
The Crawford's Multiverse of Madness

Zeel Crawford was unable to experience emotions the same way everyone did, so when the Universe was coming to an end and he had finally discovered the will to stay alive, he ventured into the wide Multiverse in search of meaning. In search of his people. In search of fulfillment. But instead, he found love in Alice. Support me on my P-A-T-R-E-O-N ---------> https://www.patreon.com/The_Young_Flash Discord ----> https://discord.gg/krTzF4bXfV Fandom -----> https://crawfords-multiverse-of-madness.fandom.com/wiki/Zeel_Crawford Thanks, The_Young_Flash Become a Patron!

The_Young_Flash · Filem
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Chapter 51 - Brawl With Wesker

Alice was about to attack when she heard Zeel's reply. She couldn't even argue with the logic of her being the better first meal.

But maybe that was also a good way to distract Wesker.

"Yes, I admit. I am the better meal," Alice said looking at Zeel with a smirk "That's why you should save me for last. Best comes last right?"

Zeel stumbled briefly, Alice had already successfully drawn Wesker's attention towards him. This was the objective from the beginning, but losing to your wife was not an enjoyable experience.

Zeel lamented his role in all their missions. He would either be a spy, or a bait.

Alice used her telekinetic powers to lift one of the dogs near Wesker. She immediately tossed it at another dog. Wesker speeded towards Alice, only to be interrupted by Zeel who was just as fast.

Zeel noted that he was a bit faster than Wesker but also more predictable.

Zeel's combat during high-speed movement had to be carefully planned to avoid shattering the ground or overshooting the distance required for an action.

While Wesker was like a deformed monster in human skin, his body automatically adjusted to have minimal damage to the environment.

Every high-speed movement and stop, his joints would slightly rearrange themselves to compensate for the pressure. Zeel was baffled at the magnificence of the T-virus, but also slightly disgusted as well.

A series of high-speed attacks began, Zeel punched towards Wesker, only to get his punch intercepted. Wesker performed a reverse grip, tossing Zeel over his shoulder.

Zeel, using the momentum, performed two backflips in the air. Zeel also managed to kick back just before landing. This shattered the knee of Wesker, but the knee was immediately restored after Zeel rolled away.

Zeel and Wesker rushed to intercept each other, this time none of them was holding anything back. They clashed fists a couple of times. Zeel, seeing an opening, elbowed Wesker in the face.

Wesker also used that opportunity to deliver a punch into Zeel's defenseless stomach.

The resulting force caused both men to drift apart. Their feet leaving clear indentations on the marble floors.

Their perception of time had also returned to normal. The two look at each other with surprise in their eyes. Wesker had more than just a surprise, he was surprised, envious, and now extremely angry.

Zeel decided it was time to use all the resources available. Zeel then controlled all computerized tech in the area. Multiple nearby glass screens were tossed at Wesker, intent on slicing him apart.

Because the glass was transparent, Wesker could not observe and stop each glass immediately. This caused a couple to shatter on his hardened skin.

The glass fragments buried inside his skin, he would no doubt have immense pain healing from that.

Alice finished dealing with the dogs and was now prepared to fight alongside Zeel.

She had killed Wesker once before, it was now time to finish the job, thoroughly and with great prejudice.

"Since I knew that you'd both be coming, I brought a gift capable of entertaining you both," Wesker said as twelve more dogs come out from behind his chair.

"If this is the gift, can I return it?" asked Zeel expecting this to happen but underestimating the number of dogs Wesker had in reserves.

These dogs were not like the previous ones. These dogs were obviously genetically modified using T-virus infected Wolf DNA.


Zeel sped in front of Wesker with both his hands holding daggers.

Alice used her telekinesis to create a domain where her perception of time was slowed down to its limits. This was just enough to keep up with Zeel's and Wesker's actions.

Zeel kneed at Wesker but it was blocked. A massive cracking sound was still heard. The force behind Zeel's attacks could not be blocked so simply.

Sadly, Wesker could heal as fast as he broke apart.

Wesker was about to retaliate but his body froze for a moment. This allowed a knife to enter his abdomen, courtesy of Zeel.

Alice swatted the attacking dogs, allowing Wesker freedom of movement once more.

Zeel grabbed Wesker's neck throwing him in the direction of an attack dog. Zeel successfully used Wesker as a meat shield.

Wesker and Zeel once again entered a stalemate.

Despite all the hits landed, Wesker didn't appear to have suffered any major damage. Zeel, on the other hand, was panting. The high-speed movement was beginning to take its toll on his body.

