
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

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The Dullahan and the 13 shadows part 2

The cat girl named Shizuca along with the two corpses in the center of the throne room of the Rusirifof kingdom .

On the throne was the king and at his side the princess, but everything was silent


Shizuca - Hello!

A voice that had never come out of Shizuca's mouth before broke that gloomy silence, her voice kind and calm as if a great weight had been lifted from her.

Shizuca threw both bodies to the ground, everyone was confused, the one who seemed to be the head of the king's guard spoke.

Chief guard - Gods !,!? Who the hell is this ?! Shizuca explicate !

Shizuca - The Durahan and the Thirteen Shadows have spoken: The Demon King and The Hero are dead! Sign the peace or prepare to suffer the consequences! ... those were his exact words ... One of the shadows gave me this <takes out two black envelopes> asked me to deliver one to his majesty. < Shizuca offered the envelope> This may be the answer you are looking for.

They all looked at her doubtfully.

Chief of the Guard - Who is this Durahan you speak of?

Shizuca - "Maybe here is the answer you are looking for"

Chief guradia - ... That 's on the other envelope?

Shizuca - I don't know , the shadow gave it to me personally .

The head of the guard made a sign to what seemed to be a novice squire who, in his surprise, stumbled in his haste to take the hat.


The princess laughed stridently, especially all the king looked so worried, Shizuca in camio made in surprise.

Shizuca - The Durahan used a strange ability on everyone present in the room, its effects are rare and varied, for example I lost the ability to feel mana and thirst for blood, also I can no longer feel happiness, the paladin Zabrina lost sanity, but the first to suffer the effects of that ability was the princess, if I remember correctly the Durahan did something like that .

After narrating the effects of the ability, raise your finger pointing to the King.

Shizuca - [Blessing of God Zac was given to you ] Thief senses! [New Skill Acquired, "Emulation"] [ effects applied: 27-37-18

27-Hunger VI- Bestial

37- Mana ( No Mana IV, Ignorance of Mana V)

18-phantom sensation V-phantom body- mild]

[ Zac - luck to the king, explanation at the end] [ Zac - quick note below, everything that happened in the span of a second since the ability was activated will be narrated: 27 and 18 conflict, one will be replaced being the probabilities that one was replaced: 40% for the 18 and 50% for the 27, 10% to create discord]

[27 is replaced by 13, 13 is fused with 18 improves idol to 19]

[Effects changed: 37-19

37- Mana

19-Phantom sensation VI-phantom mind

37 and 19 conflict probabilities-45-45] [37 is relayed by 36]

[Effects changed: 36-19

36-Amnesia VIII-mental reset

19-phantom sensation VI- Mind ghost ] [ 36 and 19 fucionan creating: Feeling possessed ]

He said after making a demonstration and receiving the voice of the world Shizuca realized that she was sovereignly fucked .

Shizuca - Missing!

Shizuca bursting into a lot of wanted posters leaving behind if one of the black envelopes ...

Judge of the Guard - DAMN! !? That you did to the king ?!

Everyone was getting upset but they were stopped by a laugh ...

The king was laughing, and began to speak to an internal monologue.

King: "and then I woke up, I was in a beautiful place surrounded by what I suppose are my subjects, if it seems that I finally have a body, and I am the king, <He laughs again > Or if I will have a lot of fun, but for now I must To avoid proving my identity, I raise my head and I find the worried look of who seems to be the guard chief, it is seen that he has a worried face but that does not matter to me, I just heard a heavenly voice, I received as a gift Blessing of God Zac ... that's a god has blessed me with the body of a king, but I don't remember my name ... I already know my name will be Exspiravit , I get up from the seat and prepare my best tones to start giving a speech when I I realize that there is a possibility of not knowing the language ... this is not the time to think that, ahem, ahem , I clear my throat and before speaking I realize that I have been speaking out loud since I arrived ... I should stop doing it "... [God Zac's blessing , let the god Zac modify r the stats and abilities of those who possess it]

All were captured and did not know how to react, all but one, or rather all but one, the princess is oblivious to all this development, she got up and picked up the black envelope from the floor, looked at her and twisted her face, before giving an order to a young man who appeared to be a swordsman and a woman with a large breasts who wore witch clothes that marked her curves at levels that would make that "dress" be considered a +18 outfit.

