
Chapter 4 The Stubborn Zoe Shaw

There was deep fear in the elder brother's eyes, and the huge force on his head made him have no doubt that it was enough to crush his own skull, and he begged for mercy with blood on his face: "Brother, I was wrong!"

"We brothers don't have eyes, we shouldn't covet the eldest brother's woman, we should die! We should die!"

"Brother, we were wrong, you put your hand high and let us go like a dog!"

Tyrus Wilson looked indifferent: "Drag it out and deal with it!"


"No! Don't!"

"Brother! Let us go!"

Begging for mercy, heart-piercing!

But Marcus was unmoved, and dragged the two of them like dragging two dead dogs, bloodstains slid out all the way, Yana broke away from Tyrus Wilson's arms, ran to Elena Shaw, hugged her: "Mom, you're fine Bar?"

"Look, it was Dad who saved us, and Dad came to find Yana!"

Elena Shaw hugged Yana tightly, feeling Yana's joy, looking at Tyrus Wilson's eyes, very complicated.

"Come with me!"

Tyrus Wilson dropped the three words in a cold voice.

"I do not!"

Elena Shaw bit her lip.


The figure of Tyrus Wilson blinked in front of him, pinching Elena Shaw's slender chin with his rough hands, his eyes narrowed slightly: "You left without saying goodbye for five years, and I have been looking for you for five years!"

"Since I found you, don't even think about disappearing from my side!"

Elena Shaw trembled, her eyes turned resentful, this man is a devil, just like that night five years ago, domineering and crazy!

Seeing Tyrus Wilson bring Elena Shaw out, Tiger Brown, who had been waiting by the side, walked over and respectfully said, "Less..."

Before the word "handsome" came out, Tyrus Wilson cast his eyes coldly, Tiger Brown's words came to an abrupt end, his mind was active, and he changed the topic: "Mr. Wilson, I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you today. To express Our apologies, I will give you a Spa Hotel top-level VIP card, and all purchases at any of the chain stores under the Spa Hotel will be free!"

Elena Shaw, who was following behind him, looked at Tyrus Wilson in surprise. She didn't know anything about the man who took her virginity away, and it could even be said that she didn't know anything about it.

But as a native of Sky-sea City, she is too familiar with Tiger Brown. Such an existence who can be called the overlord is so polite to Tyrus Wilson in front of him?

Then what is his identity? !

Sensing Elena Shaw's doubts, Tyrus Wilson didn't want to reveal his true identity so quickly, and said lightly: "Mr. Brown owed me a favor before, this time, just repay it by the way."

Hearing the young marshal's words, Tiger Brown naturally wouldn't disagree with him, and nodded in agreement.

And none of them paid attention, Zoe Shaw, who was not far away, suddenly became ugly!

From the moment she learned that Tyrus Wilson was Yana Shaw's father, Zoe Shaw suddenly became excited!

How can the status of a person who needs compliments even the majestic South Sky-sea City overlord be so bad?

Isn't such a son-in-law just the son-in-law that he dreamed of?

Thinking of this, she smiled happily, and was about to go up to start a relationship with Tyrus Wilson, when she accidentally heard what Gan said just now, and her boiling heart suddenly cooled down!

It's just a...favor?

In other words, the guy with the camouflage all over his body is very likely to be a poor boy just like what he showed? !

Thinking of this, Zoe Shaw suddenly had a look of resentment. The five million that Yana Shaw sold to Mark Brown was ruined by Tyrus Wilson. If he took Elena Shaw away again, wouldn't he lose everything? return? !

Although Elena Shaw has children out of wedlock, her title of top ten beauties in Sky-sea City is there. Her charm, face, and figure are more than before. Countless big bosses who want to raise lovers and mistresses are staring at her, although there is no Ming Media is asking for a high price, but Elena Shaw is still worth a lot of money. Zoe Shaw is holding her tightly, hoping to sell it for a good price. If Tyrus Wilson takes it away, she will get nothing there is none left!