The fight seemed as if it would never end. Zeel was considering taking drastic measures to ensure victory.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, felling a couple of the dogs as Chris and Claire walked into the hidden compartment.

'Show off,' Zeel and Alice thought simultaneously as they looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Not wasting the valuable time gifted, Zeel grabbed Alice. Alice latched onto Zeel's back.

Zeel then ran and kicked at Wesker while also simultaneously using his hands to throw Alice over both his and Wesker's heads.

Wesker was caught off-guard by the illogical movement displayed. This was Alice's and Zeel's method for dealing with unkillable foes – do stuff that doesn't make sense.

Wesker was not one to be distracted by craziness, so he moved to attack Alice. But his body once again froze, allowing Alice to wrap her legs around his head.

At the next moment, a twisting sound followed by a deep crunch was heard. Alice broke Wesker's neck with the strength of her thighs alone.

Currently, Wesker's head was pointed in the same direction after a 360-degree rotation.

Zeel, not leaving anything to chance, sent both his remaining daggers through Wesker's heart. Or at least the location that should have been his heart.

"Damn it he was hard to kill," Zeel said throwing knives at the remaining dogs, helping Chris and Claire out of the predicament they were in.

"Yeah, he is … or was? Or should be?" Alice said not sure of how to describe a disgusting person like Wesker.

Suddenly, Zeel pushed Alice out of the way.

Two bullets were fired in their direction.

The two bullets were now focused on Zeel instead of Alice. Zeel slowed his perception of time to its limits.

Zeel watched the bullets grew closer and closer to his chest. It was too late to dodge the bullets, and he definitely couldn't stop the bullets from killing him.

Zeel lamented his decision to save Alice, he should have made her die instead.

The veins on his left hand bulged. Zeel reached out and grabbed the bullet that was about to break the surface layer of his skin.

His muscles creaked and fractured under the strain of his excessive movement. Still, that was only one bullet accounted for.

Alice realized the gravity of the situation. She attempted to stop the bullet, but only to realize she was not yet strong enough.

Alice couldn't get a secure grip on the bullet. Instead, she settled for the next best course of action.

Alice altered the path of the bullet, sending it over Zeel's shoulder. The bullet shattered the glass ceiling above their heads.

At that moment, Alice felt as if she could see everything. The glass that is falling from above, Wesker's tendrils erupting from his mouth, Zeel's smoking left hand that was red and blistered from overexertion.

The nanites in Alice's body finally merged and were back in sync. Alice was no longer denying herself – thinking herself to be a monster in human skin.

Alice swung around in the air, not moving from her spot as the air around her freezes. Knowing she could not keep up this action for a prolonged period of time, Alice kicked nearby floating glass fragments at an amazing speed.

The re-directed glass fragments pierced Wesker's throat, brain, and tendrils all at once. Alice raised her hands into the air.

All the nearby glass fragments floated, and with a wave of her hand. The glass turned into projectiles that nailed Wesker to the floor.

"Huff, huff, huff, I caught it," Zeel said opening his hand to reveal a bullet that had melted into his skin "Could use more finesse though,"

"Well I killed him, and you're right about the finesse part," Alice replied, clearly as tired as she was smug about one-upping Zeel once again.

"Well just for safe measure," Chris said, who came over along with Claire.

The siblings then began shooting the head of Wesker into near oblivion.

After they confirmed the death of Wesker, everyone decided to leave the creepy room.

Alice, Zeel, Chris, and Claire exited the area of the fight. They walked towards the newly awakened group of prisoners.

Alice did most of the greeting on Zeel's part since he was currently trying to hack into Umbrella's Main servers. He had to act quickly before all the information was compromised.

Usually, it would be easy to get in and out without being noticed, but this time he found that the hack took considerably more time.

It was like the program was attempting to stall him, not stop him from accessing the files. Zeel contemplated taking the data core, but that would require a couple of hours of searching.

Zeel was soon distracted by the most shameless person he knew -LJ.

"Damn you mofos have surely seen better days, red ain't your color baby," LJ said, seeing the blood lacing the clothing of Zeel and Alice.

"Glad you guys are okay," Carlos commented still a bit shaken by the fact he had been captured. It was a major hit to his pride as a soldier.

Claire and Alice approached K-Mart, attempting to appease the crying girl.

Luther was responsible for the escort of the newly awakened to the deck, where Alice would give a speech in a couple of minutes.

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Guys I am thinking about going on strike. I got 4K collections and still don't have enough power stones to stay in the power rankings....

Join my pa_treon to get more chapters. I'll be slowing down on the updates to work on my next novel.

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