
The Collective: Golem Divinity

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow in divinity? All while everyone else seems to think you are way stronger than you actually are? Well that's what Mark has to deal with when it comes to their new found life surrounded by any and every mythology there is. Oh, and there is of course their current employer, that hopes to have them in an eventual high position of their newly restructured Omniversal company. Also the fact that they didn't have much of a choice in the matter, not that they didn't want to though. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord server: https://discord.gg/vFb9ZcajzY

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

A trip filled with mischief

Now, when I managed to create 20 more golem angels with different eye and hair colors, but the same wing color, and a few basic golems that specialized in construction, I felt a wall. It was like a limit, so I probably couldn't create anymore powerful golems until my current ones got stronger. I also felt terribly drained physically, so I started to walk out of the forge, and shifted to my shorter form. 

"Circi, work with Sebas to devise a training program for your fellow angels, and the remainder of the golems. You should have seen what I wrote up on gravity magic, I believe Sebas is working on that right now so you should be a big help there. Work with the construction golems for building anything necessary, and help them with magic if needed. Also make sure that Levi gets assistance too." With that finished, I headed out of the forge to my room to take a shower, and play some Skyrim.


I bowed in Mother's direction as she headed out of the forge. I needed to guide all of these golem angels on the path that Mother has set out for us. It may be a daunting task, but it is one that I will take on no matter what.

"Alright everyone! Follow me to the arena next to the gym. We will most likely have to build a section that will be utilized for studying, but that will come later. I will also give out names to each of you since it wouldn't be reminiscent of me to call you by numbers right now. Prove yourself, and you may receive the chance to be named by Mother in the future." I could see the excitement on their faces, except one. He was shorter than the rest, at around 5'7 in height. Had pitch black hair, and black eyes. 

The two feelings I could see being expressed on his face were seriousness, and determination. It was an interesting sight. Perhaps this one was made special by Mother. Not like me, Sebastian, and Levi, but unique in his own right. Interesting. 

"You over there. Standing behind everyone else. Stand in front of me." The boy walked towards me and everyone else parted to give him an easier path. As he stood in front of me, he stood on one knee and bowed his head. 

"I am at your command, Miss Circi. How may I be of assistance?" 

"You will serve as my personal bodyguard, and I grant you the name of Kuroko." Turns out that Mother already implemented something similar to what would be the devil's evil piece system in the future. The reason I was thinking this was because the moment I named Kuroko, I felt a part of my magic imprint itself onto him. That, and the fact that he had a tattoo of a small version of me on his arm. 

"I will serve you with everything I have, Miss Circi!" Kuroko stood up, and bowed before walking over, and standing by my side. I directed everyone else to be named, but nothing happened when I named them. Perhaps it has to do with the intent, or special circumstances. Some of them had looks of disappointment, but others had looks of understanding. Good Mother I will have to discuss what I have discovered with Sebastian and Levi. 


I was sitting at my desk devising the possibility of a hyperbolic time chamber when I heard a knock on my door. 

"It's open, feel free to enter." I paid it no heed when a woman that looked like she could be Levi's older sister with her looks walked in. A boy with black hair bowed to me before standing outside.

"Ah, Circi. I'm assuming that Mother has sent you to me so we can workshop some resolutions to current problems and future ones?" 

"It is as you have said Sebastian. Mother has sent me to work with you on a training plan for our fellow golems, of the magical, and possibly the physical variety. I would also like to trade notes with you on what you may have gleaned from the magic system that Mother has created, discuss future plans, and probably bring in Levi as well." I sent a message to Levi, but she was already by the door by the time I sent it. Right as Circi finished speaking, she dropped in, adopting a bit more serious of a look. 

"The waters are more turbulent lately. They seem to be a bit troubled." She conjured up what I could only assume was a water spirit in the form of a cat as it hopped onto her shoulder, and Levi took a seat on my bed nearby. I closed my door before continuing the conversation. 

"I assume it has to do with the upcoming war between the biblical factions. Things are progressing towards that end somewhat faster than what Mother has estimated, but we should still be able to prepare for it in time regardless." I projected two maps I created based on what the rabbits have seen so far. One of the underworld, the other of Earth.

