
The Day Earth Fell into Silence

“Any human alive must be captured, neutralize and reported to the nearest post!” In a world much like our own, an ordinary day takes a sinister turn when a sudden and mysterious slumber claims the lives of most of humanity within minutes. Amid the desolation, Chump discovers a glimmer of hope: her sister miraculously survived. Reunited but thrust into a harsh reality, they soon encounter enigmatic beings from another world. These interplanetary visitors from Mantrea reveal that they have conquered Earth, harvesting souls for their goals under the decree of their formidable "Goddess". With a thirst for revenge burning in his heart for their world death and his sister being kidnapped, Chump embarks on a quest to gain any sort of powers, survive against the madness and confront the leaders of this otherworldly dominion. Along the way, he must find a way to control the elusive and potent magic known as Remenant, a force beyond his comprehension. Vengeance, survival, and the mysteries of Remenant weave a gripping tale of determination and resilience. Not gonna lie, I feel the sypnosis a bit generic for my taste, but hey, will have my touches here and there KYAHAHAHA!~ I also post the novel in RR until i get a contract somehwere hahaha~ (This is a weaktostrong long novel. New chapter once a day, at 21:20 GMT+8... I should stop changing the hour, but i realize that most of my viewers are middle asia and far east europe~)

Clyonor · Fantasi
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41 Chs

He is fine.

Back on Earth, Chump was sifting through documents and amassing notebooks and books. Hours had passed since the last accident. Meisho now understood the struggles and major events they had both endured.

In the lab, Clem arranged two large tables, chairs, and some actual furniture to support their respective tables. Chump nodded, appearing more silent than usual, fully engrossed in his work. Zippy expressed her concerns, trying to offer him a bag of chips.

Chump dismissed her worries, saying, "Don't worry, I am fine."

"Without the internet, it will be difficult, but I have some PowerPoint presentations and plenty of documents from my past work in recent years. That should be enough to explain the basics. Now, for the worst part..."

Meisho observed the human and the makeshift classroom he had set up beside the labs. The rabbits were constructing the walls of the new room, tall enough to accommodate the giant android comfortably, with a door connecting to it.

Chump placed all the books and notebooks on the table intended for the two artificial beings. Then he headed to a nearby parked car. He opened the trunk, where some of Chump's belongings were stored, and retrieved a computer that resembled a rectangular black box.

As he lifted the PC with his hands, a sudden pain in his chest struck, forcing him to return it to its place. He struggled, and coughed a couple of times, enduring the discomfort.

"ssssssss ahhhhhhhh…"

Meisho approached, seeing the human paralyzed by pain, and extended a tentacle to his shoulder. "Mister Chump, do you need assistance with that?"

"Don't worry, I am fine," Chump repeated with a clear voice, his movements indicating an effort to regain his strength.

Meisho tilted her head, her Remenant eyes briefly turning a pure gray before returning to their orange-ruby hue. She could see the damage to his ribs. "Mister Chump, you may need to lie down—"

"No, I am fine. Please wait in the classroom. I know the translator doesn't translate books, so I'll be there once I'm finished, alright?" Chump's voice dismissed her, as he attempted to ignore her presence.

Meisho extended a hand toward the human, trying to speak to him. "Chump, I... I wish to apo—"

But Chump interrupted her with a desperate attempt to shoo her away. "I am fine, okay?! Please, now go..."

"What? But I—"

Chump turned to face her, looking up as best he could since she was almost three times his height. He started sweating, seeing her face, and his breathing grew faster.

Flashbacks of her face, covered in energy, vividly angry, with those same tentacles that had tried to comfort him hours ago now seeming to take his life away.

He lost his balance, nearly falling halfway into the trunk. Meisho reacted faster than the wind, grabbing half of his body to prevent further injury.

"Chump, please breathe out. I... I don't know..."

"I am fine! I am fine!" He repeated loudly enough to attract Clem's attention. Clem rushed over.

"Chump, snap out of it!" He shook him by the shoulder, and the human woke up, holding onto Clem's arm and coughing.

It took a few seconds for Chump to stand up. Meisho looked at Clem with a hint of concern, but before anyone could say anything, the human exclaimed.

"Dammit, Chump, keep it together..." Chump looked again at Meisho's face, and the flashback returned. This time, he faced it head-on, showing anger, and continued, "Prepare the projector, okay? I will be there."

"Chump, you're not okay. You need treatment," Clem insisted, examining Chump's sweating face and dry eyes.

"I don't need anything. Please, go, Clem. We don't have much time." He gently pushed away Meisho's tendrils and took a deep breath.

"Prove to me that you're okay, then..."

