
The couq tribe : Vell story

Chenluye · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Bab 2 : Beginning

Vell couldn't believe it. He had always known that the day would come when he would have to marry someone chosen by his parents, but he never imagined it would be so soon. He was only twelve years old, barely out of childhood, and yet here he was, sitting at a dinner table with the girl he was betrothed to - Yana.

As they ate their meal together, Vell couldn't help but feel nervous. He had never really spoken to Yana before and wasn't sure how to start a conversation. Yana seemed just as shy and uncertain as he was.

Vell and Yana sat nervously at the dinner table, picking at their food as the rest of the family chattered away. Vell's parents were making small talk with Yana's parents, but Vell could tell that they were all trying to include him and Yana in the conversation.

"So, Vell, what do you like to do for fun?" Yana's father asked, trying to break the ice.

Vell looked up from his plate, surprised that Yana's father was addressing him directly. "Uh, well, I like to hunt and fish," he said, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"Oh, that's wonderful," Yana's mother chimed in. "Yana loves to fish too, don't you dear?"

Yana nodded shyly, her cheeks turning pink. "Yes, I do," she said softly.

Vell smiled at her, feeling a sense of relief that they had found something in common to talk about.

As the evening wore on, Vell and Yana gradually became more comfortable around each other. They found that they both enjoyed listening to music and had similar tastes in food.

After dinner, Vell's family prepared to leave. As they said their goodbyes, Vell's mother pulled him aside.

"Vell, I know this is all new and strange to you, but I want you to get to know Yana better. Spend time with her, talk to her, make her feel welcome in our family. She will be your wife someday, and it's important that you have a good relationship with her."

Vell nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility settle on his young shoulders. He knew that his parents were right - he needed to make an effort to get to know Yana and make their future marriage work.

As they walked out the door, Vell turned to Yana and gave her a small smile. "I'll see you soon," he said, hoping that he sounded more confident than he felt.

Yana smiled back at him, and Vell felt a flutter in his stomach. Maybe this arranged marriage thing wasn't going to be so bad after all.

Six days after meeting Yana's family, Vell and Yana's relationship had grown stronger, even though it had only been a short time. They spent their days exploring the forest, fishing, learning, and catching insects.

"I caught a big fish!" Vell exclaimed, holding up a wriggling trout.

Yana giggled, "You're so good at fishing, Vell. I never catch anything!"

"That's because you're not patient enough," Vell teased.

Yana pouted, "Hey, I am patient! I just get distracted easily."

Vell chuckled, "I know, I'm just teasing you."

Suddenly, Vell's father burst into their campsite, his face pale with fear.

"Father, what's wrong?" Vell asked, sensing the urgency in his voice.

"The Rusnan tribe is attacking our clan," his father said breathlessly.

Yana's father appeared, looking equally worried. "Our village is in the same area as your clan. We need to go"

Without hesitation, Vell's father and Yana's father led a group of warriors to defend their people. Vell and Yana were left alone, worried and anxious for their loved ones.

Suddenly, a loud cannon shot echoed through the forest, followed by the sound of breaking wood.

"What was that?" Yana gasped, fear etched on her face.

"It sounded like a cannon," Vell replied, his heart racing.

They looked towards Yana's village, and their worst fears were confirmed. One of the houses was in flames, and the Rusnan tribe was attacking with all their might.

"We have to do something," Vell said, his eyes filled with determination.

"But what can we do? We're just two kids," Yana said, her voice trembling.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to try and help," Vell said, grabbing Yana's hand.

They ran towards the battle, not knowing what to expect. They saw the devastation and brutality of the attack, with people fighting for their lives. Vell's father was engaged in combat with a Rusnan warrior, and Vell saw his father fall to the ground, lifeless.

"No!" Vell cried, tears streaming down his face.

Yana hugged him tightly, "We have to go, Vell. We can't stay here."

Vell's mother appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Vell and Yana's hands. "We have to run to the river. It's the only way to escape."

They ran towards the river, but Vell's mother was hit by an arrow, falling to the ground. Vell saw the life fade from her eyes, and he was filled with a sense of despair.

"We have to keep going," Yana said, pulling him towards the river.

