
The Boys: Vought Chronicles

Synopsis: Marcus Williams, an ordinary college student and superhero enthusiast, finds himself unexpectedly reborn into the universe of "The Boys" with a unique system that promises him the power of Superman. However, to unlock this ultimate power, he must first complete Saitama's legendary training regimen from "One Punch Man" for two years, which brings unexpected surprises as he regains some hidden memories of his predecessor.Reborn as an 26-year-old in the body of a Vought International staff member, Marcus navigates the dark, dangerous world of corrupt superheroes while secretly training to achieve unparalleled power. As the series' main storyline approaches, Marcus must decide how to use his newfound abilities to influence the world around him.

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34 Chs

CHAPTER 30: The Evolution II

Suspended in the vast emptiness of space, Marcus Hayes felt an overwhelming surge of power coursing through his body as he floated closer to the Sun. His new suit, crafted from cutting-edge materials, did little to mitigate the intensity of the solar radiation. He had expected this—the searing heat, the blinding light, the sheer, unyielding energy—but he hadn't anticipated the feeling of absolute immobility that overtook him.

Marcus couldn't move. His body was frozen in place, held captive by the Sun's immense gravitational pull and the overwhelming power of the radiation saturating his cells. Yet, despite his inability to move, his mind remained sharp, alert, and intensely aware of the situation.

Why can't I move? he thought, the panic briefly flickering in his mind before he wrestled it under control. His thoughts raced back to when he first realized he had the Superman bloodline—how he believed that simply by being exposed to the Sun, he would become all-powerful, invincible, beyond any mortal or meta-human comprehension. It seemed so straightforward back then: fly close to the Sun, absorb its power, and unlock his full potential.

But reality had proven to be far more complicated.

Initially, Marcus couldn't expose himself fully to the Sun's rays. His body, though resilient, had shown signs of stress and overloading, much to his frustration. He had spent countless hours in his lab, analyzing his biology and the strange hybrid nature of his Superman abilities. He had thought that possessing the Superman bloodline would make him nearly omnipotent. Instead, his cells reacted violently to intense solar exposure, pushing his body to its limits. The more he pushed, the more damage he sustained, until he realized he had to be careful—had to ration his exposure, allowing his body time to acclimate.

And then there was the issue of the lingering soul. Lenny Butcher's presence was something Marcus hadn't expected. The memories of Lenny's tortured existence, his anguish, his rage—they had all left an indelible mark on Marcus. It was as if Lenny had etched his pain into Marcus's very being. At first, Lenny's soul acted as a barrier, preventing Marcus from unleashing his full potential. Superman's bloodline was remarkably strong but also notoriously vulnerable to psychic and mental attacks. Lenny's lingering presence had been a constant, gnawing hindrance.

Over time, however, Marcus had found ways to coexist with Lenny's soul . In some ways, he had even benefited from the presence of that fragmented consciousness. The telekinesis ability, for example, had manifested unexpectedly, a byproduct of the psychic residue that Lenny's soul had left behind. Marcus had learned to harness it, to bend it to his will, and to add it to his arsenal of powers.

Lenny's soul, was seemingly dormant now. Marcus used to feel it like tremors in his psyche—subtle shifts and trembles that warned him of his limitations but not anymore since he was evolving he could fully access his Superman abilities without feeling Lenny's interference with telekinesis as a new ability, a constant reminder of his hybrid nature.

As he floated closer to the Sun, the intensity of the solar radiation increased, and Marcus felt his cells begin to vibrate, a strange sensation that rippled through his entire being. This is it, he thought, feeling a combination of anticipation and exciting. The evolution was happening, and he was powerless to stop it, locked in place by the overwhelming energy.

Then, suddenly, everything went quiet.

The sensations stopped. The burning, the vibrating, the pressure—it all ceased, leaving Marcus in a strange state of serenity. Is it over?he wondered, the thought barely forming in his mind before he felt a sudden shift in his perception. He could think faster, clearer. His thoughts moved like lightning, racing through his mind at speeds he had never experienced before.

He was evolving.

A notification flashed in his mind's eye, his system panel reappearing before him, displaying a new set of stats. "Evolution Complete: Superman (Advanced) achieved."

He blinked, feeling a mixture of surprise and disbelief. That was quick, he thought, half-expecting the process to take days, if not years. He had prepared himself for a long, grueling evolution, but the Sun had accelerated the process beyond anything he could have anticipated.

The system panel continued to display his new abilities, highlighting his enhanced attributes:



Current Ability: Superman (Advanced)

•Strength: (Planetary Level)

•Speed: (Mach 30)

•Flight: (Sub-Orbital Flight)

•Durability: (Near Invulnerability)

•Heat Vision:(Omega Level Control)

•Solar Absorption: (Enhanced Mastery)

•Mental Ability: (Parallel Thinking)

•Telekinesis: (Advanced Manipulation)


He then finds out that the system doesn't show any percentage of his abilities anymore. Marcus focused on his body, willing himself to move. To his relief, he found that he could—his limbs responding fluidly, effortlessly, the immobility that had plagued him moments ago now entirely gone. He flexed his hands, feeling the power flowing through them, the energy of the Sun still coursing through his veins when he continues to absorb the energy with his enhanced mastery.

I did it, he realized, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. I've evolved.

However, his moment of triumph was short-lived as his system panel flashed with a new alert: "Unstable Energy Detected: Caution Advised."Marcus frowned, momentarily confused, but then he understood. The rapid evolution had left his cells charged with an unstable amount of solar energy. He would need to be careful, to let his body adjust to its newfound power, or risk overloading. He then prepared to leave the Sun's orbit and fly back to earth.


Meanwhile, back on Earth...

At Neotech Industries, the tension was palpable. The military had been putting immense pressure on the company, attempting to leverage a recent media scandal that, although resolved with undeniable evidence, still left a sour taste in the public's mouth. The military's demands were clear: more subsidies on the new VR technology and Medpod300 units they were purchasing in bulk.

Wang Ling sat at the negotiation table, his expression calm but stern as he faced the military representatives. "We've already provided substantial discounts and incentives for your bulk orders," he stated firmly. "Any further concessions would impact our operations significantly."

The lead representative, a stern-looking colonel, leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "We believe that given the recent public relations debacle, Neotech should be more... accommodating. After all, a little goodwill goes a long way."

Wang remained unflinching. "The evidence we presented was clear and unequivocal. Neotech has done nothing wrong. The scandal was a fabrication, and we've proven our integrity. If you're looking for goodwill, then perhaps we should discuss a more collaborative partnership, rather than one-sided demands."

The colonel's expression hardened. "Perhaps you misunderstand the gravity of the situation. The military has significant influence. We could make things... difficult for your company."

Wang felt a surge of frustration but kept his composure. "With all due respect, we are more than willing to work with the military, but we won't be strong-armed into an unfavorable agreement. Neotech is committed to fair and ethical business practices."

The standoff continued, with neither side willing to back down. All the while, Wang couldn't shake the worry gnawing at the back of his mind. Marcus, wherever you are, I hope you're safe... and that you come back soon.

As negotiations dragged on, Wang knew that the coming days would be challenging. But he also knew that Neotech Industries had faced tougher adversities before, and with Marcus's leadership—whenever he returned—they would emerge stronger, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.