"Fine by me..." He crouched slightly and, once again, attempted to shoulder the PC. The pain returned, nearly causing him to fall again. However, something in his sight caught Meisho's attention. She recognized the unyielding determination, the refusal to give up.

In a fit of rage, he stood up proudly. His legs, shoulders, and arms worked together, compensating for the chest's limitations. Despite the agony in his chest, he pressed forward toward the teacher's table.

After setting up the computer with some help from nearby stores for cables and a random screen, the makeshift classroom was ready to go. It was powered by a generator and equipped with lamps, tables, a projector, and even a tiny chalkboard.

Chump began to explain to both of them, "Alright... Good morning or afternoon, I don't know. To summarize, there's a danger called 'Radioactive products' scattered around the world, remnants of human technology that humanity could have controlled before its collapse. Now, with no one to oversee them, there's probably a protocol keeping them together."

Meisho interjected, "But once the cleanup of this world starts, won't it trigger ill effects on the planet?"

Chump affirmed, "Yes."

"Then why are we here? Shouldn't we locate and contain them in safe places before anything happens?" Meisho asked, sitting on her giant tendrils.

Chump shook his head, a look of determination in his eyes. "To understand what these things are, we need to understand human technology. To understand human technology, we must first understand human history. The two are closely intertwined."

Clem was curious and asked, "But why not send us the locations and start working while you explain?"

Chump replied, "Because I don't know the locations of most of them! I only know about the ones that were kept as electricity generators. You are the ones who will need to travel the world and locate them."

Meisho expressed her confusion, "Electricity generators? Why would anyone generate electricity with such destructive power?"

Chump responded, "That's precisely why this class is important." Both android and golem nodded in understanding, even though they had many questions, they understood that they would eventually get answers.

Chump slammed the table, and the PowerPoint presentation began, coincidentally displaying a project on human history he had prepared a few years ago, including dates. It grabbed everyone's attention, including the bunnies. Chump's tone became serious.

"Before we begin this class, I want to make three things clear: One, I will skip unnecessary drama that unfolded over the millennia to expedite the process. However, the last five hundred years were of great significance. Technological advancements and political decisions were practically intertwined."

The bunnies nodded in agreement. Zippy brought some freshly made cocoa, having learned how to make it by observing Chump. Chump gave a soft smile and patted their heads.

"Two, if what Clem said when we first met is correct, we have less than fifty days until the entire planet is entirely reshaped and human history is buried or destroyed. We must act swiftly."

Meisho raised one of her tendrils and asked, "Yes, General Meisho?"

"If we need to act swiftly, I could communicate with Clyon about this," Meisho suggested, extending Remenant into one of her arms.

Chump caught her attention with a hand movement. "Look at me. I am literally considered a creature that shouldn't exist on your damn planet! The entire planet! If I step inside, it's over. I won't say a word if you try anything like that, and that's the end of it."

A memory flashed in Meisho's mind, and she stopped powering up, shaking her head. Her gaze indicated that she had understood.

"And third, General Meisho."


"I apologize for my behavior earlier." Chump lowered his head.

Meisho was taken aback. "W-What?"

"I genuinely apologize. If I had known that you had issues with jokes, I wouldn't have done it. It was not my intention to make you react like that; I was just trying to calm you down and see if you had emotions."

Meisho looked at Clem briefly before averting her gaze, her face deep in thought. "No... No, it's wrong for you to apologize. It was my fault. I acted without logic—"

But Chump interrupted her, raising a hand. "No, let me explain. In my world, we created artificial life... But it wasn't truly alive. I teased you, thinking that you wouldn't pay attention, or that you considered Clem just a puppet. But instead, I got real reactions from you... I was disrespectful."

Clem wanted to interject, but Chump continued, "And I need to learn to deal with these emotions. I've faced a giant bull made of stone that wanted to turn me into meat seasoning. I've met a giant celestial being, not once but twice. I've fought against a woman towering over me who could breathe fire and crush cars like paper, and an ice being who partially froze my arm, nearly costing me my life."

The androids began to grasp the gravity of what Chump had experienced, and they remained silent. Chump's breath trembled, his vision grew slightly blurry, and he scratched his arm forcefully as he continued, "Now since you stopped observing us over two "decades" ago, around the time of the Roman Empire, let's pick up from there."

In that room, a sense of sorrow filled the artificial beings, Zippy, and the bunnies. It was too early to discuss what had transpired.

He was not fine.

My interpretation of this cases could be up to debate.

Mental health is a really serious manner for everyone and anyone.

Please seek help if you need it.

There is no laugh to some one's mental state.

I know your pain, do not endure it alone, there is people around you or nearby that can help.

Take care of your selfs, do not listen to those demons.

Clyonorcreators' thoughts