
The Cursed Arsenal: Itadori Yuji

Since the start of Jujutsu Kaisen I've always pondered on the context of Yuji's main way of attacking is through weapons instead of his fists and after the introduction of Toji my mind started working on a story hence this work. I'm a big fan of the fate series especially fate stay night which lead to me making Shirou's Projection Magic into a cursed technique which you can guess is going to be Yujis. Before you ask ik there's a cursed technique like that in jjk but I didn't want to use it since already two people have the technique. Hope you enjoy

Jin_Yamagawa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Why's everyone empty handed!?" Nobara asked in surprise looking at the other first and second years who were waiting for her. "Counter question, why do you have a duffle bag?" Panda asked the question that everyone else had in mind, "Why? Aren't we going to Kyoto?" the first year asked making everyone look at her in confusion. "We have the event at the school that won the previous year and thanks to Yuta we have a complete victory last year." The cursed corpse explained making Nobara fall to her knees, "Damn you Okkotsu senpai!!" Magumi sighed and looked around in annoyance. "He's late." Se said cussing under his breath to which Maki chuckled at, "I'm sure the idiot will get here before we start or else there's going to be hell to pay." The second year said cracking her knuckles with a dangerous aura around her.

A minute later Maki noticed a group coming, "Hey, they're here." She caught her comrades attention making them look at the Kyoto group. Instantly Nobara turned serious, "Give me Kashiori, Yatsuhashi Kuzuriki and Sobabouro." "Salmon Sushi." She and Inumaki demanded making the Kyoto team sweat drop, "Are you guys hungry or something?" Todo asked confused. "Isn't two first years too much of a handicap?" Mekamaru commented looking at the Tokyo team, "Age is not important in the world of Jujutsu." Noritoshi told the robot. "Okay stop it, no fighting." Kyotos teacher, Utahime, told them as she walked up the stairs. "So, where's the moron?" she asked looking around for the Tokyo teacher.

Everyone heard a familiar chuckle as said man appeared in the middle rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry for the wait." "Tch, Satoru Gojo." Utahime spat, glaring at her old schoolmate. The man ignored her and looked around at everyone, "Seems like everyone is here. You see I was overseas so I had to-." The man started explaining as to why he was late but Maki stopped him, "Shut up. Where's the idiot, Moron?" Gojo grabbed his chest where his heart was and acted hurt, "To call your beloved teacher a moron, Maki I'm hurt." He wiped a fake tear away which made the girl scoff and roll her eyes.

"As for your question, his walking up right as we speak." The teacher added right as the people started hearing footsteps coming from the stair, as they grew closer a sudden wave of cursed energy washed over the students making their eyes widen in shock, those weaker of the bunch buckling under the pressure. Moments later Yuji stood on top of the stairs, his cursed energy flowing off him like a raging fire, making many look at him in awe and others in fear. The boy lowered his sunglasses and grinned at his friends, "Hey guys, missed me?"

Utahime looked at the new arrival in interest because the sunglasses he wore looked the exact same as the one Gojo wore during his school years, Yuji walked towards his group and dodges a kick sent to him from Maki, "Wow Maki senpai, what was that for?" he asked before dodging a couple more attacked, "Tch, why are you late? And why do you have sunglasses on?" Maki asked after a while crossing her arms over her chest. Yuji chuckled and rubbed the side of his head, "Me and sensei went to Greece and kinda lost track of time. As for these, its pretty much the middle of summer there so I had to block out the sun 24/7. Plus, these things are pretty special ya know." He explained as he took them off and looked down at them a memory flashing before he threw them in the air and let them fall back in place on his face.

"You went to Greece!?" Nobara shouted in shock and jealousy, "And Ireland." He added making the girls jealousy grow, "While we were training our asses off, you went on a vacation in Greece and Ireland!?" his peer shouted annoyed as she grabbed his shirt and started shaking him back and forth as he chuckled nervously, "It's not exactly like that Nobara." He tried to explain but the girl didn't listen. After she calmed down the Tokyo team walked into a building and started talking about their battle plan.

