

The writer become the writing. Simple concept that pull this author out of a normal world into a higher dimension where he himself must construct and maintain the structure of this higher world. What will be the product which born from this idea is the think that drive the world forward.

Aros_Tier · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Into the depths

"This thing is true beneath the depths...

...No light is left in this man-made mess...

...Though dark it seem your roam is free...

...As what will met merely debris"

Just as I shook Berdet's hand The Keeper poeticizes his poem. This time all the focus of the poem is pointing toward what lay beyond the cellar.

"So Arostier shall we go check this rumour slave tunnel?"

"Let's do that Ms.Berdet the sooner the better."I lead her through the kitchen and then go right down toward the basement which to my knowledge serves its purpose as a cellar.

A small dusty cellar, cobblestone wall with cobblestone pillar. The light switch that flick up from the upstair light up a singular light bulb on the ceiling. Beneath the light bulb stand a wooden table with a sledgehammer placed on top and beside the hammer some other equipment laying around. Then around the table are some shelves of caned food and things such as garlic and bean being shove away from a not-so-big hole on the wall. That wall must be where my journey need to be so I point at the brick wall with a small smashing hole.

"That's where the tunnel is please go prepare yourself for an expedition Ms.Berdet" I previously have a glimpse of her belonging and I think I see some cloth for change and a helmet in her luggage she must be somewhat prepared.

There is nothing much to talk here so as Ms.Berdet find herself upstair I decide to also go check my wardrobe in my bedroom to find anything to change into as I don't believe a mohair suit is best suit this expedition.

"Do you allow luck roll for my cloathing Mr.Keeper?" I have yet to open the wardrobe and I am uncertain as to what this body possesses. The worst thing that could happen here is there is nothing to change into.

"Allow" The answer came very abrupt. I feel like he talking less and less, unlike the previous one to five hours. But the acknowledgement is there so there should be no problem. I then toss the dice to the ground. Hope that I have something suit for going underground.

'65' Ofph

"Lucky you." That is all he said. Is it a pass?

I open the closet expecting for some thing to change into just to be met with... more suit.

Heck even came in the same color as I am wearing right now. Why do I have a stock full of the same shirt here? Why did you do that previous body owner?

But among these suits, something caught my eye. It is a distorted blue color tophat lying at the bottom of the closet being the only headwear in the closet is pulling my attention enough but there is also a headlight strap attached to this hat. 'I always want to wear the top hat' hence I try it on. The hat sit very comfortably on my head and I kinda feel likeing toward it... I also spot a dark blue glove thank god something that is actually useful and appropriate for the situation at least it can protect me from some crude scratch.

A tophat and a full set suit in Cavern expedition what an unpractical attire I got myself into. It look fine visually quite a good combination but it only fault is when look at the situation. As I can't do anything about it I make my way toward the cellar once more but before I went down I pocket the wallet that sitting on the study desk that I previously missed. Take a glimpse inside to find a brown booklet, a border passport oh funny my birthplace is actually a match, how did I get here from the east and got myself some inheritance here? and $50 inside quite wealthy for this time and age I would have to say.

I walk down to find that Berdet is already down here she is currently shining a light in to the small hole and looking through it. As for her attire for the job she wore an appropiate outfit for the job. a solid-looking red helmet attacth with a head attach lamp that I believe is use by miner. Her all red color cloth covers all of her body parts with a red color glove and red boots. Oh what a contrast to your green eye Ms.Berdet you just make your eye look more interesting. She also tied some equipment together in to a makeshift bag for caving thank god she is well prepared.

Her eye looking at me seemed to be unimpressed though.

"I just moved in have no other cloth to change so this is all I get now" before she ridicule me I took the initiative and shut her word off my apologize for being rude but my pride is on the line here.

"...Is that the case... Uh do you think you will be okay caving in that outfit Arostier"

"Sorry, Ms.Berdet it's either this or no clothing according to my current wardrobe so this must do."

"Suit yourself then" Is that a pun!... Yep I see her smirk must be it.

"Please refrain from making pun of me" I like to make fun of others but hate when being on the receiving end hah...

"Alright then let us begin by first tearing this wall between here and there down." I grab the sledgehammer on the table and signal to take cover for the other.

*Thomp* *Thomp* *Crash* *Thomp* *Thomp* *Crash* *Thomp* *Growl* *Thomp*

As I smash my way through I realize that the wall that I currently breaking down seems like a wall that got made later compared to the other wall in the cellar. Like someone has been building this wall up closing it off from the tunnel.

