
The Crafter and Cookies

This is my first time writing, please read the synopsis. I decided to write The Crafter because I am unsatisfied with the number of fanfics and novels about Minecraft crafting abilities so I humbly introduce you, my precious readers, to my One Piece The Crafter And Cookies. ======================================= Aryan POV: Arf! Arf! "Scratching noises" Arghh... here we go again cookies is waking me up by whimpering and scratching my bed in the middle of the night in my pitiful thin-walled two-roomed apartment because she needs to pee. argh, who taught you how to do that? I'm sure of it now cookies knows that she can't wake me up on my bed because it's too big to just jump onto. She somehow figured out that if she can't climb onto my bed to wake me up like she does when I'm on the couch shell just scratch on my bed and make dying dog noises till I wake up and take her out. dang it why are you so smart cookies? Oh well, I think living on my own and acting on my own interests is better than being suppressed by another person's rules. No matter who, or where I am, sadly no matter where I go in this world, I will always be limited on what I can do if only I could be free like a Minecraft player in an infinitely expanding world. Regardless I'm never moving back home just to have a steady roof over my head and do free labor for my parents. I'm sorry Mom, and Dad but your son is too prideful and rebellious to return home, I'd rather stick to my choices in life no matter the consequences than second-guess myself, because I know once I second-guess myself once it'll be downhill from there. Mom shouldn't have too hard of a time at the house when dads away for work. Because she still has two pairs of extra hands to command as she sees fit. sorry, Joanne, and Aaron I say this with all the love in the world but your big brother will never go back and do free labor ever again! I say with my chest puffed out, I've had enough of that already, argh enough of that I shake my head trying to rid myself of my distracting thoughts, anyway for now I'll have to quickly get dressed and take my cuteness generator 9000 out on our daily 3 am walk to the park before I have to clean up a little troublesome stinking puddle. Hehe, I won't be the one cleaning a stinky puddle today but I know someone else who will "evil laugh". An- Our MC Aryan forgets that his walls are terribly thin. Aryan POV: Hmm, it seems like cookies really likes taking a leak in the same spot every day that spot being my next-door neighbor's welcome home mat Hehe I think Arlene will forgive me again after all she hasn't killed me yet "laughs nervously" I'm sure I'll be fine what's the worst that can happen it's not like shell run me over or anything hah as if, she doesn't even have the balls to do that literally hahaha. Anyways let's dip cookies before we get got ARF! SHHH... General POV: A few seconds after Aryan leaves a dark figure passes through Arlene's now-opened door dressed in what vaguely looks like bunny-printed pajamas with matching bunny slippers and latex gloves. Moments later the dark figure closes Arlene's door and steps out into the unforgiving cold unfair world with car keys in hand and a doormat to avenge. Scene Brake- ======================================= If you want to support me add this book to your libraries or leave a review. :) I do not own Minecraft or Marvel, or any other elements I may use from different sources. All I own is my own OC. I have only published the Crafter and Cookies on Web Novel and royal road anywhere else you see this it's copied. Now that all that is done thank you for your time and enjoy. ;)

WIKKY · Filem
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6 Chs

I Just Wanted Some Stone!

After about five minutes of tossing and turning, I got up from trying to go to sleep. With my regeneration ability I literally cannot go to sleep, and on top of my insomnia, I can't stop thinking about the war. So instead of trying to go to sleep again, I decided to teleport cookies from wherever she was to myself and just go back outside from Rosa's house and continue to figure out how to start building.

Once I quietly get out of the house, I make my way to the closest tree to chop it down. Just like in the game when I got rid of all the wood the leaves started to disappear and turned into little 2D drops that looked like sticks, apples, and saplings.

Seeing the drops for the first time I smiled and then picked them up by just getting near them. Opening my inventory, I put wood in the two by two crafting slots I have in my inventory.

As expected, each piece of wood logs can be turned into four wooden planks that are 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet each. After I convert the logs into planks, I make some sticks and a crafting table. However, when I crafted the crafting table my crafting table in my inventory upgraded into a 3 by 3 from a 2 by 2. And I also started getting notifications on everything I can make. Including Everything that I have touched so far.

Quickly looking through what I can make I see I can make some basic wooden tools and armor. Without hesitation, I make wooden armor and put it on. I was expecting the wooded armor to be super stiff but to my surprise, the armor was super light, and I could still move just fine as if I didn't have it on in the first place.

After I get over my star-struck state I make a wooden pickaxe. then ran away from the village as far as I could without losing track of it. Finally stopping after twoish miles away, I stopped between two hills and started digging. But before I get too far down, I place dirt blocks to cover the entrance because I don't want anybody sneaking up behind me. After about 33 blocks down I hit stone, but it's pitch black and I can't see anything, but I can still feel and hear.

When I realize I have reached the stone I decide to mine it until my wooden pick breaks. While mining the stone I start to think even if I do get the materials to build a house, I don't know how to build one.

All I really know is that you have to have a foundation preferably made of sturdy material. I think it will be best to build that out of stone. But I don't just want to make houses I also want to make bunkers and safe houses.

I should also make some sort of booby-trapped secret bunker that's basically impossible to traverse without someone dying. People 100 years from now are going to have a field day finding and exploring it but what should I put in it? Definitely a lot of guns, gold, and maybe even some WW1 weapons and whatever else I can part with. But if I did do that, would it still be considered a bunker? Eh, who cares It's not like I'm forcing anyone to explore it.