"If I'm right Todo is going to come straight for us and Mai might come along to want to deal with me. Todo is a monster and can pretty much take us all on so we can leave one person to slow him down, Panda or Megumi are good candidates." Maki started explaining with stroking her chin looking over at everyone, "I'll take him and I'll make sure to win." Yuji chimed in making everyone look at him surprised, "Aren't you being to over confident? Can you really back up your words?" the second year asked to which the boy placed his hands behind his head and fell back on his back, his glasses moving to over his forehead "Don't you worry Maki. As I am now, no one in this event can defeat me." He glanced over to the second year and flashed a confident grin. Maki smiled and shook her head before punching Yuji in the stomach, "Add senpai to my name, first year."


The Tokyo team ran through the forest gunning for the boss curse, in their path they saw a low-grade curse but before they could attack Yuji stopped them and made two shuriken, throwing them at the curse right as Todo busted through the trees, "There you all a-." "Cursed Technique Reversal: Trigger off." Todo was cut off as the kunai's flying at him exploded pushing him back and killed the curse. "Well, that's new." Maki commented with a whistle, "And I still have more. Good luck." The first year wished his team as they dispersed. "Heh that packed a punch." Todo commented wiping some blood off of his lip, "My turn." The older student grinned and rushed at Yuji sending a punch his way.

The first year didn't dodge or block and let the attack hit his cheek, he didn't move an inch and looked the surprised Todo in the eyes, "Gojo senseis punches are much harder." He spun and back handed the older boy to the side to which he slides to a stop. "What's your name, first year?" Todo asked cracking his neck, "...Yuji Itadori." The boy answered while stretching, "Yuji Itadori What kind of women is your type?" Todo asked making his opponent look at him confused and paused to think of the question. "I don't really get it but if I had to say A tall girl with a fat ass, like Jennifer Lopez. Or Maki but she is shorter than me but she does have a pretty fat ass." He answered after a second of thinking about it but unknown to him, Maki was still close enough to hear him and had a massive blush turning her whole face red. Todo looked at the boy eyes wide as a new memory appeared in his mind.

"I'm going to confess to Takada." Todo told his friend who looked at him shocked, "Please don't! I don't want to console you! That's going to be a real pain!" Yuji shouted making Todo look at him deadpan, "Why are you presuming that I'm going to get rejected." "Why do you even think its going to go well?" the younger boy asked as his friend started walking away, "Anne Sullivan once said this to Helen Keller: As if theres a moron around who thinks they're gonna lose before they fight." "Inoki is the one who said that." Yuji corrected.

"I'm sorry but I already have someone I like." Takada said with a blush leaving Todo sad as he went to sulk in a corner, "Maybe I'm the one she likes.." "Yeah no." Yuji shut the idea down as he approached his friend and slapped him across this head, "Alright get up, I'm going to treat you to some ramen." The younger boy smiled and helped his friend up as they walked away to a ramen shop.

"Ahaha, seems like both of us are best friends." Todo looked up at the sky tears falling down, "Oi! You just learned my name!" Yuji contested in shock of the sudden revelation. Yuji's ears heard four set of footsteps coming from all around him, "You're going to need more people than that." He commented looking at the spots where the Kyoto students stood. Mai shot at him which he easily dodged to the side going straight towards Miwa who readied an attack, "Shin Kage Style, Simple Domain." She said waiting until Yuji entered her small domain, "Quick draw!" she pulled on her sword but before it could even get out of its sheath, Yuji was in front of her, his palm resting on the pommel stopping her attack before it could even start.

"Slow." He commented and punched the girl away, Mekamaru appeared from Yuji's side and aimed his palm at him aiming, getting a beam ready. Mai and Noritoshi also aimed their weapons at him and readied their shots, sighing the first year raised his palm in front of him to defend himself. Before he could summon whatever he wanted to help defend himself with, a clap was heard as Noritoshi was standing where Yuji was while Yuji was standing on a tree branch looking around confused, his sunglasses almost falling off. "Oi I told you that I'd kill you if you got in my way, didn't I?" Todo said angrily behind Noritoshi who glanced at him before clicking his tongue and walked away the other Kyoto students following.