Princess -You read this and you transfer the information to me.

They both nodded. The boy who seemed to be a swordsman took the paper out of the envelope and read aloud as the magician took possession behind the princess.

Swordsman - "Through this I invite the king to the wedding of the daughter of the Demon King Tanasake Yura and Durahan supreme Satou Makasu , the wedding will take place tomorrow in the castle that is on the side of the castle of the demon king, no mistake, if you go to that place find a castle more larger than the castle of the demon king that the body belongs to the girl Shizuca led them can bring anyone dese with you but I must warn you that my 11 subjects have no mercy "

King: A wedding? That fun certainly agree, begin to prepare things!

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

In some mysterious place ... but what chihuhuas ? This is not a mysterious place, it is my game room.

Zac - There for me ... the possibilities of that ability are annoying, but it doesn't matter, after he received my blessing (I renamed it blessing) everything cleared up a bit. It really was very lucky to meet that world abandoned it is obvious that a god is in charge of the , but how stupid must be to avoid creating other gods who handle each of its aspects, besides that idiot I left a tremendous error security, also does not know how to balance things (I'm nobody to complain), but look ...

I kept mentioning aloud all the inconsistencies and mistakes made by the god in charge of that world until someone knocked on my door, the voice of a girl, tender and sweet sounded behind the door.

??? - Daddy, can I come in? I have something to discuss with you.

Zac - Edi honey. Of course you can go !, for you my daughter would destroy the system and re FUN I'd do it to your liking countless times.

Little by little the door opened, revealing the light of my life, my daughter, Edi .

Zac - Well Edi , what did you want to talk to me about?

Edi - Well ... I ~ < this nervous and seeks to avoid the topic> Papa that these watching

Zac - just a world that I found recently, I think it's called ... I doesn't remembrer, leay me chek ... here it is, his name is ... " Edi's first world please don't touch" ...






Edi - I-I apologize for creating a world if your permission, sorry father, sinf * snif * I-I just wanted to have a world with a nice story sinf * snif * wahaaaaa !, Sorry father I ruined it wahaaaaaaaaa !!, I do n't deserve to be your daughter !!!

-Two minutes later-

Edi - snif * snif , hey , father? Father, are you okay, what's wrong with you ?!

Zac -...

-------------------------------------------------- ----

Zac - the explanation you promised ... give me a break I'm busy ... it's just a list that I leave here I am ...

Thief of senses II ( Shizuca ) 3 or 5 if one is repeated

1. Visual attention

2. Attention to details

3. Information retention

4. felt pain

5. balance (the ink is over for the bold, lie I'm just not in the mood <( _ _)>)

6. consancio visula

7. sense of direction

8. ear

9. auditory hallucination

10. I-mild buzzing

11. Buzz II-annoying

12. Buzz III-unbearable

13. Touch

14. Phantom feeling I-tranquility

15. Phantom Sensation II-Phantom Trace

16. Phantom sensation III-unreality-mild

17. Phantom sensation IV-phantom limb-mild

18. Phantom Sensation V-Phantom Body-Mild

19. Phantom Sensation VI-Phantom Mind-Total

20. Flavor

21. Gluttony

22. I-mild hunger

23. Hunger II-bearable

24. Hunger III-annoying

25. Hunger IV-painful

26. V-insatiable hunger

27. Hunger VI-Bestial

28. Smell

29. Amnesia I-forgetful I

30. Amnesia II-forgetful II

31. Amnesia III-occasional confusion

32. Amnesia IV-blocked memories I

33. Amnesia V-Blocked Memories II

34. Amnesia VI-Blocked Memories III

35. Amnesia VII-permanent confusion

36. Amnesia VIII-mental reset

37. Mana

38. Perception of Mana I

39. Perception of Mana II

40. Perception of Mana III

41. Perception of Mana IV

42. Ignorance of Mana V

43. Lack of Mana I

44. Lack of Mana II

45. Lack of Mana III

46. ​​Sin Mana IV

47. Ignorance of Magic I

48. Ignorance of Magic II

49. Ignorance of Magic III

50. Ignorance of Magic IV