
Chapter 5

Mark Brown was very upset. Although he deserved the beating, there was still an uncontrollable anger in his body that couldn't be released!

Seeing Mark Brown approaching with a face like a pig's head, Scorpion was taken aback, trotting over all the way, flattering him: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Which blind person dares to beat you up like this, brother, I will abolish him right away to avenge you!"

Mark Brown stared: "What revenge! In Sky-sea City, who dares to fight me?"

"This is a small injury, I accidentally knocked it."

Scorpion nodded half-believingly, then thought of something, and said excitedly, "Brother, who do you think I caught?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the front: "I caught that bastard who robbed your daughter-in-law!"

"Don't worry, I'll let you bleed right away to vent your anger!"

Mark Brown pointed at him, and was immediately terrified. Surrounded by Scorpion's younger brothers, wasn't it Tyrus Wilson?

Regardless of the injuries on his body, Mark Brown let out a groan, and rushed over, kicking the younger brother who was closest to Tyrus Wilson flying, with a swollen face, forced a smile: "Big...Brother, Didn't surprise you?"

Mark Brown's heart skipped a beat, this is a character that even his cousin can't afford to mess with!

This bastard, Scorpion, is really looking for excitement for himself. If this big brother is not happy in any way, his group will have to pay for their lives!

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you confused?"

Scorpion didn't know why, so he came over: "Why do you call this good-for-nothing big brother!"

"I'm going to Nima!"

Mark Brown didn't care about the injuries on his body, kicked Scorpion over with one kick, and said with a deadly kick: "You're a piece of shit!"

"If you want to die, don't drag me!"

"There are so many people, why do you stand out! What are you pretending to be!"

"Dare to offend my elder brother, I'll kill you bastard!"

Mark Brown screamed after being beaten. Seeing this scene, Zoe Shaw hurried over and explained: "Mr. Brown, don't be fooled by this trash!"

"I heard it very clearly just now. This kid didn't know what kind of shit luck he had before, and Mr. Tiger owed him a favor. What happened just now was a favor that Mr. Tiger was forced to repay in order to save face!"

"Look at him, he is dressed in tatters, he looks like a piece of trash!"

"piss off!"

A direct slap slapped Zoe Shaw, who was caught off guard!

I hate Mark Brown, one slap is not enough and another slap, Zoe Shaw's face swelled up as quickly as visible to the naked eye, this stinky bitch, it's not enough to hurt me once, the person who can make my elder brother say that he is not worthy of lifting boots, you Tell me it's trash, but you really treat me like a fool!

After all, she raised herself up. Although Elena Shaw was very disappointed with Zoe Shaw, she still couldn't bear to see her miserable appearance. She couldn't help but said, "Don't...don't hit her."

Mark Brown stopped immediately, with a flattering smile on his face: "Of course!"

Who is Elena Shaw, my eldest brother's wife, my own sister-in-law, how dare I not listen to her words?

Seeing that a villain like Mark Brown suddenly respected her so much, Elena Shaw was also taken aback, and shrank back because she couldn't adapt.

Tyrus Wilson, who had a panoramic view of this scene, slowly raised the corner of his mouth, but he really didn't realize that this Mark Brown is still a wonderful person!

Mark Brown has been able to get to where he is today. Sensitivity is an essential skill for him. From Tyrus Wilson's weak expression, he saw a hint of satisfaction, and his heart was filled with extreme satisfaction. He asked cautiously, "Brother, look at this kid, do you How do you want to deal with it?"

"If you want his arm, I will never cut off his four fingers!"

"As long as you are satisfied, I can take his life for you!"

Scorpion is not stupid, but he can see it clearly, this is Mark Brown's big brother, this is simply serving him like an ancestor!

Ignoring the pain of the injury at the moment, I turned around and knelt down on the ground with a thud: "Brother, it's all because I have no eyes, I was deceived by someone!"

"I want to know that you are my elder brother's elder brother. If you lend me three guts, I dare not disrespect you!"

With ghosts and wolves howling in his ears, Tyrus Wilson waved his hands a little irritably: "Get out!"

"Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother, for raising your hand!"

A rolling word sounded like a sound of heaven, Scorpion bowed again and again, and was about to leave with the support of his younger brother, when he suddenly thought of something, pointed at Zoe Shaw who had already been cowering in fear, and gritted his teeth: "Brothers, take that stinky bitch Bring it, I will let her know the price of daring to lie to me!"

"no, do not want!"

"Elena, help me! Help me!"

Elena Shaw turned her head away, and Zoe Shaw was dragged away abruptly. After a corner, a miserable scream resounded through the sky.

"Brother, look, is there anything else I can help you with?"

Mark Brown looked at him with a smile on his face.

Tyrus Wilson thought about it, since he made up his mind to develop a relationship with Elena Shaw, he had to live first, and since he wanted to live, a place to live was naturally essential!

In his capacity, in a word, he is naturally free to choose the most luxurious villas all over the country, but what he wants to live now is an ordinary life.

He has been conquering all his life, and has always lived in blood and swords. Now, he finally has a chance, and he is also thinking about how to be an ordinary husband and father.

"If you really want to help, then help me find a house!"

"House? No problem, is the 800-square-meter three-storey villa in Great Waterfront enough?"

"We don't need such a luxurious one. As a family of three, we can just find an ordinary three-bedroom and one-living room."

In the end, in a slightly luxurious neighborhood, Tyrus Wilson looked around at the clean and tidy room that had already been hardcovered, and nodded in satisfaction.

Elena Shaw also looked around, a long-lost feeling of home quietly filled her heart.



"Why did Mark Brown give you a house?"


Tyrus Wilson frowned: "Perhaps, after being beaten up, he discovered his conscience!"