nations! Now that you—" Julie was interrupted by a scream.

"WHAT?!" Sharlindra shouted, her mood shifting instantly with those words, baffled and fuming. "I showed that I am capable of defending myself! What do you mean five years?! Isn't that like five hundred years in Earth time?!"

Julie burst into laughter as she explained, "Oh, don't get me wrong, you are capable! But you still make mistakes. Your training will take half the time that someone else would usually need, and I'm counting the maid duties you'll have here. So that would be a quarter of what a normal soldier would get."

"Tsk, this is ridiculous! I won't do—"

"You're still a slave," Julie commented, her eyes lighting up as her arm was covered in blue lines of Remnant. In an instant, strings of water covered Sharlindra's body, restraining her arms together. "Your planet has been conquered. I'm being kind right now."

The restraints were removed in the blink of an eye, but they left an impression of powerlessness on the reincarnated human. The veterans intervened, some attempting to calm both of them. The sword veteran spoke first, "Your technique and finesse are on par with us and even the commanders."

The lance user continued, "I'm pretty sure you can even beat some of us in a serious confrontation if needed."

The maul and shield users added, "However, in most of your duels, their weapons always struck your dress, or even wounded you a bit."

The great Warhammer user finished, "Meaning that while you control yourself, you don't control the battlefield or respect the space of their weapons."

"What's the matter? If I win over the other, it's over, no? Then I don't care how I end up looking."

Granny and Julie were growing impatient. The veterans didn't know how to proceed, and the newbies were preparing to leave. But Sharlindra's new voice cut through the conversation.

"The matter is that you could get your allies hurt or trigger unintended consequences on the battlefield or even in yourself, Miss Sharlindra," he said with a yawn.

From the main door, a figure floated into view, standing tall. Ephiron wore a completely new suit in lighter colors this time, and he also sported a full apron and a brand new emerald scarf, "Good afternoon gentlemen and gentlewomen."

Everyone in the front yard, except for Sharlindra, responded instantly and in perfect sync, "Good afternoon, Sir Ephiron." The maidens bowed respectfully in the presence of the butler, while every military person held their ground and offered a full salute out of respect.

Sharlindra, however, laughed disrespectfully at the man towering over her by a foot. "You're a butler, what do you even know?!"

Ephiron simply smiled softly and nodded. "I see that someone is very enthusiastic after some training. Very well, I accept your challenge and emotions. Let's have a best-of-five match. If you win, I will free you from your slave status, but if I win—"

"LET'S DO THIS! Come at me then!" Sharlindra declared.

Ephiron merely nodded and stepped into the ring. "Very well, Julie will be the judge. Choose your weapon wisely. I will go unarmed against you."

"Hahaha, sure, this will be easy," Sharlindra replied, equipping herself with two daggers while concealing her face behind them, her gaze filled with murderous intent.

Ephiron tightened his apron securely, making sure it wouldn't come undone during the fight. He then adjusted his gloves and took his position on one side of the ring.

The newbies should have left by now, but they chose to stay and witness the fight, with even the commander agreeing to observe. The veterans and maidens remained silent and watchful. Julie gave the signal.


Sharlindra lunged forward with a flurry of strikes aimed at Ephiron's head and torso. Her attacks came from every direction—upwards, downwards, and side to side—each aimed at taking him down with a single cut. Her second hand remained in a defensive position.

Ephiron calmly dodged every attack, even when the knife was less than an inch from his face. He quipped, "Well, that agility would be great for the kitchen, Miss Sharlindra."

But with each strike she attempted, the banshee's frustration grew. When she got close enough, she went all in. She stomped her right foot onto his right foot and sent her hand flying toward his throat. Ephiron reacted by crouching and extending his arms into the air.

Sharlindra smirked, her other hand ready with the knife, her body turned sideways, and her arm poised for a strike.

Before she could react, Ephiron seized both of her wrists, tightening his grip on her veins. He raised his right foot, causing her to lose her balance on that leg and start falling sideways. In a rapid and fluid motion, Ephiron moved her arms behind her back without causing any harm.

In response to this position, Sharlindra dropped the knives, and her face met the ground before her weapons could.

Ephiron swiftly placed both of her hands on her back, pressing against them, and took one of the falling knives. He positioned it against her neck and calmly declared, "One."

It was clear to everyone that if Ephiron continued, Sharlindra would have met her demise. Sharlindra, once freed, placed a hand on her neck, feeling the dread of her near-death experience.

However, as she stood, she shook off her fear and frustration. "Fine! Second round then!" Impatiently, she grabbed a poleaxe, a combination of an axe and a lance.

Once both were ready, Sharlindra charged toward the butler, her determination and anger increasing her blood pressure. Ephiron calmly walked toward the vampire-looking woman. "I see you're keeping your distance now. Learning from your mistakes, are you? But as for your face, may I ask if it's your first time doing that?"

Sharlindra launched multiple attacks, attempting to strike his torso. Yet every time, Ephiron dodged and seemed to close the gap. When she jumped backward to maintain distance, she couldn't comprehend why she couldn't land a single hit.

In a single fluid movement, just after she jumped, Sharlindra thrust her weapon toward Ephiron's stomach. But Ephiron sidestepped, dodging the attack. Using her arm and body as a support and lever, she attempted to move the axe's edge toward Ephiron's torso.

Remaining calm, Ephiron's left arm grabbed the weapon by the pole and pushed it forward. "That was not a good move," he commented. The balance of the banshee was disrupted, and her face hit the ground. Ephiron took hold of the weapon, swinging it around him a few times.

As her face lifted off the ground, she saw the axe's edge inches away from her face, only to halt before causing harm. "Two."

Sharlindra needed a couple of minutes to recover from that last jump scare. She hissed, her frustration evident as she clenched her fists. "You bastard, so skilled in defense, cowardly waiting. Not a single initiative to attack me first..." This time, she chose to go barehanded.

Ephiron simply bowed to her and added, "As you wish, Miss Sharlindra. I hope that tonight you are willing to take cooking lessons."

The maidens giggled upon hearing this, while the rest watched in amazement at how fluid Ephiron's movements were, as if he were made of water.

Once they were both ready again, Ephiron took the initiative to strike first. He ran towards her slowly enough for her to react, positioning himself sideways to launch a frontal kick toward her torso.

The banshee caught his leg with her right hand and was about to elbow his knee with her left arm, but Ephiron wasn't finished. With the leg he was standing on, half-crouching, he jumped, pushing Sharlindra a bit backward. In mid-air, he rolled in the other direction, freeing his foot in the process.

Before completing the roll, he delivered a powerful kick to her face.


He landed on the ground in a crouched position without stirring any dust in the ring. His clothes remained clean, not even the apron had a speck on it.

After the quick and forceful kick to her face, Sharlindra was paralyzed for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground, completely incapacitated.


I dont care is a pure cliche

I dont care if it has been made thousands of times

Is just awesome. Its really great writing a character with such sense of morals and skills. Always!


Clyonorcreators' thoughts