Rose Wyatt, a seemingly ordinary personal secretary to the enigmatic CEO of Walden Group, Asher Walden, hides a dark secret. As a witch, she has carefully woven her life into the human world, concealing her true nature. All hell breaks loose when she starts having feelings for Asher. With a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows and love rivals vying for Asher's attention, Rose's magical powers become increasingly erratic. The risk of exposure is higher than ever, and her growing affection for Asher complicates matters further. Can Rose balance her secret identity with her budding feelings for the man she loves, or will her magical abilities ultimately tear them apart? Thank you @iinka29 for thee character images. They are beautiful!
The Queen had high prestige in the community of shifters. The next day, Leo brought twenty shifters. Rose looked at them standing neatly and wondered what to do next.
She called Asher. He appeared in a flash.
"Look at them. What should I do?"
Asher walked to the window and peered out. He came back and sat down.
"We have to see what their special abilities are before asking them to work."
Rose glanced at the tall and strong shifters and did a double take.
"They look like they can fight."
The Queen laughed.
"Haha, no, on the contrary, they can't fight. Lion shifters are peace lovers. That doesn't mean they don't fight when threatened. But now, they are relaxed. I don't know why."
She shrugged.
Poor lion shifters had this person as their ancestor who wanted to just cheat them as soon as she saw them.
"How about their magic? Any special powers?"
Asher asked the Queen.