
The Crown Of Ash And Halo

A story about a hybrid of a demon and angel, a species known as 'Nephilim'. Lyra, as she is sent to the mortal world having her powers sealed by a mysterious force she struggles to survive and accidentally stumbles upon the truth of her origins which leave her devastated. Will she be able to overcome her tragedies and find the truth about the mysterious force?

Blake_lune · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Whispers on the wind

Desperation, a familiar serpent coiling in her gut, drove Lyra deeper into the forgotten corners of the city. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, but it was the insatiable hunger for answers about her past that truly tormented her. The worn pendant, a cold reminder of a forgotten life, pressed against her chest. Today, knowledge was all she craved.

Rumor, a fickle creature that flitted through the grimy alleys of the slums, spoke of an old crone who lived on the city's fringes. This woman, shrouded in whispers and tales of the arcane, supposedly possessed the ability to pry secrets from the past. The price was steep, Lyra knew, but she had something of value to offer.

The crone's hovel perched precariously on the city's edge, seemingly defying gravity and logic. Its crooked timbers groaned under the weight of untold years, and the air around it smelled of damp earth and forgotten dreams. Inside, the woman, hunched and shrouded in shadows, looked up at Lyra with eyes that held the wisdom of centuries.

Lyra, her voice a steely whisper, laid out her story – the abandonment, the harsh life in the slums. In return for knowledge, she offered the only valuable possession she had – a silver locket found hidden in a tattered pouch shortly after arriving in the city. The inscription on the locket, though faded, seemed vaguely familiar.

The woman's gnarled fingers traced the inscription, her voice a rasping whisper. "Ah, the mark of the Ravenborn." Her eyes, sharp as a hawk's, drilled into Lyra. "Lost heir, are you? Hidden for reasons unknown. But the shadows whisper of a powerful artifact, the Raven's Tear, that holds the key to your lineage."

Lyra's breath hitched. A lineage, a family? The word echoed in the emptiness of her heart. Could it be true? Relief battled with disbelief in her gut. But before she could ask any further questions, the woman's voice turned ominous.

"Seek the Raven's Tear, child. But be warned, power comes at a price. The awakening may stir forces long dormant."

Leaving the woman's hovel, Lyra clutched the locket, a spark of determination replacing the emptiness. The Ravenborn? A raven, a bird of mystery, mirrored the black of her hair, the storm-grey of her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of a path, a journey to reclaim her past.

Meanwhile, within the noble district, Avian Renard was lost in thought. Tonight, a sense of unease prickled at him, a feeling he couldn't quite place. He had noticed an unfamiliar shadow flitting through the outskirts of the training courtyard for several days now. A fleeting glimpse of dark hair and a hint of midnight blue – the colors stirred an unsettling familiarity within him.

Tonight, he decided to wait. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a girl, cloaked in shadow, her movements swift and silent. Avian watched, a cold thrill running down his spine, as she gracefully scaled the courtyard wall, an intruder in his normally secure space.

Adrenaline surged through him. This wasn't a simple thief after a trinket; her movements spoke of training, of honed skills. Who was she, and what did she want? As the girl moved towards the training dummies, Avian knew he couldn't simply let her be. He grabbed his practice blade and, with silent steps, emerged from the shadows himself.

The girl whirled around, surprise etched on her face. Her eyes, the color of a storm-tossed sea, widened in recognition. In that moment, their gazes locked, a silent conversation passing between them. The quest for answers, the burden of a forgotten past – a connection forged not from familiarity but from a shared mystery.