Rose Wyatt, a seemingly ordinary personal secretary to the enigmatic CEO of Walden Group, Asher Walden, hides a dark secret. As a witch, she has carefully woven her life into the human world, concealing her true nature. All hell breaks loose when she starts having feelings for Asher. With a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows and love rivals vying for Asher's attention, Rose's magical powers become increasingly erratic. The risk of exposure is higher than ever, and her growing affection for Asher complicates matters further. Can Rose balance her secret identity with her budding feelings for the man she loves, or will her magical abilities ultimately tear them apart? Thank you @iinka29 for thee character images. They are beautiful!
Klint was drinking. It wasn't alcohol but something called Death juice. It was not addictive but deadly. But it provided him with a relief.
Relief from knowing the truth.
He dangled his legs as he sat sideways on his chair. His head was tilted back and he was dangerously close to falling down.
A shadow appeared and kneeled before him.
"Lord, we caught him."
Klint didn't look at him, he just swirled the drink.
The shadow was kneeling with the head down waiting for a response.
"Find a way to remove the tracker and find the truth."
The shadow nodded.
"Yes, Lord."
Then the shadow disappeared in a black mist. Klint took out a bottle and filled his glass again.
Sometimes, it was better to be in a blissful ignorant state than face your reality. It's happier that way.
Klint chose to forget himself.
It gave him a reprieve for a moment.
Just a moment!
Another shadow appeared.