"Sorry about that my best friend. Why don't we resume our fight." Todo said with a grin getting into a fighting stance, Yuji glanced at the other Kyoto students who had started fighting his teammates before he summoned Bo staff and also got into a low stance. In a flash Todo ran at his opponent and started their clash, Yuji choose to be more on the defense in order to study the older boys fighting style. He ducked under a punch and sent a swing aimed to the chin which Todo nearly dodged and counterattacking by spartan kicking his friend. Yuji stabbed his staff into the ground in front of him to block, he then used the staff as support to drop kick the older boy back and did a follow up attack by pulling his staff back and did a front flip before slamming the weapon to the ground causing it to crack and explode.

Using the rocks around him, he jumped from rock to rock and used a hit and run strategy. When he went for another attack, Todo clapped his hand and Yuji found himself in his opponents place confusing him and leaving him open to an energy filled kick that he managed to block last minute but in exchange his staff snapped in two. Humming he landed and went into another furry of attacks using the two staff pieces as batons, Todo clapped again and managed to land a hit and went from there switching and attacking but the younger boy was able adapted to the new erratic movement. Before another switch Yuji dropped his weapons and the moment he felt himself move he set it off blowing Todo into the air.

Summoning Playful Cloud, he jumped after the older boy and sent an attack, before Todo could clap he felt a sharp pain at the back of one of his hands and saw a shuriken stabbed into it. The older boy was hit at the side of his stomach sending him zooming towards the ground but he managed to switch before the collision. Yuji slammed into the ground before flipping into the air and summoning a bow and arrows quickly letting loss three shots which stabbed into Todo's shoulder and thigh, before the third could hit the switch happened and the younger boy managed to grab his arrow before reloading it and aiming.

But before he could release it, he noticed the sky turning black, "A Curtain?" he questioned landing on the ground with Todo approaching him. "I'm guessing this isnt one of you doing this?" Yuji asked the older sorcerer who shook his head, "Seems like we have some intruders." He replied getting a nod. Yuji caught a whiff of blood near them and as he listened closely, he heard the voices of Maki and Megumi. "Follow me." He told Todo and rushed towards where he heard the sounds come which led them to a shallow river. There he saw a injured Megumi kneeling in front of a big humanoid cursed spirit and besides the spirit was Maki who was getting strangled by a tree root which pissed the boy off.

In a blink of an eye, Yuji appeared between Hanami and Maki with Soul Splitting Katana in hand, he cut his senpai free and grabbed her before she could fall, "You ok?" he asked the girl his sunglasses hiding his eyes, "Heh yeah. Guess I'm tagging out." She smiled up at him and punched his chest. "Who are-." Before the curse could finish it's question, Yuji turned his head towards it as a ungodly amount of curse energy weighted down on it, "You... You have Mahito's smell all over you." The boy said deadly as the curse jumped back in fear. The young sorcerer helped Maki to her feet and glanced at Todo, "Help them to safety. I'll handle the curse alone." Yuji added leaving no room for arguments.

The Kyoto student nodded and picked up the injured Megumi and ran to safety, "Make sure to kick that thing's ass." Maki said before she ran after Todo. "No more holding back." Yuji said appearing in front of the curse slashing it across the chest as it tried to dodge, quickly healing and grabbing the cloth on it's left shoulder revealing a black arm and a large flower on it's shoulder. In an instant a massive amount of tree roots shot out of the ground straight at Yuji, "Trace on: Inverted spear of Heaven. Black Chain of Hell." He called out as the dagger and a long black chain appeared which he quickly connected the two and readied himself, "Mind's eye." The lenses of his sunglasses changed from dark blue to dark red before he started spinning and slashing his weapon at high speeds, cutting and stopping the approaching roots as they dried up and disappeared.

Yuji appeared in front of Hanami and reverse gripped his dagger and went to stab the curse in the neck when flowers bloomed around the two sending the sorcerer into a daze stopping his attack but the dagger glowed and exploded blowing both combatants away. Landing on his feet the boy looked at his hand which was blown clean off but he shrugged it off and started regrowing it, "Reverse Cursed Technique!? Just who is this person!?" Hanami manifested a massive flower behind it and as it opened, thousand of cursed buds shot out gunning straight for Yuji. The sorcerer poured positive cursed energy in his eyes as behind his eyewear, his eyes darted from bud to bud marking them, The paths the buds would take being highlighted for him through on the lenses of his glasses.

