
The Crown Of Ash And Halo

A story about a hybrid of a demon and angel, a species known as 'Nephilim'. Lyra, as she is sent to the mortal world having her powers sealed by a mysterious force she struggles to survive and accidentally stumbles upon the truth of her origins which leave her devastated. Will she be able to overcome her tragedies and find the truth about the mysterious force?

Blake_lune · Fantasi
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7 Chs

A flicker in the glade

Avian couldn't tear his gaze from Lyra. Her fiery hair seemed to dance with an inner light, and her eyes held a depth that captivated him. He felt an unexpected curiosity bloom in his chest, a stark contrast to his usual stoicism.

Lyra, in turn, found herself drawn to Avian's sharp features and the fathomless depths of his blue eyes. A hint of a smile played on her lips, a secret amusement dancing behind her gaze. There was something about him, an aura of mystery that intrigued her adventurous spirit.

Suddenly, a sharp crack echoed through the stillness, shattering the nascent connection. The sound seemed to originate from the dense undergrowth to their right. Instinct taking over, Avian whirled around, hand instinctively reaching for the dagger strapped to his thigh.

Lyra, however, reacted differently. A flicker of amusement danced in her eyes for a fleeting moment before a steely glint replaced it. She gave Avian a curt nod, a silent acknowledgement of the danger, before disappearing into the shadows with an agility that surprised even Avian.

One moment she was there, bathed in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the next, she was a phantom, swallowed by the verdant embrace of the forest. The only trace of her presence was the faint scent of wildflowers and the enigmatic smirk that lingered in Avian's mind.

Frustration gnawed at Avian. He wanted to follow her, to see if she was alright, but the source of the sound demanded his attention. He crouched low, senses on high alert, scanning the undergrowth for any sign of movement.

The forest held its breath, the silence thick with tension. The only sounds were the erratic thudding of Avian's heart and the distant chirping of unseen birds. After what felt like an eternity, a rustle disturbed the leaves, and a small brown rabbit emerged from behind a thicket, hopping away with twitching nose.

A wave of relief washed over Avian, momentarily replacing the frustration. It seemed to be a false alarm. Just a skittish forest creature startled by something mundane.

A wry smile touched Avian's lips. He couldn't help but think of Lyra's quick disappearance. Was it mere coincidence, or had she known what the sound was and simply chosen to investigate it on her own terms?

The unanswered question piqued his curiosity further. Intrigued by this enigmatic woman who had vanished like a wisp of smoke, Avian decided to explore the source of the sound himself. He moved cautiously, his senses alert, following the faint trail left behind by the startled rabbit.

The forest floor grew darker as he ventured deeper, the dense canopy overhead blocking out most of the sunlight. The air grew cooler, and the only sounds were his own footsteps and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot.

As he rounded a bend in the path, he stumbled upon a sight that sent a jolt through him. There, nestled amidst the trees, was a small, ramshackle cabin, almost hidden by the thick foliage. Smoke curled from its chimney, painting a wispy trail against the twilight sky.