
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Two and ninety-eight missing

Kuroro's Perspective

My name is Kuroro, my story is a little more interesting than a classic one, let me explain, I am a Japanese boy, number one in my class and before the irony of fate I died of cardiac arrest when they confused my grades in graduation and basically I expelled from school on graduation day. After waking up I found a god who sent me to a new world where magic existed, to be a hero? no, I reincarnated into a demon with the mission to "extinguish hell from within" in the end I became a demon king and became a demi-god, or so I believed, one day after finishing my main mission I received a notification:

"You have fulfilled your mission and reached incredible power, if you have nothing to tie you down, what would you think of moving forward and becoming a supreme? Note: regardless of your answer I will bring you here and take care of everything"

Seconds later I appeared in a small but luxurious room, in front of me was a person who seemed to be the leader of a mafia, I was sitting in a chair that was slightly sunk in the floor making me have to look up to see my companion.

Gangster - my name is $% & # & "Von $ %% & W] * #%" & / de "#%" &% $ "... (he resisted his name for 10 minutes!) ... and I am the god of supreme power management, I am in charge of deciding who becomes a supreme, for now I suggest you abandon the idea of ​​climbing to an even higher high to supreme only one person has achieved it, above the Supreme are the "helpers of the gods" (they are gods of lesser power who work as slaves for the full gods), above them are the created gods and complete gods. Right now there are ninety- nine supreme, 5000 helpers of the gods, a gogolpex (A googolplex is the number 10, or equivalent, 10 (10 100). Written in ordinary form, it is 1 followed by 10 100 zeros, that is, a 1 followed by a zeros. A googol is 10 100. In decimal notation, it is written as 1 followed by one hundred: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.) Of gods created and counting with me an indeterminate number of gods no more than 10,000, as you may have realized, the supreme ones are a miserable amount and are mainly made up of reincarnated people who reached a re-jumping power, a supreme can (I will not explain how you do not try) reach the next level "helper of the gods" which with the passage of millennia will eventually become complete gods, you may have heard of people who live millennia but the supreme are the relatively immortal, in addition the supreme have certain omnipotent abilities.

Kuroro -can-

Gangster- well that you accept well take this <gives him a sheet> and goodbye.

That's the story of how I became a supreme ...

Kuroro- <visibly excited> "Oh look at another world change ... ANOTHER WORLD CHANGE!"

A screen appeared in front of me:

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Name: Kuroro

Level 1

Race: insert race

Factory Enables: A Place to Die, Junk Mail [uses 150 per day, clouds target's vision and hearing with a series of nonsensical notifications for 30 seconds cooldown 2 minutes] Blessing of the FUN system

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Kuroro- system show me all the races I can choose.

FUN- are you sure?

Kuroro- yes

At that moment a list of more than a hundred names appeared in front of me, it took me about two hours to choose and in the end my tab was like this.

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Name: Kuororo

Level 1

Race: # $ "$%


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A drum began to resonate through nowhere, everything turns red as the noise of the drums is accompanied by rustic chants, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, I feel like I'm getting stuck and I start to struggle to free myself from this puddle. The red I am in, PUM, PUM, PUM, PUM, PUM, PUM, PUM, PUM, the drums marked the rhythm with which it came out, it was still covered by a layer of a thick red liquid, when I completely left the rhythm of the drums rushed to finish with a strong and powerful BOOM, which swept the liquid from my eyes allowing me to open them. It was noon and I was on top of a mountain, it took a few seconds to realize that I was not on a mountain but in a stepped-looking pyramid that was about a kilometer high, on the ground I was stepping on there was a pool of a red liquid.

In front of him about 3000 people knelt with their faces on the ground before him, after a few minutes of silence I decided to introduce myself.

Kuroro- My name is Kuroro Lucifer a supreme- a level 1 supreme, tell me why am I here?

Slowly the one who seemed to be the most important with the greatest number of ornaments raised his head.

??? - ho great Kuroro, I the emperor Tonanzil XII ask you for your support in this war.

Kuroro- Raise your head Tonanzil and tell me where I should go.

Tonanzil- The conflict with the Rusirifof Kingdom and the demonic Kingdom is at a climax a few hours ago the Hero left the castle of the demon King, go with them and support demonstrate your power with the demonic forces, oh! Great Kuroro please hear this poor servant's plea.

I looked in the direction in which the emperor was pointing and I saw a tremendous castle next to a smaller castle. I moved my eyes a little and I saw what should be the castle of the Kingdom that pretends my gaze in the latter.

Kuroro- system show me my status.

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Name: Kuororo

Level 1

Race: # $ "$%

Active Skills: Demon Eyes, Demon Wings, God Eyes, Slash, Dragon Intimidation, Bestial Frenzy, Bestial Modification.

Passive Skills: Faith, Shapeshift, Seven Lives, FUN System Blessing, A Place to Die, Junk Mail.

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[Dragon intimidation: the person in front of you will lose the will to fight against you and will retreat, if the level difference is greater than 10 the dragon will lower a quarter of your HP, MP cost: 250, cooldown 1 hour] [Bestial frenzy, you lose control of your body and the beast that you carry inside is unleashed, modifies the body and gives a x10 to all statistics, cost 50 HP per second] [Bestial modification: you modify your beast part at will: indeterminate cost] [eyes of the god: omnimous vision, one daily use, maximum time one minute] [Faith: your power increases for each person who worships you] [Shapeshift: you partially change race, obtaining some of their abilities, warning this race must be consumed before] [seven lives: when its HP reaches zero its levels will be reset and 24 hours later it will revive, limit 7 times]

Kuroro- Wings of the demon: castle!

While teleporting me to the castle I could only think of one thing "I'm rotisimo" <all superb>

I appeared in the castle room and everything was a bit shaken as if something had happened recently, I hear a metallic screech at my feet and I realize that there is a headless corpse on the ground. Before the squeak, everyone is aware of my existence.

Royal Guard- you! identify

King - "And then a black-eyed demon appeared in front of me, whose yellow pupils were full of magical seals, his white hair flopping as he fell to his knees from possible mana depletion ..."

I was right I fell apparently I have almost no MP left I look up for a second and I feel an impact on my face as I fall unconscious.

Third person view.

The princess gave a kick to the subject who appeared in the throne room and the king said without further ado.

King- pack it with us, it will be a good wedding gift!




Curious fact

All of the supreme are very good actors and have a similar level to that granted by the acting skill III and really almost none (Makasu is the exception) officially have it.

The reason? I did not believe it necessary to give it to the supreme, since it is something that is almost natural of their species, but since they are in this new world, any supreme who acted within a defined character for a certain time will get it officially, although this does not really work. more than occupying space in their state ... In a few days there will be few supreme who do not have this ability