
the bloody teller( paused)

you follow a man known as Virgil a vampire who has consumed the king's blood and his fight against his older twin Dante who had broken the knights of the bloody veils to protect the Queen's blood and instead Dante consumed at all and destroyed the knights of the bloody veil and turning his brother Virgil into stone or so he thought he destroyed the knight of the bloody veil

The_Abyssal_seer · Fantasi
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5 Chs

chapter 2: seeing how far Dante has fallen

The two younger vampires looked at each other wondering if Virgil really was the right person to try and to get Virgil before they could open their mouths Virgil with smile at them

"well you two young'uns barely look like you know how to live as a vampire because if you lived anywhere near as long as I have. you would have known you were better off drinking that blood instead of giving it to me now I'm nearly on the same level as my brother in power. the king's blood if you don't know this already was split up into six different chalices meaning now that I've rented I have a connection to the blood if I get for say a few kilometers from it. I'll be able to sense it and follow that feeling directly to the blood and the more chalice is filled with blood. I consume the easier it gets for me to sense. but you two probably doesn't know the consequences of the power we have as immortal beings do you?"

The looks on their face looked like they were absolutely confused Virgil placed his index finger on his bridge of his nose as he begin to sighing

"the more power you gain the more your body loses the appearance of human like that's why the Lost are so inhuman looking they've gained so much power from the blood they consumed they no longer human inform look at my right arm for example it doesn't look human at all does it that's because of how potent the king's blood is when it comes to power the king and queen are the first vampires the four knights came after them and you probably don't know this not many do besides knights of the bloody veil. The King was the most physically strong out of all of our kin. the Queen the most gifted and powerful with blood magic that's why they were known as the king and queen of vampiric kind." the girl spoke up after what seems like she would never speak up again

"are you telling me we are doomed to become monsters!?!!"

The midget seems to not be surprised by this fact he probably was sired by a very old and powerful vampire unlike this girl Virgil spoke

"yes by the very moment you became a vampire you became a monster humans don't drink blood do they they don't gain powers do they?"

as Virgil say this the look on her face paled well more paler than what was her skin tone anyway Virgil was laughing his ass off.

"hehehehehe oh my God how can you be so damn clueless?!?"

The midget spoke

"come on leave the young girl alone she's only been a vampire for what 5 years now"

Virgil stop when he heard the names as he smiled with almost a curious grin

"so she's not even a fledgling yet wow besides my brother I've never met someone so young in vampiric years so midget do you know who sired her?"

This made the midget angry but he did reluctantly answer

"I was the one who sired her"

Virgil look angry at this response

"you know that's against our kinds laws right?"

The midget look like he didn't know what Virgil was talking about which mean he wasn't even more older than her

"by the damn goddess only vampires who live for a minimum of 50 years are allowed to sire anyone because by then they know how to live like a vampire to coexist with humans so we all are not hunted to Extinctio.n or at least that was how it was what it sounds like my brother went ahead and changed the laws of the world did you ever wonder why there was only six vampires in the world at the beginning with thousands of humans? hell you're not even considered a fledgling would you have to live for a minimum of 15 years as a vampire unless your sire a banded you midget you should have known this"

both their faces seemed almost like new neurologist was given to them by all laws of the bloody veil Virgil had to take these two under his wing to teach them the ropes which royally pissed him off

"well I guess it's now my job to teach you how it's done and how to live considering you both know Jackschitt of the old ways and you're wondering how we bloody veil live time to teach you more than just how to live like a vampire big pain in the ass you two are going to be but I am now stuck with you because I still follow the laws of the bloody veil"

both of them didn't know what Virgil mean but they could honestly tell that whatever Virgil it was obviously something important and probably they should know

"but before I teach you to anything I'm going to have to see how far my brother has fallen so lead the way pup's"

the two of them didn't know and didn't like what he called them but they did reluctantly did as he said they led the way and as soon as Vergil saw this city and what had become it was beautiful in his eyes but he could just smell the scent of blood on the air like a damn hurricane went through Virgil fangs was sticking out which are any moment he could go into a blood frenzy just from the scent alone to be perfectly honest Virgil was feeling quite impressed with his brother Dante

"well damn you two you two must have had some real damn good control with this smell on the air hell it's so damn profound I bent humans can even smell it" both of them just looked at him seeing the fangs out to be perfectly honest Virgil is still thirsty after all a hundred years you would be thirsty to of you would be turn to Stone for that long "and here's a tidbit for you 2 don't tell your friends that I have been awoken information is a b**** to control if you don't fully trust them and you never know if my brother has spies in your group and if he learned I have been awoken he will bring a entire armies worth of hell on your heads" Virgil knew his brother will enough even if he is changed when Dante gets serious he plays no games unless he's grown to be more of a sadist to his people and his servants he's not going to play any games he's going to wipe them out and then gun it for Virgil he could see the city and it's full when he perceived as beauty metal vehicles moving around large buildings reaching to the sky if humans weren't one thing but ingenuitive Virgil didn't know what to give them then both of the youngbloods just looked at Virgil's face he have been trapped for so long but he was taking in the sights very peaceful "well I have to give my brother one thing he did a lot while I've been stoned"

Virgil would have a smile on his face as he looked around the two fledglings followed him as he looked around he noticed something a lot of humans were wearing very revealing clothes and bite marks are where the skin is revealed Virgil suppose this is what humans that were walking blood bags as Virgil walk through the streets he knows that there was some people who were wearing what seemed to be uniforms which the two flex things Amelia look the other way of them one of them saw virtual staring at them and shouted

"where you looking at!!"

The others attention was caught as well from this Virgil replied

"just looking at a bunch of youngins that's all"

he says as he began to walk away when he could tell one of them was pissed at his statement but the rest just laugh as Virgil then found a human that look like they were in pain and he quickly synced his teeth into their neck to feed on them. this is how he fed back before he was turned to stone he found on the homeless the sick and The runaways this is how he never got found out most likely vampires nowadays wouldn't drink this human blood even if they were starving. they've gone too used to be ability to have decent grade blood anytime they want furniture and drink to the suffering human dry not leaving a single drop was left the two fledglings look disgusted at him. and he simply responded with a smile and few words

"well there was a Pacific way you were meant to get food back before I was turned to Stone. in large populated cities you go for the homeless that one of the ways. and those who are just simply alone at the wrong time"

he said as he could tell they were more sick people and he went to go drink all of their blood too. he needed to fill himself up after all he was starving still he continued this trend until he was filled it took eighteen sick homeless people to fill him. he lick one of his canines. and the vampires that were around simply horrified at his gluttony and their mouths dropped open. they never seem someone so starving for blood who isn't in a frenzy. before hell the people who look like soldiers from those were wide open as well furniture smiled at them and spoke

"I've been sleeping for about 250 years I'm starving okay?"

yeah I decided to add 20 because that was quickly around the time when a vampire would wake from a long slumber. all the vampires nod slightly figuring I was telling the truth and my hunger definitely suggested I was. the soldier went about their business except for one. he just stopped and just still look at me he was probably a fledgling himself. so he didn't understand what being a sleeper so long could do someone's hunger.