Rose Wyatt, a seemingly ordinary personal secretary to the enigmatic CEO of Walden Group, Asher Walden, hides a dark secret. As a witch, she has carefully woven her life into the human world, concealing her true nature. All hell breaks loose when she starts having feelings for Asher. With a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows and love rivals vying for Asher's attention, Rose's magical powers become increasingly erratic. The risk of exposure is higher than ever, and her growing affection for Asher complicates matters further. Can Rose balance her secret identity with her budding feelings for the man she loves, or will her magical abilities ultimately tear them apart?
It took them five days to become normal. And Maya kept checking up on Rose. She brought her so many healing charms and fruits, Rose loved them.
She placed them on her bedside and admired them while eating. Such gifts were really nice.
Rose could run now. But she wasn't allowed to return to the facility. Obviously for her health reasons. They didn't want her to get some idea on a whim and get weak again trying to implement it.
She had to say, they knew her really well. And really clever keeping her away from the facility. On top of it, she didn't know the address too. As Maya had used the portal to take them, she didn't know the actual location so she was like a headless fly now if she wanted to go meet Maya there.
The other thing was whether May would give her entry. She may very well send her back as it is.