
The change in History and Present

one day earth climate become unstable extremely hot places become cold and coldest mountain started to melt exact that day sky Chang it's colour every single big land was sharing different colors of sky and then boom a sound resonate in earth atmosphere creature that were only myth appear dragon Giant snake Phoenix giant bird insect all fell from the sky and massacre started human try to fight back but it was for nothing the entire earth lose its original specis exact that moment sky started to become clear a giant portal can be seen from that portal voices were resonating on entire earth theywere discussing about earth after long discussion a word resonate in earth that word Chang entire structure and history of earth that word was reset yeah reset after reseting exact same moment repeated them selves but this time something was diffrent when sky colour Chang in entire earth all govt make a annoucemmant that it was plan scientist already know about it and after that tower appear in earth and dungeons started to appear some people disappear and some awaken ability or power but it was not the end into tower those who become climber receive the biggest shock ever after clearing some floor they loss controls of there ability and when they come out side the tower they receive another shock world they knew was changed what change bring these strange tower how did govt know about that if govt know about that why did they not stop this but it was not the end last survived of tower when come out side the tower they lose all the hope what govt did with them why didn't public know about climber return and what was the Oirigin of tower and dungeon

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7 Chs


As Merton floated higher within the tower, a sense of both anticipation and frustration engulfed him. Unable to contain his anger any longer, he muttered to himself, "Who does this funky townler think they are, summoning me without my permission? I'll bring it down to ruins!" The recent breakup with his girlfriend only added fuel to his fiery emotions, prompting him to shout, hoping someone would take notice of his anguish. However, it seemed as though nobody in this peculiar place cared about anything that was happening.

Meanwhile, Singwoo, a thrill-seeking adventurer, marvelled at the towering structure before him. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he contemplated the possibilities that lay within. "Hey, this tower is real! I can't wait to encounter the monsters within. Maybe I can even tame them and make them my pets," he mused, his excitement barely contained.

Suddenly, a strange figure materialized in the centre of the island. The figure, a cute girl with rabbit ears and a childlike voice possessed an immaculate, fair complexion reminiscent of a model. She cleared her throat and made her presence known by announcing, "We warmly welcome all participants who have chosen to embark on this journey to climb the tower. However, I must clarify that I am not as capable as you might expect. Please remain cautious and refrain from engaging in unnecessary actions. Now, let me provide you with guidance: Floors 1 to 5 serve as tutorials. Once you clear them, you will unlock your innate abilities. Your subsequent tasks, strategies, and performance will be based on your state of mind and capabilities. Additionally, you will be equipped with a system that will guide and display your status throughout the journey. Good luck, and may you find joy in your adventure."

With her announcement, an air of excitement and uncertainty filled the surroundings, as participants prepared for the challenges that awaited them. The tower's mysteries began to unfold, offering an opportunity for growth and self-discovery to those daring enough to ascend its heights. The tower stands tall, looming over the landscape like a beacon of hope for those who seek adventure and fortune. The first 20 floors of the tower are designed to help beginner climbers learn how to survive in this new era of evolution. Each floor presents a unique challenge that tests your physical and mental abilities. From navigating through a maze of traps to battling fierce creatures, you will be pushed to your limits.

However, these floors also offer a great opportunity for fortune seekers. You may come across powerful artefacts and unique sources of energy that can aid you in your climb. These treasures are hidden throughout the floors, waiting to be discovered by those who are brave enough to seek them out.

For those who wish to skip ahead, there are hidden shortcuts available. You can jump from the 6th floor to the 10th or from the 16th floor to the 20th, allowing you to bypass some of the earlier challenges if you feel confident in your abilities.

But it's not just seasoned climbers who enter the tower. People from outside the tower can also enter, lured by the promise of wealth and adventure. For these outsiders, the first 20 floors are a test of their mettle, a chance to prove themselves worthy of climbing higher.

The beginner floors are like a training ground for new climbers, divided into 20 distinct levels. This is known as Phase 1 of the tower's evolution, with six more phases yet to be revealed. As you progress through the tower, more information about each phase will be revealed to you, providing you with a better understanding of what lies ahead.

But be warned, the tower is not for the faint of heart. It's a place where danger lurks around every corner and death is a constant companion. Only those with the courage and skill to face their fears and overcome them will reach the top and claim the ultimate prize. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

As Merton looked around the ground floor, he noticed the blue particles shimmering,

Suddenly he feel a sudden pull and he received a message

[You are transported to the red Goblin tutorial]

[Survive it and kill 5 goblins]

Startled by the message, Merton exclaimed, "Goblins? Where are they?" Realizing that he had no weapons to defend himself, he knew he needed to secure an area and devise a plan.

With determination, he began searching for anything that could aid him in his predicament. As he pondered his recent breakup, frustration welled up inside him, causing him to mutter, "This damn tower is toying with me. It feels like my life has become a playground for everyone, just waiting to inflict more pain."

Feeling overwhelmed, Merton let out a sigh of frustration, muttering, "Maybe I should just give up. Maybe I don't even want to live anymore. Hey, goblin, come and finish me off."

Suddenly, an arrow pierced through the air, striking Merton's abdomen, jolting him back to reality.


Meanwhile, Sing Jing Woos also receives a message from the tower.

[You are transported to the blue Goblin tutorial]

[Survive it and kill 5 goblins]

"Goblin. So it's like a game," he muses.

"First of all, I need to check my status." Sing Jing Woos opens his status window.

Sing Jin-woo was amazed by the message he received from the tower. He couldn't believe that it was like a game. He knew that he had to check his status first. He opened the holographic window and saw a blue screen containing his information.


Name: Sing Jing Woos

Age: 21

Innate Ability: Not Awakened

Level: 0

Title: None

Being: Human


Strength: 15

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 9

Perception: 20

Charisma: 20


Brainwash (Level 0)



"What the hell? Brainwash? When did I get that skill? How can I use it?" he questions.

Suddenly, a blue goblin appears, running towards him and jumping high, ready to attack.

"What can I do? I only have one skill, which seems useless. I have to try it. I'll use Brainwash!" Sing Jing Woos shouts, attempting to activate the skill.

But to his dismay, nothing happens. The goblin grabs his knife and throws it towards Sing Jing Woos.

Panicking, he shouts again, "Brainwash!"

1 [Skill: Brainwash activated]

But it's too late, the knife has already injured him.

[You are affected by poison]

[You are losing consciousness]

And he faints.


Meanwhile, Thomas, who is hiding in a tree, starts to plan his survival. He decides to craft a wooden sword, using a stone as a weapon.

[You have created your first weapon. You receive +5 stat points]

"I was planning to fight the goblin. Maybe now, with the trap I've set up, I have a chance of winning," Thomas thinks to himself.