
The Collective: Golem Divinity

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow in divinity? All while everyone else seems to think you are way stronger than you actually are? Well that's what Mark has to deal with when it comes to their new found life surrounded by any and every mythology there is. Oh, and there is of course their current employer, that hopes to have them in an eventual high position of their newly restructured Omniversal company. Also the fact that they didn't have much of a choice in the matter, not that they didn't want to though. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord server: https://discord.gg/vFb9ZcajzY

Oshimura · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Power comes in all shapes and sizes


So it turns out that this is more than just shapeshifting, if the reaction of my golems was any consideration. They looked at me with worship, outside of Levi, who was somewhat of an outlier. She acted the closest to me, clingy almost. As if she was a part of a hierarchy in the golem grand scheme. I didn't notice this when I first created and named her, but the rest of the golems treated her like royalty. All of my golems are of my creation, but are not all of them my children? They call me Mother/Father, although sometimes Creator. So maybe it's a ranking system? 

Does it have to do with how they are created? The names given? Maybe it's how they react to my presence. All of my golems except for Levi had acted more like servants up until now, and Levi acts like an actual daughter would. I need to create a file to organize this. It can't have to do with names, or maybe not 100% since I named Jess and Jane when I was first creating golems. Maybe it's a combination of factors? 

Golem Hierarchy

King/Creator/Mother/Father: Me

 Princesses: Levi, TBD

Princes: N/A

Unknown: Jess, Jane (Not Enough information.)

Servants: The remainder of the golems?

As I noted things down in a file, I scratched my head in thought. I organized it a bit based on monarchy royalty. I didn't include things like dukes, earls, knights, and the like since I don't have nearly enough golems to test that out. I don't even know if the hierarchy of my golems is based on that, it will have to be a placeholder for now. I took a break from throwing darts in the dark, and booted up some Assassin's creed IV on one of my computers. 

I played for a few hours before I got a notification from two different sources. One was a message from Jane with the report sent to me via a message to my computer. The other however, put a crazy smile on my face that was so wide, if I were still human, would have probably broken my jaw. 

Discovered derivative Observe ability: Media Observe. 

Media Observe: Allows the user to observe and create golems based on video game/anime characters and abilities. The user can also grant a limited amount of abilities to each golem. This will still be limited by the power of the user however. 

I threw my head back and laughed. The laugh was cold, but filled with such fervent excitement, and was so loud that all of my golems heard it. I didn't care how they reacted though, this was it. This was my quick path to power, and I had every game and anime I owned in my last life booted up on all of my computers here. First things first though, I grabbed some materials from my inventory and ran down to the forge. 

I needed to create a golem to watch over the rabbits when I didn't. They do serve as my eyes and ears, and can teleport back here at any time. But I didn't want to focus all of my attention on them at all times. I can view what they see without the AR glasses, but I think it would be better to designate that task elsewhere and only look through them myself in an emergency. So I will create a golem to watch through them for me. I didn't have a specific magic I could use for this to base the golem around, so instead, I granted the golem a copy of my current learning capacity. 

I modeled the golem male presenting, muscular, with silver hair, and the same colored golden eyes as my own. He looked like he was in his mid twenties, and I gave him my AR glasses. 

"I dub thee, Sebastian. You are now my true Eyes and Ears. You will observe everything, and learn anything you can. Grow, and surpass all of my adversaries. Know no limits, and never stop seeking to improve." I spiced up a small speech to see if it would make a difference. I'm fairly certain it did, based on the fact that he took to one knee, a stark difference to all of my other golems so far.

"I will do as you command Mother! I will uphold my task to the best of my abilities, current, and future!" I patted his shoulder, he clenched the glasses I passed him, stood up, bowed to me, and ran off towards the gym with the glasses on. I may have created a training addict. Just maybe. I shrugged my shoulders to put that off for now and headed back up to my room to fuel my need to become a gamer again.

I switched the game up to Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Having magical assassins would be good, especially if I can create a leader to go along with them. I clicked my tongue realizing that I didn't have any Assassin's Creed after black flag. I should have played the series more. It's ok though, I still have games like Skyrim to delve into, but that may be a tad out of my power range, for now. That will be the next game though, there is so, so much to gain from that game. 


