
Selena Emerys

We are wasted, there is absolutely no propriety in this room right now. Lucius has somehow gotten under my bed, and Rygal is sitting on my lap in a somewhat comfortable position. I was raised in a house of wealthy, well mannered folk, only for me to experience this, this is what I realised as I took in how these boys managed to make me throw all my etiquette training out of the window, along with my very expensive oak scented soap that Rygal tried to eat for some reason.

"Why is it that the only times we have been together we have gotten extremely and extraordinarily drunk?" Lucius asks, now emerging from under the bed.

The sunlight is piercing through my open window that none of us bothered to shut after climbing through.

"I have no idea." I say, because I genuinely haven't got a clue.

"I don't mind this." Rygal adds, petting my head from his position on my lap.

"Rygal, get off of Abig-" Lucius starts, he then stands, unable to finish his demand due to him throwing up on my very expensive rug.

"We have had enough to drink." I state, they both nod in agreement.

I'll get one of the maids to clean this up later. For now I need to get myself in order, I can't remember specifically what it is but I promised my mother something today, I'm sure it will come to me when I miraculously sober up in the next ten minutes like I for some reason expect to.

"When we are all sober and can actually walk straight, do you guys wanna go play chase-howl?" Rygal asks, getting off of my lap and heading towards my bed.

"Chase-howl?" I question.

"Our game you rudely interrupted this morning." Rygal says, then it comes back to me that they were indeed playing a game while I was planning to kill whatever it was that was making those sounds.

As Rygal collapses on my bed sheets that I'm not exactly thrilled we have messed up, I ask for the rules of the game.

"It's pretty simple, we made it up when we were kids after all, you just howl in werewolf form, transform back into a human, then run away from the other person who will be in their werewolf form. Simple."

"Wow, that does sound really easy but I can't help but notice a slight complication about me turning into a werewolf, I guess I'll just have to sit it out."

"All it takes is one bite, love" Rygal says, dragging a finger down my neck and causing a shiver to follow it.

"We will have to have a detailed conversation about you and your powers once we are sober again." I say, Rygal gets up from my lap then says, making me force my face to not pout.

"Well, if you ever want one of us to bite you I'd recommend myself to do the honour." He says dropping onto my bed and lying on his back. I can't stand the cold that has touched me where Rygal is no longer, so I make my way towards him and lay directly on top of him. Rygal reaches a hand for my hair and for the first time ever since my sister died, I am being legitimately comforted by someone's touch. Lucius walks over to us next, I didn't realise but he had cleaned where he threw up, I smile at him upon realising and he falls on top of me, Rygal lets out a groan as we are both lying on him now, putting our joined weight on top of his unsurprisingly toned body of what feels like pure muscle. I should probably be cautious with these guys, but I'm not, and I think it is ok, they have gained my trust. I am not sure if it is the alcohol or not, but we all burst out into a laugh, it went Rygal first, then me, then Lucius. But all laughter ceased when my door opened. I was on my bed between two brothers who were very clearly drunk, I only prayed I didn't look too bad. I prayed to whatever superior creature there was in the sky as I caught a glimpse of my mother standing at the door with a shocked expression on her face.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" I ask as I push Lucius off the top of me and remove Rgyal's fingers from my hair.

She is frozen but manages to reply, "I believe I was promised a walk that's all."

The walk. That's what my brain was fighting the rum for me to remember. It must be lunch time already, my parents rarely ever visit my bedroom but I did in fact tell my mother I wanted to go for a walk with her.

"Hello Ms Emerys, My name is Rygal Folair, and this is my twin brother Lucius." Rygal says with more decency than I have ever seen him acquire. Folair. I never asked what their last name was and I have never heard it before, but it is extremely pretty. An awkward silence follows this but it is soon broken by my mother telling me to meet her outside, and with that, she walks out of the doorway, and out of sight.

"I knew your mom was going to be hot." Says Rygal, regaining his normal behaviour.

"Pig." I spit as I prepare myself to face whatever dreadful thing my mother is going to say. We have never had a conversation like this, although I don't really know what this will be about, all I know is that it is an unexplored topic for the two of us. I step outside my door and close it behind me, releasing the breath I sucked in when my mother first opened the door.

"Well, that was not exactly what I imagined upon opening your door, Abigail."

"You've got it wrong, I know that that looked bad mother but there-"

"Abigail." she interrupts, "You are such a beautiful young woman, all the boys in Pervensia are probably drooling, I do not care what you do with any boys as long as you are safe and smart about everything." She smiles at me.

"I will be, but it actually wasn't what it looked like, they're just friends."

"Hell, they must be nice friends if you let them drink your father's good rum."

"Oh, I didn't know that was his. I just grabbed the first thing I saw."

"Dont stress, he won't mind. He's probably used to it, your sister would do the same thing all the time."

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. "Selena never did that stuff, did she?"

"She did everything, Abigail. You were young when she died, you didn't see all the mischief she got up to, I'll tell you more about her on our walk we should think of rescheduling."

"Tomorrow lunch time?" I suggest. She nods and turns to leave but before she can, I wrap my arms around her torso and place my head onto the back of her neck. We stay like this for about a minute or so and when she leaves I crave for her warmth and touch, because for the first time in a while, I just experienced the touch of a mother. Twice in one day I have felt comforted by the mere touch of a person, I've just broken a personal record. I walk back into my room and see the twins still on my bed. Lucius has moved onto the left side with Rygal on the right. I jump directly in the middle before they say anything to me.

"How did that go? Do we need to move away? Change our identities and faces? Do we have to pretend we have already gotten married to not upset the ways and principals of your family?" Rygal asks, making all three of us laugh.

"None of the above." I reply.

"Really?" asks Lucius, quite shocked.

"Yeah, she says we are fine, and apparently my sister was worse. I never thought she'd been irresponsible but I guess I was young when she was around."

"What was she like?" Rygal asks, once again losing his playful side of himself.

"Perfect." I say, "I really don't understand why she died the way she did."

Lucius is sitting up now looking down at me with kind eyes I want to fall into.

"She sounds lovely," says Lucius, "what was her name?"

"Selena Emerys." I say, and both the twins go dead still.

I don't know why but panic arose from deep within me when they both just stared at each other, they both stared and looked as though all they wanted to do was jump back out of my window and run for the hills. Their eyes are wide as Rygal says nothing else but a simple and extremely complex, "Selena Emerys."