
chapter one: computer murder

This all started in 7th grade 1998 a girl named Lilly she was only 13 years old she was at school on a Friday and was having so much fun with ur friends,but then she was in the computer room by herself and two boys came with a pocket knife their names were Adrian and Michael.

They had a crush on her but she did not like them back so they had a very evil plan. The were going to kill her at the end of the school day . When school was over she stabbed her in her back and ran off luckily someone called the cops and Lilly lived.

but the boys didn't stop the tried again a week later and she died on Friday . Then next week on a Friday she decided to go back home leaving BLOODY FOOTPRINTS behind she walked into her parents bedroom opened the door and stabbed her parents. While they were gaping for air the said "Lilly bear why did you do this " but Lilly just walked away as her parents were slowly dying.

Then her next target were the two boys about right after they graduated shortly after that .She snuck into their house slowly leaving behind BLOODY FOOTPRINTS and stabbed them both in the back they kept begging her not to and saying that their sorry but she continued

Since that day she haunts people and kills them every Friday only once a month . So lock your doors you will never know when she will come.

This story is not true