
The Courier (MHA)

Five years after the battle of Hoover Dam, Courier Six was left in charge of the Mojave after Mr. House shot for the moon to restart humanity among the stars. During his leadership, the Mojave grew green and became a haven from the radiation of the wastes with help from his friends and family he made along his journeys. However, at the closing of his 50th year, a faction emerged from the coast of the NCR. Blazing a path of destruction crossed what was left of the old world with countless robots and drones doing their bidding. All in the name of reclaiming what was rightfully theirs.

Hawkin · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

(No Chapter + Extra)

I'll admit that I have not been writing for THIS book. However, I have been procrastinating by writing for another book, that I might or might not continue.

Plus I haven't been sleeping again.

Anyway, here's the excerpt from the book I was writing in my sleep-deprived state.




"Akashi, what is the answer to question 17?" The sensei asked me, picking on me since I had my head down and was ignoring him.

"42, sensei," I answered as I raised my head and glanced at the question.


I couldn't help but sigh.

It's been fourteen years since I reincarnated into this world of superpowers. Yes, you heard that right, I reincarnated. No, I don't remember my past or know what world I'm in. Beyond the basics, I don't remember anything else. All I know is that superpowers exist here and mine is that of a slime, an RPG one at that. It may not seem like much, but anyone with a brain could see otherwise. As I do mean ALL powers and abilities.

Anyways, as for looks, I'm short for a fourteen-year-old. I stand just about 160 cm (5ft 2in) with bluish-silver hair that reaches my waist. My face is androgynous as I could be either sex. And due to my powers, or 'Quirk', as it's called, I don't know as I lack any genitalia. Even in my earliest memories, I don't know what sex I am. So I just wear a male's uniform as I just don't like skirts for some odd reason.

That's beside the point.

Soon the bell rang to dismiss us students, and I was glad to be out of there. It didn't give the sensei time to be disgruntled. So the bell ringing saved me from a disgruntled sensei and my boredom. As I packed my stuff into my bag, I could hear whispering about me. Not anything out of the ordinary, just them trying to figure out my gender or how I could know the answer just from a single glance.

If I don't know, how can you, I thought as I walked through the halls. Now, besides my quirk, I lived in a dojo as my parents in this life left me there. I don't know the reason behind it but the masters of the dojo are nice enough. They feed me, clothe me, and let me have a roof over my head. Though I do chores around the place to help them out. The place is called 'Oborodzuki Hikari Dojo', or the 'Hazy Moonlight Dojo' as it was a swordsmanship dojo.

And contrary to popular belief, it wasn't all about katanas. It dealt with rapiers, long swords, machetes, and all other sorts of sword-like weapons. So it was an odd dojo, to say the least. But I was happy with the place.

But, things weren't as peaceful as my speech would suggest as just as I was switching out my shoes at my locker, an explosion occurred right outside the school.

This world was inhabited by two types of people.

Heroes and Villains.

These people battle it out as both a job and for showmanship or other purposes.

I sighed as I watched the students who were in the locker area rush to grab their phones to record the fight. That was still causing explosions might I add. I still couldn't believe that people were so stupid that they would ignore the prospect of getting hurt if it was to catch a Hero versus Villain fight.

I just ignored it as I walked out the front doors of the school. I used my cellphone, which my masters bought for me, to let them know about the villain attack near the school. I got a response from them telling me to take the long way around as to not get caught up in it and to be safe.

 I slightly smiled as I knew they cared about me in their own way.

As I pocketed my phone, I took the long way around as to not get caught up in the ensuing fight. Alas, it was for naught as just as I made my way over to the adjacent street to circumvent the fight, it spilled over when a house was crushed underfoot. And sadly me right afterward.

A massive foot slammed down on me before I had even a chance to move. From under the foot, I could hear screaming and shouting as people were shocked that someone had just been crushed.

Why do I think this is the second time it happened? Not the foot thing, but getting crushed.

Anyway, I felt the pressure intensify for a second before the massive shoe that I was under lifted off of me. Screams of panic and horror turned into morbid curiosity as the people who witnessed me get stomped approached. I, for the lack of a better word, looked like a 2D drawing someone made on the ground. While people were curious about my fate, I just sighed and pulled myself up.

Or rather, I turned myself into a typical slime. People were shocked at the sight of my quirk in action as they didn't think that I would survive. Besides, I had to as my clothes were ruined. With my clothes ruined and my phone destroyed, I was somewhat pissed off. Normally, I would be a bluish-silver color in my slime form, but now it was a dark red.

This was ridiculous, for one very big and annoying reason. The one who crushed me underfoot, or rather underass, was a giant blonde bimbo. It was the heroine Mount. Lady. And she literally crushed me with her ass.

So, I did what any sane person would do. I confronted her about it. Though, I did wait until she either won or lost to do it. It wasn't long before she was basking in the limelight of her hard-fought victory. With the cameras rolling and people taking pictures, I confronted her about it. Let's just say she didn't like having her failure in the spotlight.