"Let's discuss future plans before we get down to how we need to train and study magic. Right here in this part of the underworld is the territory of the Fallen." I motioned to the place that Rabbit #4 has been observing Azazel and Mishala all this time. 

"On the opposite side of here is devil territory. There was a recent move by them to attack a Fallen village and massacre their residents. The devils also apparently made a move on a church as well to incite heaven into action. None of the rabbits have managed to get to heaven or find the angels yet, but it's only a matter of time before we do. I have discovered some Yokai within Japan on Earth, and some demigods in Greece, but nothing else for now. All of the other factions are most likely going into hiding to avoid the coming war." 

I paused for a second since I noticed that Levi wanted to mention something. 

"That's interesting and all, but what are we going to do? Are we going to involve ourselves in this war? Mother's guidance on this particular aspect is unclear. The main thing she wants is for us to gain power to go beyond the strongest of the factions. Outside of that, she hasn't directed her hand towards anything specific." Levi did have somewhat of a point, but she probably didn't pay too much attention to the files that Mother regularly uploaded to the servers, or the messages she sent to the group forum she created.

"Mother does have plans for each of us, and future plans as well. You should really go over your computer every once in a while instead of fishing all of the time Levi. Or at least put on the AR Glasses." Levi blushed a bit in embarrassment at that, Circi smirked, and I just coughed. 

"Regardless though, I will debrief you on the basics, then we can work together on how we will train, then how we will train and teach everyone else. First thing's first, Circi, your objective is to get more powerful than all of the fallen, and then to quote what mother said: "Grab the fallen by the balls."' How you do that after reaching the correct amount of power is up to you. I believe that you would need to reach 12 wings. Mother theorized that any of us reaching a new tier of power would be two tiers higher than the norm for the biblical factions. So 12 wings for you, would be 14 for anyone else. You could also go for 14 or 16, but that is up to you. 12 is ideal."' I saw Circi pulling out a few screens from her own glasses as she was devising a few things.

"Before you ask Levi, yes, you and I also have wings, and they work similar to Circi's. However, yours should look similar to a devil's, and mine are closer to a dragons. All of them are still silver in color to match Mother though." Levi tried to access her wings right away, and she already had three pairs of wings. 

"Also, for devils outside of Lucifer and Lilith, wings don't necessarily represent power, however, that is the case for most other species. Except it's not always wings, it could be tails, or other appendages. Mother has a very extensive file on what she has seen and what she theorizes for the reason as to why. Now Levi, your job is simple and complex at the same time. I do believe that you will be much more active after the Great War, but still. Mother has stated: '"Mess with the devils, specifically those of the so-called 'Leviathan' line. And watch over the Sitri's."' 

"Sebas, if I am to just mess with them, then does that mean I just continue to do what I am doing and just wait for opportune times to play pranks on them?" I'm pretty sure that I felt my eye twitch, but it's ok. It's ok. Mother guide us all.

"Yes Levi. But be sure to not slack on training and do your best to reach 12 wings or above as well before you go 'prank' them." She just smiled at that, and grabbed her pair of glasses, before I motioned for Circi to take my place in presenting. 


I didn't realize how many notes or files I created on everything I have been studying until I saw that I created over 50 folders on the various things I picked up until now. It's been about two and a half weeks since I came to this world, and I got strong enough to make a legion of magical assassins. There were 42 of them, with my latest son leading them named Retzio. Yes his name is based on Ezio, no I do not care. He was strong enough to take on most minor gods with prep time.

Regardless though, they are quickly becoming a much better information network than my rabbits since they can get into places they can't, and blend in with the locals. However, there is a very pressing issue that I was currently experiencing since I was looking through Retzio's camera. Why in the ever loving Collective F*** Was there a female Loki currently sitting across from Retzio, at a bar, drinking with him, and looking like the version of Loki from danmachi???!!!


I am fueled by spite and community support, so if ya want to, please comment/review. 

Outside of that, check out P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/Oshimura for up to five chapters ahead of the scheduled release! Still working on the k.o-f.i. but it will be here eventually.

Discord: discord .gg /vFb9ZcajzY

Also if you see any spelling errors be sure to let me know! I'll fix them up since I don't have an editor. 

Thank you for reading and hope to se yall next chapter!