
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Fantasi
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24 Chs


The next day...

Everyone is on the road to their destination to their specific sectors. Meanwhile, Yin was heading towards sector B with her squad.

The squad members were talking to each other "I'm so excited we get to fight beside her" "Yeah and I'm sure we'll win this fight with her on our side" "You bet". Yin wasn't paying attention to them and was listening to music and looking outside the car.

After 6hrs they finally reach outside the gates of Luciana country. It was a big area with mountains and grassland. It was the border of Luciana. Yin gets out of the car. There were other people from different guilds in that place and they all started whispering "Hey isn't that the hero, Yin? She's kinda hot" "Hey! Keep it down she might hear you". Yin could hear everything but she walked past everyone as if nothing happened. She then entered her tent and sat down to relax a bit.

She sat down for about 10mins. A man standing outside her tent says "Miss Yin, there's a meeting called for everyone". Yin gets up and replies "*Sighs, let's go". The meeting was held in the middle of the plain land. A guy stands up on a chair and starts yelling saying "I welcome all our brothers and sisters here. We are from Luciana and we'll have gathered here to protect our country from those evil Hex Empire scums". The guy kept yelling more stuff. After a while, he stops and sees Yin and gets down from the chair and walks toward Yin. He says "Miss Yin, how about saying some kind words to them to encourage them". Yin replies "I'm not interested" and starts to walk away. Just then he blocks her way by standing in front of her and says "C'mon don't be like they'll be happy to hear from you". Yin stares at him in anger and says "I said…I'm…not…interested". The guy feels a sudden chill and says "Okay….okay…don't get mad". Yin then walks away and takes a stroll to check the surrounding. The guy "*Tch, Who does she think she is".

Yin looks at the surrounding, spreads her arms wide and says "It's so peaceful and beautiful here". Meanwhile, the other groups were preparing for battle and setting up everything ready.

In Sector- C, Hammond and his team just reached their destination and they settled down in their spot and started preparing for battle. But Hammond seems to have other plans. Hammond has secretly made another squad to accompany him to the "Great Dungeon". He intended to take his squad and go inside the "Great Dungeon" while everyone was fighting.

Meanwhile, in Sector-B. Yin was about to go back to her tent just when she heard two girls speaking near a big rock alone. "Hey, did you hear that guy named "Yang" he's the reason this war is happening". The other girl says "I know right. I mean how cruel can he be after nearly killing everyone in the village and now he's going after a whole country" The other girl replies "Yeah he's a psychopath. By the way I heard he was a kid when that accident happened. Was that true?" The girl says "Yeah he was. I'm terrified just by thinking how strong he must be now".

After listening for some time Yin realizes that they might know something about Yang and where he came from and about his. Yin confronts those girls by suddenly jumping from behind them. Both the girls get startled and scream "Kyaaaaa!!, Save us". Yin replies "Tell me about him". The girls quiet down and say "Oh it's you, Ms Yin". The other girl says "What guy?". Yin replies "I'm asking about...Yang". The girls were hesitating and didn't wanna talk about it. The girl says "I don't know what you're talking about why would we know about him, Yang". Yin says a cold time "If you don't wanna get hurt I suggest you start speaking fast"

The girls were scared but they still didn't speak. One of the girls said, "I'm sorry we can't because if we do we'll be exiled from our village". Both the girls were from Huo Village. Yin thinks for a bit "I think it's more complicated than it seems and I don't want them to be any danger". She then asks them nicely "If you tell me I promise I'll protect you if there's any danger. You can count on me. So please can you tell me about his past, it's very important for me to know. Since it will be helpful while fighting him. Knowing your enemy is winning half of the battle right?".

Both girls looked at each other and then they said "Okay we'll tell you everything we know". Yin says to herself "They caught the bait". The girls then say "We don't know what happened exactly but as far as we know it was during the "Holy Flame tragedy". Everyone from Huo Village knows about it but we're not allowed to speak about it to others. They say the "Holy Flame tragedy" was caused by him when he was a small kid. People outside our village were made to think it was an accident".

Yin asks "Why would they do that? Wouldn't it be better if they just said it wasn't an accident and since he was just a small kid why didn't they take any action?". The other girl replies "We don't know. Only some people in our village know about it. They said everyone loved him a lot after he lost his parents mostly the elders. He had a lot of mana more than anyone we've ever seen. Suddenly one day he went on a rampage and killed many people" Yin says "I see… Can you tell something more?" The girls reply "We only know this much. We're sorry". Yin looks disappointed and says to herself "Something feels wrong. The way they described the events doesn't feel right. Whenever he used to talk he seemed to be hurt and the time I spent with him he didn't seem like he would really do something like that…."

The other girl looks at Yin and says "Erm… Ms Yin". Yin looks at her. The girl says "There might be a person who might know something about him". Yin felt a little happy but she didn't understand at that time why. Was it because she never really believed Yang would do something like that or was it because she trusts him so much that she knew he had a reason for everything that happened and everything that he did. Yin asks the girl "Who is it? Who's the person? Tell me". The girl says "That person's name is Lee and he happens to be related to his parent somehow". Yin was shocked to hear that and think's to herself "Related to him? So he has someone from his family still alive". Yin then asks "Where can I find him?".

The girl says "Erm…I don't exactly know but I once heard from my father that he's somewhere over those mountains in a small village. He might know everything that happened since he used to work with the elders of our village until he was exiled". Yin looks at the mountains, and she then says to the girls "Thank you so much. If there's any problem regarding this you can let me know I'll help you and I promise I won't talk about this to anyone". The girl was relieved and said with a smile " We're happy we could help you, Ms Yin. You're our hero after all".

Time passed as they talked and it was nighttime. Yin returns back to her tent to rest and plan her next move. Yin decides to go to those mountains tomorrow but she has to find an excuse to get away from the rest of her team members. After coming up with a plan, she finally falls asleep.

Time before the war: 2 Days left

Lee was exiled from the village for betraying and now lives alone in a village.

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