
Solemn Oath

On my shoulder then appeared a small petite youthful woman dressed in black clothing. She sat crossed legged as she looked at me with curiosity. She seemed to be telling me something I could not quite understand, that was when Lucifer interrupted, and our gazes turned towards him.

"So you chose Leila the succubus well… worse choices have been made you see this one time I got this nasty chlamydia from this old lady in the nursing home I will tell you those grandma's can give a nasty.."

"Lucifer you are so mean how could you say I am horrible choice? Didn't I give you the foursome you always wanted while wearing those freaky panda costumes? I have to say you were a little too much into it." Leila interrupted Lucifer.

I massage my temples as I try to get my thoughts in order "Lucifer I need ask you a question and a favor before we arrive"

"Oh, what would that be?" Lucifer folded his arms "Were short on time"

"Fine, I noticed that my current body in this dimension resembles me when I was in my mid-twenties is this going to remain, or will it change when we leave? If the latter, then do I have any choice in how I appear?"

"In this dimension we can take whatever form we wish this is the after-life at this moment you're like a spirit but not quite that dead yet. This is also how you perceive yourself so this is how you appear, regarding your appearance later on I will admit there will be some changes. You will keep your current form, but you will grow some horns here" he points to his head "You will also sprout a tail out of your ass, besides that nothing too dramatic"

Lucifer seeing my serious face just smiles as he says "You really have no sense of humor, do you? Or maybe" he gets closer to me "You are just scared that the moment you show any weakness you'll lose all hope and never escape from me" he paused as he chuckled "No matter you belong to me now no matter how much you struggle all it will do is prolong your suffering"

"I need you to make me a mask" I told him "I need a mask that cannot be destroyed and cannot be taken off unless I wish it to. I also need the mask to have two abilities the first is to keep me hidden without any trace second is it needs to be able to change my form. As for the design make it that of a fox"

Lucifer then motioned me with his hand to come closer as I did, he put his hand in my face. His hand instantly lit up brightly in a blue light as it burned my face. No matter how much I screamed no sound could come out. In what felt was eternity only lasted a couple seconds when Lucifer was done he put his hand away. Letting me fall down to my knees as I struggle with the intense pain.

"The price of the mask is pain, you will feel this everyday it will remind you to never think of betraying me. That was only a fraction of what hell fire truly feels like, the moment you consider escaping the pain will become double that what it is now. Now go that door leads to the room where your new life will begin and remember I am always watching". Lucifer then disappears as if he was never there and darkness again descends into the surrounding area.

A door behind me materializes and I turn around to walk towards it as I open the door. I make myself a solemn oath that one day I will settle the score with Lucifer then I take my first step towards my destiny.