
The Boy Dyed In Blood

The Boy Dyed In Blood, Eren lived a grey life he never had a friend only an abusive father, after his death his soul wandered around until it found a new born snake to inhabit. This is Eren's journey through evolution.

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8 Chs

The evolution to Serpentine

With the cold blood from the goblin leader still in Eren's mouth he awoke from his daze in the same place he was birthed, focusing his vision once again he could feel many changes in his body, looking up at the blue screen gave Eren a shock.


Race: Malevolent Serpent

Level: 10 (exp:0/45)

Evolution: Serpentine

Attack: 55

Defence: 60

Agility: 45

Skill-Passive: (Blood Trail: Lvl-2)(Weak Point-Lvl-1)

Skill-Active: (Flash Strike: Lvl-5)(Poison Gland-Lvl-1)

Mana: 25/25

Flustered at his new abilities Eren could not hold in his excitement until his eyes laid upon the evolution "Serpentine?... what the hell is that?" as he thought this his now blood red eyes paired with a deep black slit for a pupil focused on his body, it was now a staggering 1.5 meters long and about twice as thick as a grown mans arm. The most shocking features were his cobra like neck features paired with vanta black scales that sucked in the sunlight, there were a few small strands of red left on his scales strewn around like tribal tattoos. Eren's scales and teeth seemed to both harden as well due to his evolution his teeth now after collapsing out his mouth were around the size of a finger while his scales felt as if a bullet would ricochet of them if he was shot.

"Ssss Ssssss"

"With this I can finally catch an elf" Eren tried to speak but all that came out was his long tong along with a blood curdling hissing noise.

Truly terrifying was Eren's new speed, his black scales slithered throughout the cave leaving no noise in their wake only the small red tattoos on his body gave any indignation he had come and gone. Slithering at high speed like a kid on christmas Eren quickly used his new skills (Weak Point) and (Poison Gland) on an unsuspecting horned rabbit. In front of Eren's renewed eyesight the rabbits neck lit up along with his other vital points followed by a large chunk of poison that hit in that very same spot causing the horned rabbit to writhe around in pain before dying shortly after. "That poison really is deadly even if it does cost a good chunk of mana it will surely be invaluable" he inwardly thought to himself.

After devouring the horned rabbit he slithered around now traversing towards the outskirts of the elven city, he scouted around the barrier to get a good premise of his surroundings which took a lot of time due to the sheer size of the city. While looking around many elves left and entered around the same areas of the barrier, a lightbulb appeared in his head as his brain started to formulate a plan of action to devour his first elf.

Finding a hollowed tree trunk next to the least used entrance to the barrier he stayed in waiting, only at maximum two elves would use this barrier every hour and next to none would use it as the sun set. However what Eren was looking for was not adult elf's he was looking for unsuspecting Elden children, he spotted the odd elf child come out the barrier every now and then but there was yet to be an eld child come out of this secluded exit.

For what seemed like a week Eren had got into the routine of leaving at night and hunting and then resuming his watch at the secluded exit during the day, with the daylight hours getting longer it seemed the summer months of this world were setting in. Now after waiting for around 8 days Eren decided on a different plan of action which would be riskier but alas he had no choice, coincidentally as Eren was about to move out of his hollowed tree a small beautiful elven child with red eyes and tears streaming down its face ran out of the barrier.

Running as fast as its legs could carry it the child didn't seem to be going in a certain direction, after making sure the child wasn't followed Eren's lips would of curled up into a grin if they could as his terrifying gaze followed the child that was running as a predator would do to prey.


Race: Malevolent Serpent

Level: 10 (exp:20/45)

Evolution: Serpentine

Attack: 55

Defence: 60

Agility: 45

Skill-Passive: (Blood Trail: Lvl-3)(Weak Point-Lvl-1)

Skill-Active: (Flash Strike: Lvl-5)(Poison Gland-Lvl-1)

Mana: 25/25

Please let me know if there is incorrect grammar :)

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