He summoned Gae Bulg and poured a lot of cursed energy in his arm before took a deep breath and started thrusting the spear at blinding speeds hitting each and every cursed bud, killing them until there was nothing left. Yuji lowered his spear and looked down at his hand noting that it was badly damaged due to the unfamiliar speed and power he outputted before healing. Looking back at his opponent he saw no one and noticed that he couldn't sense the curse through it's cursed energy so he closed his eyes and poured more positive cursed in his ears, he heard something flying from his left as he bated the wooden ball away before leaning back as three small wood spikes flew past him.

He then jumped high into the air dodging some spikes that shot out of the ground, as he was in the air his ears picked up someone running, "Found you." Yuji said as he threw his spear at Hanami who managed to dodge making the spear stabbed at the ground in front of it before it exploded, making him fly back straight at the sorcerer who held Playful Cloud and smacked the curse into the ground causing it to shatter. "Enough!!" Hanami shouted its cursed energy spiking and blowing everything around it away.

Wiping some blood off it's mouth and looked at Yuji as its mask cracked, "Domain Expansion: Dai KoKai" it said unleashing it's domain trapping Yuji within it, now a massive field of flowers surrounding him. Before the boy could think, Hanami was behind him and kicked him hard to the side making him spit out blood, he tried to recover but the curse was already above him sending an axe kick to his chest indenting him into the ground. "So, a domain that gives a massive buff. Just my luck." He healed himself and ran at his opponent sending an attack with his staff, the curse disappeared in a burst of speed dodging the attack before sending out its own. The boy's glasses cracked as he narrowly dodged and hit Hanami in the face, sending it flying away.

"Mind's eye is slowly adapting but it won't last long and making another one will need me to start the adapting process all over again. I should try ending things during my next move. Calm yourself and focus, ignore everything else and just focus on what's important." Yuji stood still, his face flat and his eyes only focus on Hanami, the curse dug its feet and blitz to the boys side but to it's surprise his eyes kept track on him, never once losing track. Before it could think Playful Cloud as right under it's chin, 0.000001 seconds before the attack collided cursed energy spread throughout the section as the space around it distorted. As the attack hit black lighting shoot out from the collision point, "Black Flash." Yuji said as the curse blasted into the air but he quickly followed suit hitting it with again, sending it down to the ground setting off another black flash. Hanami hit the ground and bounced up as Yuji appeared again hitting it away with a third black flash, it managed to land on it's feet and looked around for the sorcerer but he was already besides it, slamming his staff into it's head blasting it away from him, "Black Flash!"

Hanami coughed out blood and slowly stood up and looked at Yuji in anger before the flower on it's shoulder started to glow as it aimed at the sorcerer who stood still, "Die!!" a powerful beam was shot out and zoomed at the boy, "Trace on..." Yuji started as he raised his palm in front of him, "...Rho Aias." Cursed energy gathered in front of the sorcerer as it formed a large, light red rocket larkspur flower with seven pedals. Another layer formed in front of the original before the beam collided with it, the was a struggle between the two forces for 30 seconds before the first layer broke making Yuji stumble back but he regained his footing and took the beam head on, this time the beam dying down before it could even crack the last layer.

Hanami gritted it's teeth, getting another beam ready but it hunched forward coughing out a massive amount of blood, the effects of the earlier black flashes taking effect. This forced Hanamis cursed energy to fluctuate forcing it's domain to end as it went to one knee heaving in pain, Yuji lowered his shield and slowly walked towards the curse also breathing heavily due to the large chuck of cursed energy he used throughout the day. Hanami tried to stand up and run away but Yuji grabbed it's horns and placed his food on it's face before he ripped the horns out, making the curse scream in pain as it fell to the ground.

Yuji stood over the curse with cold eyes before a sword appeared in his hand as he used it to stab into the curse, he repeated the process of making a sword and stabbing into Hanami many times until it's whole body was covered by swords. Yuji walked to the curses head and made one more weapon which was the Inverted Spear of Heaven, "See you in hell." The sorcerer said before stabbing the curse in the head, "Trigger off." He added as the swords glowed and a strong explosion erupted, tearing the surrounding tree right off their roots and creating a crater, where Yuji stood at the bottom with no top and already healed but very much exhausted. He saw the curtain falling and smiled as he noticed his teacher floating above the battle field, "Heh, I'm tagging you in Gojo sensei." The young sorcerer said before passing out.