
The change in History and Present

one day earth climate become unstable extremely hot places become cold and coldest mountain started to melt exact that day sky Chang it's colour every single big land was sharing different colors of sky and then boom a sound resonate in earth atmosphere creature that were only myth appear dragon Giant snake Phoenix giant bird insect all fell from the sky and massacre started human try to fight back but it was for nothing the entire earth lose its original specis exact that moment sky started to become clear a giant portal can be seen from that portal voices were resonating on entire earth theywere discussing about earth after long discussion a word resonate in earth that word Chang entire structure and history of earth that word was reset yeah reset after reseting exact same moment repeated them selves but this time something was diffrent when sky colour Chang in entire earth all govt make a annoucemmant that it was plan scientist already know about it and after that tower appear in earth and dungeons started to appear some people disappear and some awaken ability or power but it was not the end into tower those who become climber receive the biggest shock ever after clearing some floor they loss controls of there ability and when they come out side the tower they receive another shock world they knew was changed what change bring these strange tower how did govt know about that if govt know about that why did they not stop this but it was not the end last survived of tower when come out side the tower they lose all the hope what govt did with them why didn't public know about climber return and what was the Oirigin of tower and dungeon

Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Merton, who is bound to a tree by a snake, opens his eyes in astonishment. He spots a red goblin in armour with a sword, while two other goblins are peacefully sleeping on the ground. Merton sees an opportunity to kill all three and complete the task at hand, but his problem lies in being tied up by the snake.

He desperately tries to free his hands from their grasp, frantically thinking of a solution. With a sudden idea, he starts jumping, catching the attention of the armoured red goblin. The goblin laughs in amusement, underestimating Merton's actions.

In the meantime, Merton brings the snake closer to his neck, allowing it to begin constricting. He opens his mouth and bites the snake, unnoticed by the goblin. Merton bites down with force, enduring the effects of the snake's venom.

[You are affected by poison]

(Your poison resistance proficiency increases by 75%)

[You are immune to low poison]

Successfully freeing himself, Merton silently approaches the sleeping goblin, picking up the sword. He is just five steps away from the goblin when it suddenly notices his presence. Without wasting any time, Merton swiftly jumps and decapitates the goblin.

[You receive 150 experience points]

He holds the severed head and positions it alongside the goblin's body, placing them both down. Merton then takes the armoured goblin's sword, now equipped with two weapons. As he nears the other sleeping goblin, he notices that it is suffering from a fever. Without hesitation, Merton opens both goblin skulls.

[You receive 300 experience points]

Only two goblins remain, preoccupied with their activities and conversing in a strange language. Merton eavesdrops before stealthily approaching and attacking one of them, swiftly dispatching it.

The remaining guard goblin quickly retaliates, stabbing Merton without wasting a moment. Merton swiftly picks up his sword and fights back, but the goblin's agility proves to be a formidable challenge. The goblin dodges Merton's attack and begins circling him, launching another assault. Merton is quick to react, grabbing the goblin's hand and striking it down.

The goblin falls lifeless.

[You receive 150 experience points]

[Congratulations! You have cleared 1 floor]

[There is a dungeon. Do you want to clear it?

Reward: Mana

Clear conditions: Tolerate the pain of mana pool]


"Hell yeah!" Merton exclaims, accepting the challenge. He enters the dungeon and discovers a pool of warm water, resembling a soothing hot spring. He immerses himself in the pool and falls asleep, replenishing his energy.



Sing Jing Woos opens his eyes, and a series of messages appear on a holographic screen.

[You used Brainwash]

[Brainwashed being, unable to kill you]

[Brainwash proficiency: 95%]

[The goblin is partially brainwashed]

He finds himself in a cave, where a blue goblin tries to communicate with him. Though unable to understand the goblin initially, Sing Jing Woos senses that the goblin poses no harm. To his surprise, the goblin hands him a strange yellowish paper and signals him to tear it into two parts.

[Congratulations! You have received the skill: Universal Language]


"Hey, you! What did you do to me? I cannot harm you."

Sing Jing Woos:

"Hey, how can I understand you now?"

"I received a skill that allows me to comprehend any monster's language. Now, tell me, what did you do to me?"

Sing Jing Woos quickly realizes the goblin is referring to the Brainwash skill. The goblin faints while still seated on a rock. Sing Jing Woos commands the goblin to go outside and bring him five injured goblins incapable of movement. The goblin stands up and leaves the cave.

After a while, the goblin returns with two unconscious blue goblins. Sing Jing Woos takes a knife and opens both goblins' abdomens.

[You receive 100 experience points]



[You receive 150 experience points]

Sing Jing Woos reflects in surprise, realizing that red goblins yield more experience points.

"I was worried that the partially brainwashed goblin might attack me, but it seems it worked out fine."

[Congratulations! You have successfully cleared 1 floor]


Merton, still submerged in the pool, suddenly feels an excruciating pain coursing through his entire body. Despite the agony, he endures, but the pain intensifies, resembling countless ants biting at his flesh. With immense effort, he awakens and scrambles out of the pool, attempting to escape to a corner. However, his leg becomes trapped, and he is unable to free himself.

A message appears, revealing the true nature of the situation.

[You are in the last stage of receiving a hidden reward. If you endure the pain, you can leave the pool, but if you succumb to the pain, your life energy will be converted into a pool resource.]

Fear grips Merton as he contemplates his potential demise. Determined not to die without a fight, he resolves to endure the pain.

[You must endure the pain for 50 seconds]

Each passing second brings with it an increase in the torment, causing Merton to scream out in agony.


"Fucking tower! I will destroy you!" he yells in defiance.

[Congratulations! You are the first person to endure absolute pain on the 1st floor]

[You receive Pain Resistance]

[Pain Resistance proficiency increases by 100% - skill level up]

[Pain Resistance proficiency increases by 100% - skill level up]




[Pain Resistance proficiency reaches max level]

[10 seconds until the pain disappears]

9... 8... 7... 5... 4...

[You are experiencing the brink of death, pain]


[You are in a near-death situation]


[You almost died]


[A new skill, Death Pain Resistance, is created]

[Congratulations! You are the first person to possess Death Pain Resistance in this universe]

Merton's eyes bleed, and blood flows from his nose, ears, and mouth.

[Death Pain Resistance activates. All pain vanishes]

[Congratulations! You have received Death Mana]

"Merton, you fucking tower. Inviting me to the 2nd floor? I'll climb up and destroy the tower. Just you wait," Merton vows, filled with determination.

He vanishes into thin air, disappearing from the scene.

[welcome in second floor]

[You received a secret box]

[You received 30 state point]