My god! Listening to myself now I realize how fast I have changed. The me from before coming here wouldn't even think about killing people so casually. Maybe the crock really did hit my head harder than I thought. I mean listen to me first I'm upset WW1 is happening but now I'm thinking of building and then filling bunkers with historical artifacts and booby traps.

Whatever, I'm sure if anyone had the opportunity to have my Minecraft abilities in real life, they would 100% make a secret base with booby traps. Especially if you're a dude no doubt in my mind.

Anyway, depending on how much inventory space I really have I may not even need to make a bunker to store my valuables. However, I might just make one just because I can.

"creak" Well looks like my pick finally broke. Without wasting much time, I make a stone pick and continue digging down till I find something interesting. Just when I think my stone pick is about to break all I hear is stones falling and a yelp from cookies then next thing I know I wake up in a trench with cookies barking and hearing all kinds of people shouting and explosions. Immediately I thought I was just trying to get some stone.

It didn't take long before I ran into a group of 5 soldiers dressed in dark gray uniforms in the trenches. When I see these guys, I think oh man even their uniforms are scary looking. But when they saw me all the resting soldiers got to their feet as fast as they could and started shouting and shooting at me in German.

Not expecting the soldiers to actually shoot me as soon as they saw me, I was shocked and then shot. Before I knew it, I dropped to the ground like a bag of potatoes.

When the twitchy soldiers saw the strange man in wooden armor and the dog, he was holding fall to the ground dead. They were all relieved but before they could fully relax the soldiers witnessed me and Cookies slowly getting up like zombies not ready to die.

As soon as I got up, I quickly made two stone axes and then charged at the germans without any mind to my own well-being. Me knowing that I can heal from pretty much anything I charged at them with no self-preservation or fighting experience then proceeded to get my ass beat.

When the Germans saw me charging at them with two stone axes not knowing what to do also just charged at me with their knives and bayonets. Before I knew it, I was impaled from all sides. Then me being the stubborn inexperienced bozo I am I try to take one of the grenades that are on one of the Jew's belts. But because I was in so much pain to go be fast with my movements the guy just ended up slicing my throat.

However, all this did was spray blood on everyone. but to everyone's amazement, all the blood started to float back to my throat and sealed back up. Me having enough of this torture I remember that I have an inventory. So, I will take all the knives. bayonets and their guns to disappear into my inventory

Now suddenly nobody has weapons and only one guy has grenades. When everyone sees who and where I'm looking at everyone stops and looks at him too. As if they had a silent conversation the guy with grenades starts to run away, and the other soldiers look back at me also running away.

sadly, for me, I don't know where I'm going so eventually, I reach a dead end so by the time I look behind myself I hear footsteps and four relentless bastards.

And that's how I got my ass beaten to unconsciousness. However, I kept on coming back to consciousness, so they had to repeatedly keep putting me down and bashing my head in till I blacked out again. By the time I woke back up, I was strapped onto a flatbed in a p.o.w. cell.

Seeing the situation I'm in I quickly put the whole bed in my inventory and take out my pickaxe and broke the cell bars holding me in. When I escape, I see a bunch of other people looking at me in bloodied and brown uniforms seeing them I think these guys must be brits.

When the brits see me holding my stone pickaxe, they start harshly whispering at me to let them out as well. Of course, I can't just leave these guys here, so I quickly start to break the cell bars as well. But as soon as I break the last cell bar, I start to feel hungry. So, seeming out of nowhere everyone sees me pull out an apple out of butt fuck nowhere. Then the next thing I knew everyone was eating at least one apple.

Looking at everyone eating apples, I just think they're all going to die. So, before I leave them, I give them the weapons I got from the soldiers from before. After all, I can make basically unlimited tools.

After everyone Is ready, we all get ready to charge out but when I get outside, I was not ready for the slaughter in front of me. When everyone got out of the dungeon half of all the Germans were already dead and the culprits were right in front of me. sabretooth and the wolverine.

When I first saw him, my brain short-circuited. Not only am I in WW1 but I'm also in the Marvel universe. while I'm questioning my existence, I snap out of it when the mustache man shakes me back to reality.

Mate you alright! Now that I'm taken out of my stupor, I don't answer him and just summon the two axes I made earlier and went to another gunfight with an axe. Needless to say, I was shot multiple times, but I also killed a couple of people by throwing my axe and relentlessly tanking bullets while charging at people.

Before I knew it all the Germans were dead and the two people, I didn't want to talk to the most walked up to me with sharp eyes and even sharper pointy appendages. Of course, seeing these two savages walking towards me I mean who wouldn't be suspicious of a person in wooden armor on a battlefield? So, before they reached me, I started running away which made them chase after me with even more suspicion.

I didn't make it very far before I was tackled from behind by victor himself. when I hit the dirt i scream that's not fair why are you running on all fours you fuckin animal. Not liking my attitudes and comments Victor narrows his eyes and punches my gut leaving me gasping for air. Not seeing any way out of this situation, I teleport back to cookies leaving Victor and James even more determined to find me and make me answer their questions.

When I teleport to cookies, I'm still gasping for air, so I take a minute to catch my breath. When my breathing starts to calm down, I scoop cookies up and carry her like a football through the battlefield running in the opposite way from where I think those Germans brought me.

All I know for sure is that with those two working together I won't have very long till they find me so thinking this I think my best chance of getting away from them would have to be just to dig far down and just start tunneling until I run out of wood.


A/N: I know I updated late today but I will start updating once every two days I just ran out of that special writer's juice.


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