As I rushed to the gym, I recollected the large amount of data that Mother provided me on a world, or in their terms, verse of Dragon Ball. I needed to document and learn everything there is to know about gravity magic. So I tasked rabbit #7 & #8 to search for books on it. I also asked rabbit #4 that was still watching the leader of the fallen to look out for books on it as well. As I was running on a treadmill, Levi came to the side with her fishing rod in the form of a necklace. 

"Hey Sebby! I see you're already at it, conditioning your body! Do you think you could look into sending my computer some books on the various forms of liquids? I believe that Mom had a large amount of documents and electronic books on the science of it, but I don't know where to start." I'm fairly certain that my eyebrow was twitching, but being in a teacher-like role was probably intended by Mother. 

"I'll look into it, now allow me to continue my workout in peace if you would please, I have a lot to catch up on." Levi stuck her tongue out and walked out of the gym. She was probably headed towards the river to fish. It's strange honestly. I was created not that long ago, but I already knew all of my brethren and they knew me. Especially Levi. She was like a little sister, which is weird because she is technically older. Eh, semantics. I had work to get done so I put those lingering thoughts in the back of my mind.


It's been a few days and since I didn't need sleep, and Jane brought food to my room, I finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Sebastian also told me that he found some devils and one of my rabbits was tailing them yesterday. I got a ping from my ability, so that means I had access to weaker devil magic, the most absurd type of magic that's based on imagination. I also pieced together the basics of my magic system after looking over all that I had access to at the moment.

I'll improve it as I implement more magic and magic systems. Skyrim is the next game I am going to play, but first, I had a bunch of golems to make. I walked down to the forge, and got to work on my next golem that would take charge of the rest within this category. 


When I woke up for the first time, what I saw in front of me was my Mother. It was an interesting experience to absorb the large amount of information I was given. She created a magic system that would implement all others. She also gave me wings that looked similar to angels, but were pure silver in color like my hair. My eyes were of the same color as well, but my assets were not as pronounced as Mothers. Though for the verse we are a part of, I would give most women here a run for their money in looks.

I truly looked like a daughter of my Mother, but taller. I was 6'2 while she was 5'10. An interesting decision since I thought that most men preferred women that were shorter than them, but it is Mother's decision, so it must have a vision behind it. 

"Welcome home my lovely daughter Circi! I have given you access to the magic system I have created. I want you to study up on all things magic and strive for every bit of knowledge you can." Mother handed me a pair of glasses that granted me access to folders upon folders of all of her current research on the various magic systems she has seen. 

"Feel free to take a seat on a bench and look over everything. You will be the one to teach the others I will be creating now on magic. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything via message or call when I'm done." When she finished, she continued with her work, already speeding through creating what would be the group of golems that I would be leading. I took a seat and got to work to absorb as much information as possible. 


Where Sebastian is learning anything and everything he can. Circi will be more specialized on specifically magic and research. I added wings to her and the golems I was currently creating to mimic the appendages representing power structure that a lot of the factions have going on. She has two wings currently, but I have a feeling that would change much faster than the golems I was currently creating. 

I found out the trigger for creating golems that were more like my 'daughters' and 'sons'. They needed my silver hair, golden eyes, and an aspect of me. Which realistically is the combined aspect of all golems. I can also only create one per 'category'. Said category is pretty vague in all honesty. Like Levi for example, at her core is a fisherwoman. However, she has my learning capacity, along with the capability to grow endlessly the more she fishes. Not only that, she seems to be able to 'feel' liquids. Not in the literal sense, but magically and emotionally. 

It's weird, but I've come to accept it. The whole growing as she fishes thing came from the fishing rod that the sisters made, but apparently I had some type of influence to cause it. I don't know what yet, but I will find out at some point. Sebastian encompasses my 'eyes' and 'ears'. He is also learning anything and everything he can. He is more of a jack of all trades. 

The most recent, Circi, I made with the thoughts of creating my own angel. She is my angel of magic. Hence the wings. She also has my learning capacity, and thirst for knowledge apparently. If her smiles and excitement she was feeling looking at all of my notes I put into different folders on the various magic systems, and type of magic was anything to go off of. Names may play an aspect into it as well, but I am unsure.


I am fueled by spite and community support, so if ya want to, please comment/review. 

Outside of that, check out P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/Oshimura for up to five chapters ahead of the scheduled release! Still working on the k.o-f.i. but it will be here eventually.

Discord: discord .gg /vFb9ZcajzY

Also if you see any spelling errors be sure to let me know! I'll fix them up since I don't have an editor. 

Thank you for reading and hope to se yall next chapter!