This will take quite some time but this time I try not using the dice as I feel like I am in more control over the chance of a dice roll. And also I just want to move my body as I feel somewhat sluggish.

I from time to time glance back at Berdet to see what she is doing. She is quite serious when she work. As there is yet anything for her to do what she did in the mean time is inspecting her gear and also packup some of the food in the cellar. Thing like bean and can food... canfood... FOOD!


A sudden realization that I have yet to eat food came to me at the same time as the wall crumbling down. What ahead of the crumbling wall is a dark extended passage way laid with brick wall straight from my left to right it is dark and dusty and isolated. The widght of the passage I roughly estimate as around five feet.

Berdet previously estimate that I would be done already packed her stuff and prepare to embark into the tunnel give me an appreciative look.

"Thank you for taking your time tearing down that wall seem like a hard labour you have to go through but keep going." How long did I dig though... Ah I didn't have a watch? Why didn't I wear a watch?

"How long did you wait for?" Berdeta looks at her wristwatch... Oh it is not that she got everything it is I who got nothing.

"20 minute top" She then also go and grab a canteen of water from the shelf and some can food. "Fill yourself up first and expecting a long walk pft... it is hard to hear as you smashing the wall but I heard your stomach cry softly so eat up first" How perceptive she is I take the can of food and borrow some tools to open and eat the canned food at the stair since I do not wish to eat on the floor and I also didn't feel like siting on the table as it is a bad manner.

Ugh very bland and tasteless but well it is a canned food so it is to be expected. Finish with the food I knock on the headlight on my hat and activate it to prepare to get inside the tunnel with Berdeta.

As I look around seeking Berdeta. I didn't spot her inside the cellar and since I am at the entrance eating and didn't see her here it must mean she have already went inside the tunnel. Quite brave of her to go alone head first without notifying... Well it is only a minute or two so she ain't getting too far considering that it should be dark inside so I didn't feel the need to worry.

There is a lit lantern left at the table so I decided to grab it along... the more the merier. Yep pretty dark inside but with the oil lantern, it helps me see my surrounding. The tunnel is a quite narrow bricked line tunnel maybe the width is around around five feet. To my left I see Berdet walking toward me with her other lantern and shining headlight from her headgear.

"This way is the end of the tunnel it did lead to a cave albeit a short one since the way seem to be collapsing for quite a long time ago now only the debris and dust is left." Oh that way is a dead end, how convenient.

"I assume you explore the underground a lot seeing you excert this much confidence in went in alone first." This expedition is bound to be dangerous considering the presence of The Keeper and the guess I have so a little warning for her might be great.

"Of cause I am confident I will have you know I explore a cave like this alone since I was young this much is nothing" She look proud of herself good for her I guess.

"Interesting history you got there miss. I just wish for you to provoke some caution as you know... there can never be too safe" Safety first is what I want to say my lady.

"Yes...yes agree and understand. Your equipment is there pick up and let go." She points toward me... Oh I mean the bag that lying on the floor behind me she must have prepare it since I didn't. And at this point, she has already walked pass me.

"Thank for your preparation Berdeta" Well she must be well prepared to even be able to spare equipment. I just pick the bag up and start to walk after her. The content of the bag can be asked on the way.

"I do my part from the letter and also there can never be too much exploring equipment so I have a lot of it to spare anyway." Wow, such passion from a woman who explore a cave alone as a kid you are so reliable miss.

"What do I have to look out for when exploring the underground Ms.Berdeta" She seems experienced and I am just a rookie so guidance is needed.

"Just don't over-exert yourself caving is not that complicated beware of the ceiling and being aware of the floor should do just fine." As we talk I can see the end of the brick-layer tunnel. Turn out this brick-layer path is quite short only took around half a minute to walk to see it end.

Beyond how ever is a much larger pathway around two to five times wider. Much wider but now it is also rougher.

"A cave diving begin" Berdet voice said as she pointed her lantern forward illuminating this long and dark path in front of us.

"And into the depth we go." I lament but who know this might be a worthwhile experience well that is up to The Keeper so as of for now all I can do is just hope for the best.

I hope that my way of writing won't be too annoying to read, please do bear with it since I am practicing. And finally, the story truly begins.

Writing is hard, cheer me up!

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