They reached the river, hiding behind a large boulder, watching as their entire world was destroyed before their eyes. They were alone, scared, and unsure of what to do next.

Vell and Yana were walking aimlessly through the dense forest, 19 days after the incident. Sometimes Vell would try to make Yana laugh with something funny, but it wouldn't work. And sometimes when Yana was feeling sad, Vell would feed her, cook for her, tell her stories, bathe her, and more.

As they were walking, a group of men on horses suddenly appeared and took Yana from Vell's grasp without much explanation. Vell tried to save Yana, but failed. The men punched him and he lost vision in his left eye, and his leg was stabbed with a sword, causing him pain.

Yana was taken away, and Vell was left alone in the forest, injured and disoriented. He struggled to get up and looked around frantically, but there was no sign of Yana or the men who took her.

Vell lay there, helpless and in pain, as the group of Villageers gathered around him. He tried to speak, but the pain in his throat was too much to bear. Suddenly, he saw Dingtu, the leader of the Villageers, walking towards him.

Dingtu: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little Couq boy who thinks he can wander into our territory?"

Vell: "Please... I... I didn't mean to cause any trouble..."

Dingtu: "Oh, spare me the tears, boy. You Couq people are all the same. You think you're better than us. But you're nothing but dirt under our feet."

Vell's anger started to rise. How could Dingtu say such things? Didn't he see that Vell was injured and needed help?

Vell: "How can you say that? My people have never done anything to harm you. We just want to live in peace."

Dingtu: "Peace? Ha! You Couq people are always trying to take what's ours. You're all thieves and liars."

Vell: "That's not true!"

Dingtu: "Oh, really? Then why were you in our territory, huh? You were probably trying to steal something."

Vell: "No! I was just... I was just looking for my friend. They took her..."

Dingtu: "Your friend? Ha! What makes you think we have your friend? We don't take prisoners. That's not our way."

Vell felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Could Dingtu be lying? Did he really have no idea where Yana was?

Vell: "Please... I need your help. My friend is in danger. I don't know what to do..."

Dingtu: "I'm sorry, boy. I can't help you. I have more important things to worry about than a little Couq girl. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

With that, Dingtu turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Vell lying there in the dirt. Vell's anger boiled over. He couldn't believe that Dingtu would be so callous and cruel. Without thinking, Vell grabbed a knife from one of the soldiers nearby and charged towards Dingtu.

Vell: "You son of a..."

Before Vell could finish his sentence, he was tackled to the ground by two of Dingtu's men. They held him down as Dingtu stood over him, a look of disgust on his face.

Dingtu: "I see you Couq people are all the same. Violent and barbaric. You'll never change."

Vell struggled to break free, but the soldiers held him down with ease. He knew he was beaten.

Vell: "Please... just help me find my friend... I'll do anything..."

Dingtu: "I'm sorry, boy. There's nothing I can do. You're on your own now."

With that, Dingtu and his soldiers turned and walked away, leaving Vell alone in the darkness. Vell lay there, bruised and broken, his heart heavy with despair.

As Vell wandered aimlessly, he realized that he had failed to save the person he loved, even Yana. He kept walking and walking until one day, he saw someone peeing on a tree from afar, and realized that it was one of the people who had kidnapped Yana. Vell approached him and stabbed his leg, causing him to fall, then covered his mouth and took him away. Vell tied him up, tortured him, and asked him where Yana was.

Vell: (angrily) "You took her from me, and you expect me to just let you go? Where is Yana? Tell me now."

Kidnapper: (groans in pain) "I won't tell you anything!"

Vell: (stabs the man's leg) "I said, where is she?!"

Kidnapper: (cries out in pain) "Okay, okay! She's in a city called Serrano, known for selling slaves. Please don't hurt me anymore!"

Vell: (coldly) "You don't deserve any mercy. You took away the person I love most in this world. Consider yourself lucky I don't kill you right now."

Kidnapper: (pleads) "Please, let me go! I won't tell anyone what happened!"

Vell: (decisively) "I can't let you go. You might go and kidnap someone else. I have to end this here and now."

(Vell stabs the kidnapper one final time, killing him and this is a first time he have kill someone)