But Tiger Brown is here, she definitely can't do anything to Tyrus Wilson, after thinking about it, her mind turned, and suddenly, she thought about it.

She quietly hid aside and made a call. After a while, the call was connected, and Zoe Shaw said delicately, "Mr. Scorpion, I'm Zoe!"

"Mr. Brown held an adoption ceremony at the Spa Hotel today, did you know that?"

"Yes, yes, but there was a short-sighted kid who suddenly ran out and snatched Mr. Brown's daughter away. Mr. Brown couldn't do it himself because of face. Look..."

On the other end of the phone, a big bald man with Scorpion tattooed on his face roared, "What? Someone dare to snatch the person Mr. Brown likes from me?!"

"I'm really tired of living!"

"I was late for something today, and I was afraid that Mr. Brown would be angry. I didn't expect that I deserved it!"

"Wait at the door, I will be right there with my brothers!"

After hanging up the phone, Zoe Shaw smiled sullenly. Mark Brown could be fooled, but not me!

At that time, not only will Elena Shaw's mother and daughter be snatched back, but also Mark Brown will vent his anger and teach Tyrus Wilson a lesson. It really kills two birds with one stone!

"Hey! Where are you taking me!"

At the entrance of the hotel, Elena Shaw shook off Tyrus Wilson's hand, and looked at this man with a complicated face!

Five years ago, he took away his precious first time, and he should have hated him, but in the past five years, his figure has often appeared in his mind.

She thought that she would never see this man again in her life, but when he really appeared in front of her, her heart became complicated again.

She hated him for making her mother and daughter suffer all kinds of grievances in the past five years, but Yana had to grow up after all, a family without a father could not be called a complete family!

Seeing Elena Shaw's complicated expression, Tyrus Wilson spoke in a calm tone for the first time: "Give me a chance to make up for your mother and daughter, okay?"

"For Yana, and for yourself."

Elena Shaw's heartstrings jerked.

Just when she couldn't help but agree, a disharmonious voice suddenly sounded: "Jie Jie, I thought that the guy who dared to make trouble in Mr. Brown's field has three heads and six arms. From this point of view, there is nothing special about it! "

"Ha ha……"

Sneering, a group of people gathered around, Scorpion looked at Tyrus Wilson, licked his lips: "Boy, let me put down the girl in your arms!"

Seeing his ferocious look, Yana Shaw hugged Tyrus Wilson's neck tightly, buried her small face in his chest: "Dad, I'm afraid!"

Tyrus Wilson patted his daughter's back lightly, and said softly: "Yana is not afraid, Dad is here, and will not let anyone take you away from Dad again."

Then, he looked at Scorpion coldly: "Today is the day when I reunite with my daughter, if you don't want to start killing, get out of here!"

"Ha ha……"

"Brothers, did you hear what this kid said?"

Scorpion pointed at him and laughed loudly: "It's just that you don't have any meat, and you still kill?"

"Do you dare to take a knife? Have you ever seen blood? With such a cowardly appearance, I'm afraid I haven't even killed a chicken!"

Everyone laughed loudly, and they all looked at Tyrus Wilson with a sneer on their faces.

Tyrus Wilson also laughed. He has been in the army for five years, from the lowest level soldier to a young marshal who is admired by thousands of people. He is walking on a mountain of corpses, holding blood debts in his hands, and has accumulated a great reputation with countless lives!

In his eyes, life is just as weak as an ant.

Seeing the mocking mockery on Tyrus Wilson's face, Scorpion got angry, and swished out the knife from his waist: "Boy! Put him down quickly, and then crawl out under my crotch, or else, I don't mind Let you bleed! Teach you how to behave!"

After dealing with those two people, Marcus just came out, with a bloodthirsty expression flashing on his simple and honest face. For those who dare to insult the young marshal, in his heart, he has already been sentenced to death!

"Young commander! This subordinate only needs 30 seconds!"

Thirty seconds, more than ten people, enough!

Just when Tyrus Wilson was about to agree, a voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Who dares to make trouble in front of the Spa Hotel, don't want to live!"